Blue Lacuna — 352 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Older And Wiser

[Progue asks who is older (paternal).]

Older And Wiser is a common serendipitous triggered episode. The icebreaker is oaw_intro. The subchange beat is silence. The bye beat is silence. The abruptbye beat is silence. The boredom beat is silence.

Last condition for Older And Wiser: rule succeeds.

OAW is a thread. oaw_intro is an insistent beat in oaw with reaction "Progue studies you appraisingly, looking you up and down. 'Say, [animal-nickname],' he says, 'I know in our mad strange lives of hopscotching twixt worlds that years get mangled and mingled. But generally, rough-and-guessing, would you say I'm [oaw_older] than you, or [oaw_younger], or about the [oaw_same] age?'". oaw_intro summons oaw_older, oaw_younger, oaw_same.

Understand "older" as oaw_older when last beat is in oaw. oaw_older is a paternal beat in oaw with keyword name "older" and reaction "'Just what I'd have wagered,' he says, nodding. 'Well and then I suppose I'm not mad to be feeling something fatherly towards you, worrying if you get into danger, all that. Been green eons since I've felt something thatwise. Curi-curious.'". oaw_older enqueues oaw_trans.

Understand "younger" as oaw_younger when last beat is in oaw. oaw_younger is an unpaternal beat in oaw with keyword name "younger" and reaction "'Oh, sausages, you're too and too kind,' he says, waving a hand dismissively, 'the most delicious part of these holes in the memory is not remembering what I used to look like green eons ago so there's nothing to compare this sun-worn haggard visage with. But mayhaps you're right. We've both been in the pool long enough to learn how to swim, I wager.'". oaw_younger enqueues oaw_trans.

Understand "same" as oaw_same when last beat is in oaw. oaw_same is a beat in oaw with keyword name "same" and reaction "'Can't tell either, eh?' he mutters, squinting at you. 'Ah well-oh, less than important, just curi-curious. Guess we've more or less been in the pool long enough to learn how to swim, if you ring.'". oaw_same enqueues oaw_trans.

oaw_trans is a beat in oaw with reaction "'But for life and strife, how is your exploring proceeding?' he adds. 'Anything you want to ask about?'".