Blue Lacuna — 432 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Creatures

The Treeworld-Hivemind is an undescribed person. He is in Great Tree Interior.

Instead of greeting a Lacunite-gardener:

pre-conversation processing;

if Lacunite-Follower is unidentified, force discuss hm_recognize;

now Lacunite-Follower is identified;

force discuss hm_intro.

Instead of saying farewell to a Lacunite-gardener: force discuss hm_outtro.

HM is a thread.

To say pupilscontract: say "[one of]eyes change-- pupils shrinking down to near points, as if shutting out all outside light to focus on some internal brightness--[or]pupils shrink again[or]pupils dilate[stopping]".

hm_intro is a repeatable beat in HM with reaction "[one of]'Greetings,' [heshe] says. 'And welcome to our world, friend of Progue. You must have many questions. I will answer what I can.'[or]'Greetings, friend. What other questions do you have?'[stopping]". After discussing hm_intro: notice language translation; continue the action. hm_intro summons hm_where, hm_how, hm_why, hm_name. hm_intro suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "where/heart" as hm_where when last beat is in HM. hm_where is a repeatable beat in HM with fuse 9 and keyword name "[if last beat is hm_intro or last beat is hm_recognize]where[else]Heart" and reaction "'This is the Grove of the Philosopher,' [the random Lacunite in the location] says, spreading [hisher] arms, 'on the planet we call the Heart of Forest. It is our [hm_Forest], where our great civilization first began, before spreading to thousands of other worlds. Please, explore.'". hm_where suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "how" as hm_how when last beat is in HM. hm_how is a repeatable beat in HM with fuse 9 and keyword name "how" and reaction "[CHeShe] looks uncertain for a moment, then [hisher] [pupilscontract] before [heshe] returns, smiling. 'You are still on Lacuna,' [the random Lacunite in the location] assures you. 'One of us has volunteered to lend you [if player is male]his[else]her[end if] body for your visit. All [if player is male]he[else]she[end if] sees and feels and hears is being sent through the mindlink back to your mind on Lacuna, and your muscle movements are being sent here, channeled by the [hm_Thinkers] around us. Your mind remains on Lacuna, but your presentness and awareness are here, light-years away.'". hm_how suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "why/now" as hm_why when last beat is in HM. hm_why is a repeatable beat in HM with fuse 9 and keyword name "[if last beat is hm_bluerock]now[else]why" and reaction "'We have brought you here in the hope you will help us with a great task,' [heshe] says[unless gp_intro is spoken]. 'When you are ready to hear more of this, [hm_Philosopher] the Philosopher at the top of the ridge.' [CHeShe] turns and points towards the huge windsigh at the end of the avenue. 'We hope to speak with you before you leave.'[else].[end unless]". hm_why suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "name" as hm_name when last beat is in HM. hm_name is a repeatable beat in HM with fuse 9 and keyword name "name" and reaction "[CHeShe] looks confused, but then [hisher] [pupilscontract] and [heshe] smiles. 'The [hm_Thinkers] have explained,' [heshe] says. 'We do not have names here in the sense you think of them, neither Thinkers nor [hm_Makers]. Within our groves we call each other merely by what we do. You may call me Planter.'". hm_name suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "thinkers" as hm_thinkers when last beat is in HM. hm_thinkers is a beat in HM with keyword name "Thinkers" and reaction "'The Thinkers are the trees, what your friend called the windsigh, rooted and slow,' [heshe] says in a singsong tone, as if the words are old and familiar. 'They are logic and reason, thought and intellect, one half of Forest. The [hm_Makers] are the other.'". hm_thinkers suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "makers" as hm_makers when last beat is in HM. hm_makers is a beat in HM with keyword name "Makers" and reaction "'The Makers are the people like your host and I,' [heshe] says, 'rootless and quick. They are movers and builders, travelers and discoverers, one half of Forest. The [hm_Thinkers] are the other.'". hm_makers suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "homeworld" as hm_forest when last beat is in HM. hm_Forest is a beat in HM with keyword name "homeworld" and reaction "'Forest is what we call our great civilization,' [heshe] says, 'for we are a single forest, though our groves touch the soil of a thousand worlds. We are joined together by the [hm_bluerock], which keeps the [hm_thinkers] connected even across the vastnesses of space.'". hm_forest suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "bluerock" as hm_bluerock when last beat is in HM. hm_bluerock is a beat in HM with keyword name "bluerock" and reaction "'The blue crystal which grows on your Lacuna,' [heshe] says. 'It is incredibly rare and precious. The Forest did not realize this until all our Eggs had gone and we discovered the [hm_where] was the only world where it was found. Until [hm_why].'". hm_bluerock suggests hm_outtro.

Understand "visit" as hm_philosopher when last beat is in HM. hm_philosopher is a beat in HM with keyword name "visit" and reaction "'One of the oldest and highest [hm_thinkers] in all the [hm_where],' [heshe] says with reverence, 'and even in all Forest. Being one of the chosen few to tend the roots here is an honor[unless gp_intro is spoken]. The Philosopher was chosen to ask a great favor of your friend Progue-- and now, of you. Go to the end of the avenue when you are ready to learn [hm_why] it is we have brought you here[end if].'". hm_philosopher suggests hm_outtro.[aar]