Blue Lacuna — 433 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Rooms

Overlook is east of Top of Spire. Top of Spire is northwest from Overlook. Southeast of Top of Spire is nowhere. West of Overlook is nowhere. Reflecting Pool is down from Top of Spire. Avenue South is northwest from Reflecting Pool. Avenue South is northeast from Reflecting Pool. Reflecting Pool is southeast from Avenue South. Reflecting Pool is southwest from Avenue South.

Outside the Dome is west of Avenue South. Map Room is inside of Outside the Dome. Mural Far West is west from Outside the Dome. Outside the Dome is southeast from Mural Far West. Among the Huts is east of Avenue South. Bare Hut is inside of Among the Huts. Mural Far East is east from Among the Huts. Among the Huts is southwest from Mural Far East. Northeast of Among the Huts is nowhere.

East of Mural Far West is a room called Mural West. East of Mural West is Mural Center. East of Mural Center is a room called Mural East. East of Mural East is Mural Far East. Mural Center is north of Avenue South. Avenue North is north of Mural Center. Shrine is inside of Ancient Temple. Ancient Temple is west of Avenue North. Mural Far West is west of Ancient Temple. Ancient Temple is northeast of Mural Far West. Southwest of Ancient Temple is nowhere. Nursery is east of Avenue North. Mural Far East is east from Nursery. Nursery is northwest from Mural Far East. Southeast of Nursery is nowhere. West of Mural Far East is Mural East. Mural Far West is west of Reflecting Pool. Reflecting Pool is south of Mural Far West. North of Reflecting Pool is nowhere. Mural Far East is east of Reflecting Pool. Reflecting Pool is south of Mural Far East.

Base of the Great Tree is northeast of Avenue North. Base of the Great Tree is northwest of Avenue North. Avenue North is southeast of Base of the Great Tree. Avenue North is southwest of Base of the Great Tree. Inside of Base of the Great Tree is Great Tree Interior.

Overlook, Top of Spire, Reflecting Pool, Outside the Dome, Avenue South, Among the Huts, Mural Far West, Mural West, Mural Center, Mural East, Mural Far East, Nursery, Avenue North, Ancient Temple, and Base of the Great Tree are in Plateau. Plateau, Great Tree Interior, Map Room, Bare Hut, and Shrine are in Treeworld.

The elevation of Reflecting Pool, Avenue South, Among the Huts, Bare Hut, Map Room, and Outside the Dome is 100 feet. The elevation of Top of Spire and Overlook is 150 feet. The elevation of Mural Center, Mural West, Mural Far West, Mural East, and Mural Far East is 110 feet. The elevation of Avenue North, Nursery, Ancient Temple and Shrine is 120 feet. The elevation of Base of the Great Tree and Great Tree Interior is 150 feet.

The heart-windsigh are a backdrop in Treeworld. Understand "windsigh/tree/trees" as heart-windsigh. The printed name is "grove of windsigh". The description is "The trees are everywhere; the air is thick with the scent of their leaves, and their sighing moans reverberate in shifting harmonic waves across the ridge with the wind. They are taller and more graceful here than their more twisted, stunted brothers on Lacuna.". Does the player mean doing something to the heart-windsigh: it is unlikely. Instead of attacking heart-windsigh: say "You attack one of the nearby windsigh, ripping leaves from the branches and pulling vines from its trunk savagely."; increase the rap sheet of Lacunite-Follower by 3.

To say tomuraldesc: say "You follow an immaculately tended dirt path through [one of]the forest[or]groves of windsigh[at random], [one of]the trees whispering all around you[or]the red sun cutting through the shade here and there in great, thick beams of light[or]a warm breeze gusting through millions of openings to produce a constant, multi-tonal hum[in random order], [one of]until you come into an open meadow[or]till you reach the long meadow again[stopping]".

To say brickpathdesc: say "You follow the straight brick pathway through tended groves of trees till you reach the avenue again.". [aar]

Definition: a room is avenueish: if it is Avenue South or it is Mural Center or it is Avenue North, yes; no. Report going from an avenueish room to an avenueish room: say "You walk farther along the wide grassy avenue.".