Blue Lacuna — 181 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Spring

The mountain-spring is a backdrop. It is in Lawn, Observatory Exterior, Cliffside, and Ledge. It is either pristine or diverted. It is pristine. Understand "water" or "trickle" or "stream/streambed/spring" or "springbed/mountain" or "spring bed" or "channel" as the mountain-spring. The printed name is "spring".

Instead of examining the mountain-spring:

let vol be the pressure of the related pipe of the pyramid pressure gauge;

if location is Lawn begin; say "The [if vol is 0]dry spring bed[otherwise if vol <= 2]damp spring bed[otherwise if vol <= 10]trickling spring[otherwise]gurgling spring[end if] meanders across the lawn haphazardly from the direction of the pyramid through a shallow channel, [if mountain-spring is pristine]past a number of grey [o]boulders[x] which must have tumbled down from the mountain's summit, till it vanishes into a [o]crack[x] in the cliff[otherwise]until a boulder diverts it and sends it running over the grass to plunge off the far side of the cliff in a tiny waterfall that quickly vanishes into mist[end if].";

otherwise if location is Observatory Exterior; say "[if vol >= 15]The searing hot spring pours forth from[otherwise if vol >= 10]The hot spring trickles from[otherwise if vol >= 5]The warm spring water seeps from[otherwise]The dry streambed originates at[end if] a sodden depression in the grass. Peering closer, you can see a buried bamboo [o]conduit[x], cracked. Following the conduit, you see its end sticking out over the edge of the cliff, where it would drain into the ravine far below, if the crack didn't divert the water[if puzzle mode].[paragraph break]Some [o]words[x] are scrawled onto the pipe near the dropoff[end if].";

otherwise; say "The water, [if vol >= 22]coming down in hot steaming curtains[otherwise if vol >= 12]while only a trickle and not too cold[end if], is enough to wet the crack completely and form a base for moss and slime to grow.";

end if.

Instead of touching or taking the mountain-spring, say "The water is scalding hot to the touch.". Understand "stop [mountain-spring]" or "dam [mountain-spring]" or "divert [mountain-spring]" as a mistake ("The cirque has been swept smooth by wind and rain; you can't see anything nearby you could use to divert the spring.").

The buried bamboo conduit is a setpiece in Observatory Exterior. Understand "break/crack/hole" as conduit. The description is "It looks as if the conduit is meant to drain runoff water from the steam powering some underground mechanism. The break is quite large; perhaps some boulder tumbling from the rocky slope above did it in.". Understand "fix [conduit]" or "repair [conduit]" or "cover [conduit]" as a mistake("The damage is quite extensive. You don't see any way to repair it short of excavating the whole cirque and replacing the pipe, which you don't have the tools to do."). The dream-text of buried bamboo conduit is "stands of bamboo".

Check tasting the mountain-spring: let vol be the pressure of the related pipe of the pyramid pressure gauge; say "[if vol >= 15]The water is scalding hot; you can barely touch it, let alone drink it[otherwise if vol >= 10]The trickle of water is too hot to drink[otherwise if vol >= 5]The water is warm, and has a strange mineral undertaste[otherwise]The spring is not running at the moment[end if]." instead. Instead of taking or touching the mountain-spring, say "You gather a handful of the scalding hot water in your hand, before letting it fall."

An overly energetic boulder is a prop in Lawn. Understand "boulders/jumble" as energetic boulders when location is Lawn. The description is "[if mountain-spring is diverted]Having rolled quite a ways from most of its siblings nearer the summit, this boulder seems content now in its role as temporary traffic director for the spring[otherwise]The boulders lie strewn around the lawn, some huge and old and sunken into the ground, others, the smaller and more recently mobile, resting on top of it[end if].". The dream-text of energetic boulder is "unsteady boulders". Instead of climbing or entering overly energetic boulder, say "Most of the boulders are far too small for that to be useful; they would probably easily shift under your weight.".

Instead of taking or attacking the overly energetic boulder, try pushing the overly energetic boulder. Check pushing the overly energetic boulder when the mountain-spring is diverted: say "You've already pushed a boulder to divert the tiny spring." instead.

First report pushing the overly energetic boulder: now the mountain-spring is diverted; say "You bend down and, with one solid heave, manage to topple one large boulder into the path of the [if the pressure of the related pipe of the pyramid pressure gauge >= 5]stream. The water changes course, running across the lawn to tumble off the cliff in a waterfall that vanishes into the air, rather than trickling into the crack[else]dry streambed. It looks like any water flowing through here now would be diverted away from the crack[end if]."; rule succeeds.