Blue Lacuna — 348 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Hold This Please

[ Submissive. ]

Hold This Please is a guaranteed triggered serendipitous episode. The expiration date is 2 hours. The icebreaker is htp_intro. The subchange beat is htp_dontgo. The bye beat is htp_dontgo. The abruptbye beat is htp_dontgo.

Last condition for Hold This Please:

unless the animus of Progue is fishing or the animus of Progue is beach-combing, rule fails;

if the submission of Progue < 0, rule succeeds.

HTP is a thread. htp_intro is an insistent beat in htp with reaction "Progue grunts as you approach, eyes locked on the [if the animus of Progue is fishing]waves[else]sand[end if]. 'Quick, hold this,' he says, holding out [if the animus of Progue is fishing]his fishing[else]a handful of sea[end if] [htp_pole].". htp_intro suggests htp_noncomply. htp_intro summons htp_pole, htp_noncomply. The yes-beat of htp_intro is htp_pole. The no-beat of htp_intro is htp_noncomply. htp_intro summons htp_noncomply. Instead of taking fishing-pole, try discussing htp_pole. Check examining by name fishing-pole when last beat is in HTP: force discuss htp_pole instead. After discussing htp_intro: if animus of Progue is beach-combing, move prop-weed to Progue; continue the action. Check examining by name prop-weed when last beat is in HTP: force discuss htp_pole instead.

htp_dontgo is a dogged repeatable beat in htp with reaction "'Won't be a ment,' Progue says, 'almost got it.'".

htp_noncomply is a submissive annoying terminal beat in htp with keyword name "no" and reaction "He blinks at you in surprise. '[if submission of Progue < -2]Liked you better,' he says, 'when you did as told[else]Didn't mean it as an order,' he says, 'I'll try and be more polite in the future[end if].' [Progue-resumes].".

Understand "pole/weed" or "sea weed" or "seaweed" as htp_pole when last beat is in htp. htp_pole is a beat in htp with keyword name "[if the animus of Progue is fishing]pole[else]weed" and reaction "[if the animus of Progue is fishing]You take hold of the stick, its fibrous line disappearing out into the water, while Progue[else]Progue dumps the wet green pile into your hand, and[end if] begins rummaging through his voluminous garments for something.[paragraph break]'Thanks,' he says, 'won't be a ment.'". htp_pole suggests htp_pole2. htp_pole summons htp_drop. After discussing htp_pole: if the animus of Progue is fishing, move fishing-pole to player; else move prop-weed to player; continue the action.

Some prop-weed is set dressing with printed name "sea weed". Understand "weed" as prop-weed.

htp_pole2 is a beat in htp with reaction "Progue pats his pockets with a frown, digging a hand deep in one only to come up with a bright red seashell. He shoves it back in a pocket and keeps searching.". htp_pole2 suggests htp_pole3.

htp_pole3 is a beat in htp with reaction "'It's here somewhere,' he mutters, emptying out a pocket full of sand in dismay.". htp_pole3 suggests htp_pole4.

htp_pole4 is a beat in htp with reaction "'Aha!' he cries, pulling out something that looks like a dead beaver and shaking it out.". htp_pole4 suggests htp_pole5.

htp_pole5 is a beat in htp with reaction "Progue meticulously unfolds the beaver, revealing it to be something more like a beaver skin, smoothing out wrinkles and muttering in satisfaction.". htp_pole5 suggests htp_pole6.

htp_pole6 is a beat in htp with reaction "Carefully, Progue arranges the beaver skin over his head. 'My lucky [if the animus of Progue is fishing]fishing[else]cleaning[end if] cap,' he says. 'Almost forgot it.'". htp_pole6 suggests htp_pole7.

htp_pole7 is a unsubmissive terminal beat in htp with reaction "'Thanks ever so much,' he says, finally taking the [if the animus of Progue is fishing]fishing pole[else]seaweed[end if] back from you, 'you do come in useful every now and then. Enjoy your [progue-time-of-day]!'. He turns away, [animus-business].". After discussing htp_pole7: if the animus of Progue is fishing, move fishing-pole to Progue; remove prop-weed from play; continue the action.

htp_drop is a submissive annoying terminal beat in htp with fuse 10 and keyword name "{wait, or say DROP [if the animus of Progue is fishing]POLE[else]WEED[end if]}" and reaction "You let go of the [if the animus of Progue is fishing]pole and it tumbles to[else]pile and it splatters on[end if] the beach. Progue glances over in dismay. '[if submission of Progue < -2]You clumsed it,' he says, 'Try and be more careful in the future, [animal-nickname][else]Oh, terrible sorries,' he says, 'were you plum in the midst of something? Didn't mean to take up your time[end if].' He picks up the [if the animus of Progue is fishing]pole[else]seaweed[end if] and turns away, [animus-business].". First before dropping fishing-pole: try discussing htp_drop instead. First before dropping prop-weed: try discussing htp_drop instead. After discussing htp_drop: if the animus of Progue is fishing, move fishing-pole to Progue; remove prop-weed from play; continue the action.