Blue Lacuna — 458 of 475

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - The Library

[ {The library. Here, upon entering, the player is recognized as the famous scientist and given the books he had reserved. One is on the emerald crystals, and their fantastic property to communicate even over impossibly great distances. The Treeworld used up their entire supply. The book also mentions that the crystals are somewhat radioactive, and prolonged exposure to them produces identical symptoms to those suffered by Progue.} ]

Room2 is a rebelcity-room. The description of Room2 is "The avenue is well kept here, outside an old stone building lined with fluted columns. A short flight of [d]steps[x] leads up to its entrance, and a chiseled [o]inscription[x] runs along the top of the building.[paragraph break][exits].". Understand "steps" as library-room when location is Room2.

Report going from Room2 to library-room: say "You crest the worn stone steps and pass through a set of heavy wrought-iron doors into a dim, cool, airy interior.". Report going from library-room to Room2: say "You push the heavy doors open and emerge into the noise and chaos of the city.".

The library-facade is a setpiece in Room2. The printed name is "library". Understand "steps/library/building" as library-facade when location is Room2. Instead of doing anything to library-facade, try going inside.

The chiseled inscription is a setpiece in Room2. The description is "TO THOSE WHO NAMELESS FOUND NAMES, HOMELESS MADE HOMES, AND TREELESS, GREW.[paragraph break]BUILDER TALL[line break]COUNTER QUICK[line break]\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[line break]MOTHER ROSEHAIR[line break]PLANTER LONGSTRIDE[line break]HUNTER KEENSIGHT[line break]TEACHER GRACE[line break]HEALER GOLD[line break]SPEAKER SWIFTTONGUE[line break]TENDER SHARPEARS[line break]AND TWO WHO DIED CHILDLESS AND NAMELESS[paragraph break]There is a gap in the list of names, as if one has been removed." Understand "gap/list/names/missing/name" as chiseled inscription.

Instead of going inside from Room2 when Islander Bombing is happening: say "The doors to the library are shut and barred.".

The Library-room is a room. The Library-room is inside from Room2. The printed name of Library-room is "Library". The description of Library-room is "Light filters in through high windows, illuminating shelves of books and rows of wood tables. The sounds of the city are muffled in this space.[paragraph break]An elderly [o]man[x] with spectacles sits reading behind a desk, next to a wooden table[if the number of things supported by wooden table > 0], on which rests [a list of things on wooden table][end if].[paragraph break][exits].". The exits text of library-room is "Dust motes dance in a beam of grey light pouring through the wrought-iron doors leading [d]back[x] outside".

A wooden table is an undescribed supporter in Library-room. Understand "tables" as wooden table.

A reb-librarian is an undescribed man in the library-room. Understand "man/librarian/elderly" as reb-librarian. The printed name of reb-librarian is "elderly librarian". The description is "Perched on a high, straight-backed chair, he slowly scans through an enormous grey tome, squinting through spectacles on a long brass chain.". Understand "elderly" or "man" as the reb-librarian. After greeting a reb-librarian: say "[one of]The old librarian looks up at you. 'Oh, Doctor Quick,' he says, 'your books are ready.' He retrieves a stack of [o]books[x] and sets them on a wooden table, as well as a small green [o]slip[x]. The last he taps with a pained sigh. 'One of them was confiscated just this morning,' he says sadly, 'apologies.'[or]He looks up in distraction. 'Sorry, doctor,' he says, 'can't chat right now... I've got reams of paperwork to handle.'[stopping]"; post-conversation processing; move the crystal-book to the wooden table; move the green slip to the wooden table; move other-book to wooden table; move stack-of-books to location; now wooden table is described.

A stack-of-books is a prop with printed name "stack of books". Understand "stack of books" or "stack/books" as stack-of-books. The description is "A large, well-bound [o]textbook[x], a bound [o]periodical[x], and a small green [o]slip[x] are stacked on the table.". Check taking stack-of-books: say "You're not sure if you're allowed to take them with you. Better read them here." instead. Instead of doing something other than examining or examining by name to stack-of-books: say "[as the parser]You'll need to specify what book to do that to[as normal].".

Instead of attacking reb-librarian: increase the rap sheet of DrQuick by 3; say "The librarian staggers back under your attack, gives out a cry, then darts from the room in a panic."; remove reb-librarian from play.

The green slip is a prop. The description is "The small green slip is a form, which indicates that a book called 'The Testimony of Weaver Greeneyes' was removed from the library on today's date for 'containing seditious and treasonable material aiding the enemy.'".

Instead of taking a book when location is Library-room, say "You're not sure where you'll be heading next, so you may as well read them here.".

A crystal-book is a book. The printed name is "large, well-bound textbook". Understand "textbook" or "large" as crystal-book. The description is "The book is titled 'A Scientific, Technical, and Medical Analysis of Somenium Carcerate Six, Based on Original Research and Data Stolen From the Great Forest Link, by Hunter Smoothfaced.'". The contents of crystal-book is Table of Crystal-book Contents.

An other-book is a book. The printed name is "bound periodical". Understand "bound" or "periodical" as other-book. The description is "This small volume is bound with a cardboard cover stenciled in black ink. The cover contains an ornately decorated title taking up half the page reading 'Spirit Of City' in a bold and elegant script, surrounded by curved fabric banners and stone columns and a noble woman in drapery peering off into the distance. Underneath the title in smaller print it says 'Year 21 Issue 4,' and beneath that, 'Why We Are Right: Tender Frosthair On The Folly Of The Greeneyes.'". The contents of other-book is Table of Art-Book Contents.

Table of Art-Book Contents

"The interior of the magazine consists mostly of small, blurred type in narrow columns, with few illustrations. The title story is a massive essay which seems to be justifying the actions of City's government in some sort of open-ended war. A representative paragraph:[paragraph break]'But this is precisely where Leader Greeneyes and his deluded followers have always been wrong. They know as much as we how precious a commodity is land on our world; what a narrow strip of equatorial ground deigns to support life and crops here. The subcontinent they have claimed for their perverted society is not theirs by right, as their diplomats would claim, and nor is their occupation of it justified. For where are our grandchildren to live, once our lands are filled?'"
"A full-page message in an officious font runs below a bold heading reading 'Important Information About The Curfew':[paragraph break]Citizens-- In this time of warfare and uncertainty, there are certain sacrifices we all must make. As you are no doubt aware, I have recently signed a Will extending the temporary curfew beginning nightly at Hour the 7th indefinitely. This gives me no great pleasure, and were there any other method to secure the safety of our City, I would pursue it. But my intelligence officers inform me that Greeneye agents are at large in the city, holding secret meetings and plotting to overthrow our government and invade our territory. I cannot and will not allow this to happen. Please do your part and abide by the curfew. I have full confidence in our soldiers and Force, and know in my heart we will prevail in this struggle. Thank you. ----Leader Tall."
"A series of articles under the banner 'Thought and Counter-Thought' argue two sides of various issues, including 'Are street games a Detriment to our Children's Education?', 'Should more be Spent on Greeneyes protection?', 'Should our Artists be Subsidized?' and 'Does Leader Tall deserve Another Term of Office?'"
"A section entitled 'Dramaturgical Review' contains passionate, long-winded reviews about a series of 'enactions' playing at City Theatre:[paragraph break]'The Long Night of Mother Rosehair' is a historical piece praised for its authentic costumes and realistic performance by 'one of Mother's most talented descendants.'[paragraph break]'Think' receives low marks from the reviewer, who says that 'audiences are beginning to tire of being asked to participate in every second-rate enaction in town,' but does admit the performers 'do a fine job at engaging the crowd in a rousing discussion of modern philosophical theory.'[paragraph break]'The Cold White Stars, Part One' is a 'rather implausible' story of bold future explorers on a mission to a strange and far-off planet, but the reviewer says it does manage to awaken 'a spirit of adventure,' and that he encourages readers to attend and 'fund the author to write the second installment.'[paragraph break]'Twirl the Window Wares,' making its 'triumphant return,' is apparently a more experimental enaction involving 'musicians, technicians, animals, and seven poets' that 'captures the heart and soul of this reviewer and the audience once again,' and is 'even more poignant and relevant today than upon its initial enaction.'"
"The back of the periodical is a jumble of ink-smudged ads, only their bolded title lines standing out: 'Seeking Boarders,' 'Used cookware: fine quality,' 'Learning School Accepting Students,' 'Serve Your City: Join The Force,' 'Quality Books and Papers,' 'City's Finest Meals,' 'War Bonds,' and more."

Table of Crystal-book Contents

"The first page of the book begins a general introduction, identifying somenium carcerate six as the substance which enabled the windsigh (windsigh, though some part of your borrowed mind hints the original word is a great deal less poetic and flattering) to communicate over 'seemingly limitless' distances. 'The scientific reasons for this still, after much research, remain obscure,' the author writes. 'But it seems clear that somenium creates or amplifies some as-yet unmeasured bond between individuals, allowing thoughts and connections to be forged regardless of distance between the subjects.'"
"The next marked page contains a sketch showing columns of hexagonal material, turning to powder at their worn edges. The caption explains that it is a rendering of what the somenium crystal must look like in its natural state, and that in solid form it would have a rich, sea-blue hue."
"The next marked page is the end of a lengthy chapter on somenium's rarity, and concludes, 'The best data available indicate that, despite their ever-so-learned and wise nature, the Trees in the Heart of Forest did indeed use up every last atom of somenium carcerate hidden on their world. Perhaps they simply assumed the mineral was common throughout the galaxy; perhaps it was mere arboreal stupidity; but at any rate, the All-Forest has discovered no more on any world they've conquered, leaving their further plans for expansion-- and ours-- in tatters.'"
"After a long series of technical writing, including molecular diagrams, you come to a chapter on biology, which includes this marked passage: 'As the sixteen milligrams of somenium saved from the egg ship are at work now in an important government project, it seems likely that the work of Builder Wideeyes and Mother Rosehair will be the only medical studies done on somenium for the near future. Despite the problems with their research, the conclusions in general seem clear: when exposed to large quantities of somenium, subjects experience symptoms of dementia, susceptibility to suggestion, and memory loss-- but not of any memories connected to the somenium itself. It is as if their connections to everything except the somenium, including their own sense of self, begins to fade.'"

Instead of dropping a book when location is library-room: say "You set it on the wooden table."; move noun to wooden table.

After going from library-room: move the crystal-book to the wooden table; move the green slip to the wooden table; move other-book to wooden table; continue the action.