Blue Lacuna — 369 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Setup

Transition Progue to Emotional is a scene. Transition Progue to Emotional begins when the psyche of Progue is emotional. Transition Progue to Emotional ends when Transition Progue to Emotional is happening.

When Transition Progue to Emotional begins:

truncate the list of convo stuff to 0 entries; [get rid of old keywords]

now episode schedule is Table of Emotional Episodes;

now the exhaust_beat of Progue is p_em_exhausted;

now the overexhaust_beat of Progue is p_em_exhausted;

now the bored_beat of Progue is p_em_bored;

now the unavailable-beat of Progue is p_em_unavailable;

now the noanswer_beat of Progue is p_em_noanswer;

now the rudebye_beat of Progue is p_em_rudebye;

now the abruptbye_beat of Progue is p_em_abruptbye;

now the bye_beat of Progue is p_em_bored;

now the conversation_beat of Progue is p_em_bored;

now the naughttosay_beat of Progue is p_em_bored;

now the wakeup_beat of Progue is p_em_wakeup;

now current_thread of Progue is EmC;

now disposition of Progue is 0;

repeat through Table of Progue's Appointment Book:

blank out the whole row;

now withered vine is open [if player still hasn't solved this, open up the path for Epilogue. What, maybe it fell down.].

EmC is a thread.

p_em_wakeup is a repeatable beat in EmC with reaction "He stirs slowly, gradually blinking open unfocused eyes.[paragraph break]'What now then,' he mutters, 'what and who...'".

p_em_exhausted is a repeatable ephemeral beat in EmC with reaction "Progue closes his eyes, either not hearing your question or choosing not to respond.".

p_em_bored is a repeatable terminal beat in EmC with reaction "'Rest,' Progue mutters, 'must rest,' and closes his eyes.".

p_em_unavailable is a repeatable ephemeral beat in EmC with reaction "He shakes his head. 'Not now, not now,' he says.".

p_em_noanswer is a repeatable dogged beat in EmC with reaction "Progue stares at you, silent and haggard, awaiting your response.".

p_em_rudebye is a repeatable ephemeral beat in EmC with reaction "'Wait,' Progue calls out, raising a weak hand, 'just a moment more.'".

p_em_abruptbye is a repeatable annoying beat in EmC with reaction "Progue watches you silently as you go.".

Instead of pushing or attacking Progue when the psyche of Progue is emotional, force discuss p_em_attack. p_em_attack is a terminal unaffinitive unromantic submissive beat in EmC with reaction "He [if submission of Progue > 0]cries out weakly and shrinks away[otherwise]watches you unblinkingly[end if] as you approach, [if affinity of Progue > 0]but you can't bring yourself to hurt him[otherwise]and you give him a savage kick[end if]. He closes his eyes and trembles.". p_em_attack2 is a terminal unaffinitive unromantic submissive beat with reaction "You move forward again with anger but suddenly Progue leaps to his feet, dodging away from you and fleeing at breakneck speed out the door of the cabin. By the time you reach the door to look out he has vanished.". After discussing p_em_attack2: move Progue to Ledge; now the psyche of Progue is fugue; continue the action.

Instead of hugging Progue when the psyche of Progue is emotional, force discuss p_em_hug.

p_em_hug is an affinitive impressive dogged beat in EmC. The reaction is "[if affinity of Progue < 0][pemunaffhug][otherwise if paternalism of Progue > 2][pempathug][otherwise if romance of Progue > 0][pemromhug][otherwise][pemnormhug][end if]". After discussing p_em_hug: if paternalism of Progue > 0, Progue feels more like a father; otherwise Progue is aroused; continue the action. p_em_bored replaces p_em_hug. To say pemunaffhug: say "'Get back,' Progue says, [if submission of Progue > 0]shrinking back in fear[otherwise]snarling angrily at you[end if], and you realize he's sure you're going to hurt him, so you stop.". To say pempathug: say "He places a weak hand on your back as you hug him. 'Thanks, [animal-nickname],' he says quietly, eyes unfocused. 'Tell your mother I love her.' You pull back and he smiles up at you, unrecognizing for the moment.". To say pemromhug: say "[if romance of Progue > 4]You lie next to Progue and hold him for a long moment. He sighs and squeezes your hand.[otherwise]You give Progue a long, tender hug. He clutches you weakly, a faint smile crossing his lips as you break the embrace.[end if]". To say pemnormhug: say "You give Progue a quick hug. He feels weak and frail.'".

[Instead of waking or greeting Progue when the animus of Progue is resting and the psyche of Progue is emotional, say "You should probably let him get his rest.".]