Blue Lacuna — 334 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Suppression General Convo

Suppression General Convo is a serendipitous rerunnable frequent triggered episode. The subchange beat is silence. The boredom beat is silence. The bye beat of Suppression General Convo is silence. The abruptbye beat is silence. The icebreaker is sc_makeconversation.

Last condition rule for Suppression General Convo:

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, rule succeeds.

First finishing rule for Suppression General Convo:

if Progue is idle, rule succeeds.

sc_makeconversation is a repeatable beat in SuppC. Check discussing sc_makeconversation:

if paternalism of Progue > 2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds and sc_chatpat1 is unspoken begin; force discuss sc_chatpat1 instead;

otherwise if romance of Progue > 0 and ( animus of Progue is fishing or animus of Progue is frog-catching or animus of Progue is beach-combing ) and sc_chatrom1 is unspoken; now caught-frog is true; force discuss sc_chatrom1 instead;

[ otherwise if submission of Progue < -2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds and sc_chatunsub1 is unspoken; force discuss sc_chatunsub1 instead;]

otherwise if submission of Progue > 2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds and sc_chatsub is unspoken; force discuss sc_chatsub instead;


let beatlist be {sc_chat1, sc_chat2, sc_chat3, sc_chat4};

remove the list of spoken beats from beatlist;

sort beatlist in random order;

if the number of entries in beatlist is at least 1 begin;

force discuss entry 1 of beatlist instead;


if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, force discuss sc_lifecontinues instead;

else force discuss sc_chat4 instead;

end if;

end if.

[sc_chatrom1: flirting banter]

sc_chatrom1 is a beat in SuppC with reaction "'Well oh well oh,' Progue says with a flash of a grin, 'look looky who. You're just in time; come see. Come on.' He waves you closer.[paragraph break]'Now look here,' he says. [if animus of Progue is fishing]I've got a fighter on the line here. Go on, take it.' He hands you the [o]pole[x][otherwise if animus of Progue is frog-catching]I've got my hands on a real beauty here. Go on, take it.' He holds out the [o]frog[x] to you[otherwise if animus of Progue is beach-combing]I've found a baby crab. Go on, hold it.' He holds out the tiny [o]crab[x] to you[end if].". After discussing sc_chatrom1: if animus of Progue is beach-combing, move baby crab to location; if animus of Progue is frog-catching, move frog to location; if animus of Progue is fishing, move fishing-pole to location; continue the action.

Instead of getting bored when last beat is sc_chatrom1, force discuss sc_chatromnobait. sc_chatromnobait is an annoying beat in SuppC with reaction "'Oh well, never mind then,' Progue says, a bit crestfallen. 'Was there something you wanted to ask me about?'".

A baby crab is an animal.

Taking baby crab is promtriggering. Taking frog is promtriggering. Taking fishing-pole is promtriggering. Examining baby crab is promtriggering. Examining frog is promtriggering. Examining fishing-pole is promtriggering. Instead of promtriggering when last beat is sc_chatrom1 (this is the sc_chatrom_override rule): force discuss sc_chatrom1b. The sc_chatrom_override rule is listed first in the instead rules.

sc_chatrom1b is an insistent beat in SuppC with reaction "'Good,' Progue says, beaming. '[if animus of Progue is fishing]Now what you want to do is just jerk the line, like so-- there you are[otherwise]No, don't crush him; keep your hand open, like a finger cage-- there you are[end if].' He puts his hand [if animus of Progue is fishing]back on the fishing pole[otherwise]on top of yours[end if] to guide you, and you wonder whether to [sc_chatrom1shift] your grip to avoid the touch, or let things [sc_chatrom1stay] as they are.". sc_chatrom1b summons sc_chatrom1shift, sc_chatrom1stay.

Understand "shift" as sc_chatrom1shift when last beat is in SuppC. sc_chatrom1shift is an unromantic beat in SuppC with keyword name "shift" and reaction "You shift your grip ever so slightly, and see Progue's hands do the same in response.". sc_chatrom1shift enqueues sc_chatrom1c.

Understand "stay" as sc_chatrom1stay when last beat is in SuppC. sc_chatrom1stay is a romantic beat in SuppC with keyword name "stay" and reaction "His fingers are strangely warm, calloused and roughened but guarding, you can feel, an almost electric power.". sc_chatrom1stay enqueues sc_chatrom1c.

sc_chatrom1c is a beat in SuppC with reaction "'There you are,' he says as you [if animus of Progue is fishing]pull in a flopping silvery fish[otherwise]peer intently at the tiny creature, breathing shallowly in your palm[end if]. 'Nicely done, nicely done. Easy there, wasn't it?' He takes [if animus of Progue is fishing]the pole back[otherwise]the small creature back[end if] and smiles. 'Now, was there something you wanted to ask?'".

[sc_chatpat1: fatherly reminiscing]

sc_chatpat1 is an insistent beat in SuppC with reaction "'[if player is female]Strange to say I know,' he says, squinting at you, 'but you have something in you of my [sc_girls]. Inquisitiveism; stubbornness; or perhaps just an eyelash or two in the right position.[otherwise]Strange to say I know,' he says, squinting at you, 'but I recognize something in you in me. Mayhaps I'm just missing my [sc_girls], but well and there.[end if]' He smiles. 'Mayhaps coincidence,' he says, 'but I wonder if the reminding goes both ways. Do tell and be true: do I seem at all like your father?'". The yes-beat of sc_chatpat1 is sc_chatpatyes. The no-beat of sc_chatpat1 is sc_chatpatno.

sc_chatpatyes is a paternal beat in SuppC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "You can tell he is pleased, though he tries a little to hide it. 'Thoughts alike,' he says. '[if rev_call is spoken]The Call has sent[otherwise]Strange fates send[end if] me a surrogate [if player is male]son[otherwise]daughter[end if]. Fraid the inheritance is a bit sparse, though if property prospectors ever discover this world it might seem a better deal.' He laughs. 'What can I help you with?'".

sc_chatpatno is a unpaternal beat in SuppC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Probably for the best,' he says archly, 'as I true and do hope that means your fath was less mad, more clean, and gushing more amusing than your friend [sccpn-name].' He winks. 'Now, what can I help you with?". To say sccpn-name: if player-name-guess is not "no.guess", say "[player-name-guess] -- or rather Progue"; otherwise say "Progue".

[sc_chatsub: submissive stuff]

sc_chatsub is a beat in SuppC with reaction "He looks up nervously as you approach. 'Well and oh, hello,' he says. 'Sorries, did you want to use this bit of [surface-material] for something? I can move along, really I can. Shall I then?'". The yes-beat of sc_chatsub is sc_csyes. The no-beat of sc_chatsub is sc_csno. sc_chatsub suggests sc_csyes.

sc_csyes is a submissive terminal beat in SuppC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "'Ah! Oh! Nothing problems at all,' he says [if affinity of Progue > 0]sincerely[else]with a touch of ingratiating sarcasm[end if], brushing himself off and preparing to leave. 'Please and please, it's all yours.'". After discussing sc_csyes: Progue's life goes on; follow the Progue's motivation rule.

sc_csno is an unsubmissive beat in SuppC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Oh! Kind of you,' he says, [animus-business]. 'I was in the middle of this after all. Well oh, is there something you'd like to talk about then?'".

[sc_chatunsub1: dominant stuff]

[Here we have a test to see whether the player wants Progue's dominant role to continue, by having him ask the player to do something relatively arbitrary and see if the player does it. Of course, players are used to being asked to do arbitrary things by game characters, so--- ?

Progue asks, which triggers a scene which keeps a relevant topic in the topic list. After a reasonable amount of time, Progue decides the player has failed; the topic switches to a one-off notice of failure and Progue adjusts his attributes. If the player succeeds within the time limit, the topic changes again.


[Understand "steamm" as sming. sming is an action applying to nothing. Carry out sming: force discuss sc_chatunsub1.

sc_chatunsub1 is an insistent beat in SuppC with reaction "'I notice you're still tromping around the dangerous part of the island, despite my advice to the contrary,' he says [if affinity of Progue > 0]with a smile[otherwise]with a frown[end if]. 'As long as you're being foolish, I wonder if you'd run your little legs over there and do me a favor. Interested?'". The yes-beat of sc_chatunsub1 is sc_cus1yes. The no-beat of sc_chatunsub1 is sc_cus1no.

sc_cus1no is a submissive beat in SuppC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Oh,' Progue says. 'Well in that case, never mind, I suppose. Just seemed as if you really had nothing better to do, [animal-nickname]. Now let's see then, was there something you wanted?'".

sc_cus1yes is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "'Splend,' he says. '[if player wears compass]I see you've found that old compass of mine[otherwise]In the cabin on the beach should be an old compass of mine[end if]. Run it up to the top of the volcano and peer out at that cloud of steam off to the south, and try and see if you can squeeze which direction the wind out there's blowing.' He stops for a moment to cough. 'There's something strange going on with the tides and the weather,' he adds, 'and I want to see if this wind we're having is constant.'". After discussing sc_cus1yes: now distant column of steam references sc_cus1noresults.

Progue-Steam-Mission is a scene. Progue-Steam-Mission begins when sc_cus1yes is spoken.

[Every turn when Progue-Steam-Mission is happening and an unimportant episode is playing:

if sc_cus1done is true begin;

remove sc_cus1noresults from list of convo stuff, if present;

add sc_cus1results to list of convo stuff, if absent;


add sc_cus1noresults to list of convo stuff, if absent;

end if.]

Progue-Steam-Mission ends successfully when sc_cus1results is spoken. Progue-Steam-Mission ends unsuccessfully when the time since Progue-Steam-Mission began is at least 4 hours. When Progue-Steam-Mission ends unsuccessfully: add sc_cus1fail to list of convo stuff; remove sc_cus1noresults from list of convo stuff, if present; remove sc_cus1results from list of convo stuff, if present. When Progue-Steam-Mission ends successfully: remove sc_cus1noresults from list of convo stuff, if present; remove sc_cus1results from list of convo stuff, if present; remove sc_cus1fail from list of convo stuff, if present.

Instead of examining distant column of steam when compass is open and Progue-Steam-Mission is happening: add sc_cus1results to list of convo stuff, if absent; remove sc_cus1noresults from list of convo stuff, if present; say "Comparing the steam carefully with the compass, it looks as if the wind is blowing more or less due east.".

Understand "favor" as sc_cus1noresults when last beat is in SuppC. sc_cus1noresults is an ephemeral beat in SuppC with keyword name "favor" and reaction "'Haven't you gotten it yet?' the Progue says. 'What's keeping you? Pressing social engagements? Terrible traffic through the treehouse district? Get on with it!'".

Understand "favor" as sc_cus1results when last beat is in SuppC. sc_cus1results is a unsubmissive affinitive ephemeral beat in SuppC with keyword name "favor" and reaction "'Interesting,' the Progue says, musing, 'east you say? That's not right at all for this time of year, no, no. East. Hrmph. Strange things happening. Keep the eyes wide.'".

Understand "favor" as sc_cus1fail when last beat is in SuppC. sc_cus1fail is a submissive ephemeral beat in SuppC with keyword name "favor" and reaction "'Oh,' Progue says, 'I gave up on you. Forgot all about it. Next time be a little more punctual, will you?'".]

[sc_chat1: random banter]

sc_chat1 is a beat in SuppC with reaction "'Hello and hello. [last-ep-msg-supp]What have you been playing at this [progue-time-of-day], eh?' he asks, [animus-business]. 'Bits of [sc_exploring], maybe? Trying to [sc_gather] what you need to move on? Or just [sc_lounging] around enjoying the sunlight?'". sc_lifecontinues replaces sc_chat1.

Understand "exploring" as sc_exploring when last beat is in SuppC. sc_exploring is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "exploring" and reaction "'Ah yes, adventure, mystery, exploration,' he says with a fond smile. 'And so much on my Lacuna to discovery. Found the [sc_bees] yet? Or all those gushing [sc_windsigh] trees?'".

Understand "gather" as sc_gather when last beat is in SuppC. sc_gather is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "gather" and reaction "'I can certainly understand your anxiousness,' he says. 'You'll be having a life to get on with, places to explore, distressees to rescue. Well, don't get upended; we'll have you ready for your [depc_departure] before long.'".

Understand "lounging" as sc_lounging when last beat is in SuppC. sc_lounging is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "lounging" and reaction "'Ah, well,' he says, 'such a beautiful place for it, eh? All this abandoned art: [sc_sculpture], [sc_paintings], even that ridiculous [sc_ropeway] is pretty when the light hits it right.'".

[sc_chat2: random banter]

sc_chat2 is a beat in SuppC with reaction "'Something's been trickling [sc_queer] out in the ocean this [Progue-time-of-day],' he says, [animus-business]. 'I found one of the deep [sc_jellyfish] washed up on the beach, but they aren't due back for months. Strange as strange.'". sc_lifecontinues replaces sc_chat2.

Understand "queer" as sc_queer when last beat is in SuppC. sc_queer is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "queer" and reaction "'Can't put fingers to it,' he says reflectively, 'but lie assured there's something strange out there. Ah well-oh. Oceans are vast and cruel and ever ever so snobbishly haughty. Never let the ocean feel intellectually superior to you, my friend, or you're good as dead. Now, what shall we talk about today?'". bp_wordday suggests bp_hallucination.

[sc_chat3: random banter]

sc_chat3 is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "'Popped into the old beach cabin a while ago and noticed you'd left some things out,' he says, [animus-business]. 'Some sort of [sc_sketchbook] or something thatwise. Now I don't mean to nag but let's do try and keep things tidy around here while we prepare your [depc_departure], shall we?'". sc_lifecontinues replaces sc_chat3.

sc_chat4 is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "'I hope you're prepping for your [depc_departure],' he says, [animus-business]. 'Lots to do and due to lots.'".

[sc_ruminating: thoughtful reflection]

sc_ruminating is a beat in SuppC with reaction "[one of]He looks off into the distance again[or]He seems only half-aware of you, still lost in dark reflection[in random order]. 'Sorries,' he says, 'just thinking. Remembering, I suppose. Out of practice at both.' He closes his eyes. 'Or maybe maybe they're the same thing,' he says, 'in two subtle-different [sc_shades].'[paragraph break]He takes a breath. 'What can I do for you then?' he asks.". sc_makeconversation replaces sc_ruminating.

Understand "shades" as sc_shades. sc_shades is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "shades" and reaction "He doesn't respond for a long while, staring off towards the ocean with a bemused look, as if unsure whether something he ate had gone bad.[paragraph break]'Funny,' he says finally, 'something funny, isn't it? How we mourn the ones we left behind, we [if rev_wayfaring is spoken]wayfarers[otherwise]sojourners of worlds[end if]. Mourn them like dead, only they're not. Old friends, kin brothers and love brothers, lovers and strangers and half-acquaintanced drifters in our lives. Not true [sc_shdead], we mostly usually know and nod and accept; it's just it so feels that way to us, selfish we, because [sc_shthey][']ve gone from our lives, zoosh, real as eggs from airplanes, terminal and unreclaimable, gone as gone and gone.'". sc_shades suggests sc_shdead.

Understand "dead/mourn" as sc_shdead when last beat is in SuppC. sc_shdead is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "[if last beat is sc_shthey]mourn[otherwise]dead" and reaction "He turns to look at you, intently. 'But to themselves they live,' he says fiercely, 'still being some existence or trueness, elsewhen and otherwhere, and only the small sad percentage of their lives connected to us has gone, and what is that to anyone, eh? Even after lives entwined, years and fears together, what inner muchness of your life is your own and own alone, that none other knows or shares? Larger than any husband or wife, any brother or [sc_girls] would dare say aloud. Or alone.'[paragraph break]He turns back to the sea, energy spent. 'And that, [animal-nickname], that is why it hurts; the vacuum twixt the perspectives, that they can have died to us and go on living to themselves. That is the selfish truth that cores our pain. And that,' he says, with a twitch of a smile, 'is what I was thinking about. Now. Let's change the subject, shall we?'".

Understand "they" as sc_shthey when last beat is in SuppC. sc_shthey is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "they" and reaction "A half smile. 'I was thinking then when you came up of the strangest person,' he says. 'A girl at [sc_nabe] who I saw just once, out beyond the reef in little boats. We spotted each other in the blue distance and waved, and met up on the rowdy waves, laughing and introducing. We spoke only five minutes, I would guess, and later I saw her at distances but never details. But suddenly today I remember her and [sc_shdead], the yellow of her clothes, the giddy smile, words shared and connections made only by that brief meeting, boat prows kissing together on a clear blue day. I will never see her again, and I mourn.'". sc_shthey suggests sc_shdead.

[sc_lifecontinues: random actions remind Progue of past]

sc_lifecontinues is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "'[one of]Just [Progue-animus] again,' he says, [attitude-business]. 'Seems like I've been [Progue-animus] at this spot for buckets of evers[or]Good [Progue-time-of-day] to you, [animal-nickname],' he says, [animus-business]. 'Just getting in a bit of [Progue-animus] in between all the question-and-answering you seem so fond of[or]I certainly love all this [Progue-animus],' he says fondly, [animus-business]. 'Reminds me of the old days. Well and but the new ones too, I suppose[in random order]. [last-ep-msg-supp][whatnow]?'". To say whatnow: say "[one of]What can I do for you[or]What are you into today[or]Have some more questions for me, I suppose then[or]Hope all's well[or]Good and good to spy you. What's going on[in random order]".

To say last-ep-msg-supp:

if last episode is Let's Take A Soak Part Two, say "All unwrinkled and deshrivelled from our hot springs jaunt, I hope. ";

if last episode is Simple Warning, say "Staying away from the pyramid, I hope. ";

if last episode is Sand Construction, say "Still picking wet sand out from under my fingernails. ";

if last episode is Long Walks, say "Been thinking a lot about our walk on the beach. ";

if last episode is Feast of Submission, say "Certainly enjoyed our delicious dinner. ";

if last episode is Dolphins Meeting, say "Been keeping an eye on those dolphins; who knows how long they'll stick about. ".

[depc_departureprepping: Progue talks about getting player ready for departure.]

depc_departureprepping is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "'Haven't been in here for years!' he says happily, scrubbing dirt from the workbench furiously. 'Don't you worry, we'll get it cleaned up for you. Then you can be on your way!'".