Blue Lacuna — 370 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Keywords

Understand "pyramid" as ec_pyramid when last beat is in EmC. ec_pyramid is a beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "pyramid". Instead of discussing ec_pyramid, force discuss ec_dangerous. pyramid references ec_pyramid.

Understand "chair" as ec_chair when last beat is in EmC. ec_chair is a beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "chair". Instead of discussing ec_chair, force discuss ec_dangerous. mind chair references ec_chair.

Understand "echo/cave" as ec_echocave when last beat is in EmC. ec_echocave is a beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "echo cave". Instead of discussing ec_echocave, force discuss ec_dangerous. strange formations references ec_echocave.

Understand "windsigh/tree/tree9/trees" as ec_windsigh when last beat is in EmC. ec_windsigh is a repeatable beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if tree1 is named]windsigh[else]trees" and reaction "'[one of]The windsigh[or]Windsigh trees[or]Gushing trickling windsigh tree[at random],' he says, muttering, and thrashing for a weak moment. '[one of]Never stop whispering[or]Dreams and dreams and dreams[or]Why won't they leave me alone[at random]...'". After discussing ec_windsigh: now tree1 is named; continue the action. manta ray skeleton references ec_windsigh. [This is repeatable so that we have a surefire way to learn Progue's name for this (and the next two.)]

Understand "coconut/konokuk/fruits/fruit" as ec_konokuk when last beat is in EmC. ec_konokuk is a repeatable beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if konokuk trees are named]konokuk[else]coconut" and reaction "'[one of]Brown fruity cannonballs, the konokuk[or]Delicious konokuk fruits[or]Konokuk, on the beach[at random],' he babbles, sweating, '[one of]Kept me alive years and fears and fears[or]Always konokuk in every world[or]Crack them open and eat and eat[at random]...'". After discussing ec_konokuk: now konokuk trees are named; continue the action. manta ray skeleton references ec_konokuk.

Understand "galaxy/capalla" as ec_capalla when last beat is in EmC. ec_capalla is a repeatable beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if galaxy is named]Capalla[else]galaxy" and reaction "'[one of]The great galaxy Capalla[or]Capalla, Capalla, this galaxy[at random],' he mutters, eyes closed, '[one of]the stars, the stars[or]too bright it shines[at random]...'". After discussing ec_capalla: now galaxy is named; continue the action. manta ray skeleton references ec_capalla.

ec_dangerous is a beat in EmC with fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]He becomes distressed as you talk. 'No, no,' he moans, covering his ears, 'terrible dangerous, incomprehensible coherencies. The beach, no, can't bear it. Please, stay away, don't dream, don't sleep. Please.'[paragraph break]He calms after a moment, taking a few deep breaths. 'But then but maybe,' he says, 'maybe you can, where I couldn't-- the moon, you ring? The moonlight. Rayfish ink glows in the heat from your hand, wrote-- the real secrets, appended to all the messages, in rayfish ink.' He swallows. 'If you true want to know, read them in and under the night.'[or][ec_moonhint2][stopping]". To say ec_moonhint2: say "[one of]He becomes angry and agitated again[or]He closes his eyes and thrashes around on the ground as you begin talking[or]He moans and rubs a hand against his temples as you begin to speak[in random order]. 'Told you,' he says, 'can't help you, can't think, can't member the rememories. Keep away, my advice, don't meddle. But if you must, remember the night writing. Touch it, touch it to read...'".