Blue Lacuna — 347 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Feast of Submission

Feast of Submission is a uncommon rendezvous episode with summary "cooking seafood feasts together". The expiration date is 4 hours. The icebreaker is fos_intro. The meeting place is South Beach. The boredom beat is fos_continue. The bye beat is fos_continue. The abruptbye beat is fos_continue.

Last condition for Feast of Submission:

if raining, rule fails;

if exploring Progue's turf, rule fails;

if submission of Progue > 0, rule succeeds.

Every turn when current episode is Feast of Submission and location is not South Beach and location is regionally in Lacuna and icebreaker of Feast of Submission is unspoken and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "You notice a column of smoke rising from [if location is regionally in Beachfront or location is Rise]the southern part of the beach, near the boulders[else]somewhere on the beach[end if].".

Table of Progue's Initial Appearance (continued)

--Feast of Submission"Standing over a fire is Progue, expertly grilling a small feast of crabs and fish."

A beach-fire is set dressing with printed name "fire". Understand "fire" as beach-fire.

Some beach-seafood is set dressing with printed name "seafood". Understand "fish/crabs/crab/seafood/food" as beach-seafood.

FOS is a thread. The escape clause is fos_continue.

fos_intro is a beat in FOS with reaction "[if affinity of Progue > 0]'Ah, just in time,' Progue says[otherwise]'I see you noticed the smoke,' Progue says dryly[end if], turning a skewered crab carefully over the flames. '[if paternalism of Progue > 2]You need to eat a good [fos-meal]; you can't survive on berries and konokuk fruit alone,' he adds chidingly[otherwise if romance of Progue > 2]Thought maybe we could have a little [fos-meal] together, just we two, away from all those crowding hordes and hoarding crowds on the rest of the island,' he adds with a wink[otherwise]Well, if I'm cooking [fos-meal] I may as well cook [fos-meal] for two,' he adds[end if].[paragraph break]The seafood looks ready to eat, but you're not quite sure if you should just [fos_tuck] in or [t]wait[x] for Progue to begin, or even [fos_refuse] to have any.". fos_intro suggests fos_wait. After discussing Progue: move beach-fire to location; move beach-seafood to location; continue the action. Instead of taking or tasting some beach-seafood, try discussing fos_tuck.

To say fos-meal: if dawn or sunrise or morning or midmorning, say "breakfast"; if midday or afternoon, say "lunch"; if evening or sunset or twilight or night, say "dinner".

Understand "tuck" as fos_tuck when last beat is in FOS. fos_tuck is a submissive beat in FOS with keyword name "tuck" and reaction "You pick up one of the fish skewers and sample the steaming white flesh. It is delicious. Progue seems to have steamed it in konokuk milk and seasoned it with something tangy, but the fish itself is fresh and tender beyond belief. You quickly finish it, and by the time you're done Progue has pounded open one of the crab shells with a rock and is handing you portions of buttery meat even more delicious.". fos_tuck cancels fos_wait, fos_refuse. fos_tuck suggests fos_outtro. fos_tuck summons fos_thanksnorm. After discussing fos_tuck: now bye beat of Feast of Submission is nothing; continue the action.

fos_wait is an unsubmissive beat in FOS with reaction "You wait patiently, mouth watering, for Progue to give you the go ahead to start. Finally, he picks up a skewer of tender white meat, takes a bite, chews thoughtfully, then nods. 'It's ready.'[paragraph break]You pick up one of the fish skewers and sample the steaming white flesh. It is delicious. Progue seems to have steamed it in konokuk milk and seasoned it with something tangy, but the fish itself is fresh and tender beyond belief. You quickly finish it, and then turn to the crab. Progue hands you a rock you can use to break open the shell, and before long you are digging out portions of buttery meat even more delicious, eating some yourself and handing the rest to the chef.". fos_wait cancels fos_tuck, fos_refuse. fos_wait suggests fos_outtro. fos_wait summons fos_thanksnorm. After discussing fos_wait: now bye beat of Feast of Submission is nothing; continue the action.

Understand "refuse" as fos_refuse when last beat is in FOS. fos_refuse is a insistent beat in FOS with keyword name "refuse" and reaction "'Oh,' he says. 'Because of some [fos_ideology], or do you just [fos_refrain] from eating my food?'". fos_refuse cancels fos_wait, fos_tuck.

Understand "ideology" as fos_ideology when last beat is in FOS. fos_ideology is a beat in FOS with keyword name "ideology" and reaction "'A pity,' he says, 'it's gushing delicious. Well, but I'll eat what I can and the sharks will finish the rest.' He digs in, and you wonder whether you should go out of your way to [t]thank[x] him profusely anyway, or just [fos_continue] on with what you were doing.". Instead of thanking Progue when last beat is fos_ideology, try discussing fos_thanks. fos_ideology summons fos_thanks.

fos_thanks is a terminal unsubmissive beat in FOS with keyword name "thank" and reaction "'[if affinity of Progue > 0]My pleasure,' he says around a mouthful of crab, 'enjoy your belief-system-compatible meal instead![else]Makes no diff to me,' he says around a mouthful of crab, 'I really was just being polite.[end if]' He goes on with his eating.".

Understand "continue" as fos_continue when last beat is in FOS. fos_continue is a terminal submissive beat in FOS with keyword name "continue" and reaction "'Oh well oh, enjoy the [progue-time-of-day] anyway,' Progue says, taking a bite of fish and chewing reflectively.".

Understand "refrain" as fos_refrain when last beat is in FOS. fos_refrain is a unaffinitive submissive terminal beat in FOS with keyword name "refrain" and reaction "'I suppose I've forgotten what real cooking is like,' he says [if affinity of Progue > 0]sadly[else]with a touch of bitter sarcasm[end if], looking down at the fire. 'This probably tastes something terrible. Ah well-oh, just an experiment. I'll eat it at least.' He takes a bite from a large fish and starts chewing thoughtfully.".

Understand "thank" as fos_thanksnorm when last beat is in FOS. fos_thanksnorm is a terminal affinitive beat in FOS with keyword name "thank" and reaction "'No troubles at all,' he says with a beaming grin, banking the fire and rising to his feet. 'Nice to have dining companions for a change. Enjoy the [Progue-time-of-day]!'".

fos_outtro is a terminal beat with reaction "'Well, nice to have dining companions,' he says, banking the fire and rising to his feet. 'Enjoy the rest of your [Progue-time-of-day].'".