Blue Lacuna — 333 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Suppression Animus Convo

Suppression Animus Convo is a serendipitous rerunnable guaranteed triggered episode. The subchange beat is silence. The boredom beat is silence. The bye beat of Suppression Animus Convo is silence. The abruptbye beat is silence.

Last condition rule for Suppression Animus Convo:

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, rule succeeds.

First commencement rule for Suppression Animus Convo:

ignore the Progue begins episode dialogue rule;

pre-conversation processing;

force discuss sc_intro;

[ if Progue doesn't like us, we have a few "nasty" conversations to choose from. ]

[ if Progue is doing an activity we have a conversation for, potentially discuss that ]

if the animus of Progue is ruminating and a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds:

force discuss sc_ruminating;

otherwise if ( the animus of Progue is mending or the animus of Progue is fishing or the animus of Progue is beach-combing ) :

if dc_fishing is unspoken and the animus of Progue is fishing:

force discuss dc_fishing;

else if dc_mending is unspoken and the animus of Progue is mending:

force discuss dc_mending;

else if dc_combing is unspoken and the animus of Progue is beach-combing:

force discuss dc_combing;


force discuss sc_lifecontinues;

otherwise if the animus of Progue is cleaning:

force discuss depc_departureprepping;

[ otherwise, make general conversation. ]


force discuss sc_makeconversation.

First finishing rule for Suppression Animus Convo:

if Progue is idle, rule succeeds.

sc_intro is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "Progue looks up from his [Progue-animus] and nods[if we are going or we are landmark-going] as you approach[end if], [attitude-business]."