Blue Lacuna — 36 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Part - Commands

Chapter - Meta Commands

Section - Tutorial Mode

Tutorial mode is a device. Tutorial mode is switched on.

Tutorial-switching is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "tutorial" as tutorial-switching. Understand "tutorial [text]" as a mistake ("[as the parser]Type TUTORIAL to toggle tutorial mode on and off[as normal].").

Carry out tutorial-switching:

if tutorial mode is switched off:

if location is not regionally in Homeworld:

speak as the parser "Tutorial mode is no longer available at this stage of the story." instead;

speak as the parser "Tutorial mode is now on.";


speak as the parser "Tutorial mode is now off.";

follow the tutorial toggling rule.

This is the tutorial toggling rule: if tutorial mode is switched on, now tutorial mode is switched off; else now tutorial mode is switched on.