Blue Lacuna — 37 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Requesting the score

Understand the command "score" as something new. Understand the command "notify" as something new.

Understand "score" as requesting the score.

Check requesting the score:

say "You've made it to chapter [current chapter in words] (out of ten)";

if current chapter > 1, say " in [if puzzle mode]puzzle[else]story[end if] mode";

say ", exploring [the number of explored regions in words] region[s] (out of [the number of regions in words])";

if met_progue is true:

say ". You've met [the Progue], who [if affinity of Progue > 0]likes you[else]dislikes you[end if] ([if affinity of Progue > 0]+[end if][affinity of Progue]), [if submission of Progue > 0]feels submissive towards you[else]feels dominant towards you[end if] ([if submission of Progue > 0]+[end if][submission of Progue]), and ";

if paternalism of Progue > 1:

say "feels paternal towards you (+[paternalism of Progue])";

else if romance of Progue > 1:

say "feels romantic towards you (+[romance of Progue])";

else if romance of Progue < 0:

say "feels bitter towards you ([romance of Progue])";


say "feels neither particularly paternal (+[paternalism of Progue]) nor romantic (+[romance of Progue]) towards you";

if current chapter > 1, say ". You've shown [if rume-tracker <= -10]almost no[else if Rume-tracker < 0]a little[else if Rume-tracker < 10]some[else]significant[end if] interest in finding a way back to Rume[if player is wounded], you've injured yourself[end if][if time for excitement], and based on my best guess, I'd say you're a little bored right now[end if]";

say ". And never forget that at first you chose [if we chose love]love[else]art[end if]." instead.

Definition: a region is explored: if the number of visited rooms regionally in it is at least 1, yes; no.

Understand "notify" as switching score notification. Switching score notification is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "notify on" or "notify off" as a mistake ("[as the parser]You can simply type NOTIFY to toggle stats mode[as normal].").

Check switching score notification:

if stats mode is false:

now stats mode is true;

say "[as the parser]Stats mode turned on[as normal]." instead;


now stats mode is false;

say "[as the parser]Stats mode turned off[as normal]." instead.