Blue Lacuna — 392 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Details and Implementation

Check landmark-listing when Having a Dream is happening: say "Everything here is a disorienting jumble." instead.

Report remembering when location of noun is regionally in Dreamlands: say "But that was just a dream." instead. Report remembering when location is regionally in Dreamlands: say "You can't see any such thing." instead.

Instead of going nowhere when location is a room in Dreamlands: say "You can't go that way.".

Instead of taking inventory when location is a room in Dreamlands, say "You can't quite seem to focus on what, if anything, you're holding."

Check waking up when location is regionally in Dreamlands (this is the can't wake up while dreaming rule): say "[if location is a flashback-room]But you're not asleep. At least, you don't think you are.[otherwise]You can't seem to wake yourself up.[end if]" instead.

Instead of doing anything to stuff when location is a room in Dreamlands, say "[one of]It seems somehow less real when you look at it directly[or]Every time you look away, it changes[or]Now that you look more closely, you realize it's actually [remembered thing][or]You can't seem to focus on it[or]It seems pale and unimportant[in random order].".

To say dream thing: say "[one of]stacks of fur hides[or]boxes of sand[or]crates and crates of paintbrushes[or]stacked easels[or]cans of paint[or]a row of glass dolls[or]forests of pine trees[or]stacks of cookware[or]stacks of tiny empty boxes[or]empty fish tanks[or]rows of empty shelves[or]stacks of folded clothes[at random]". [[or]miles and miles of books]

dream-thing-scenery is a backdrop. It is in Dreamlands. Understand "fur/hides/boxes/sand/crates/paintbrushes/easels/cans/row/glass/dolls/doll/forests/pine/trees/stacks/cookware/boxes/fishtanks/shelves/clothes" as dream-thing-scenery when location is regionally in Dreamlands. Does the player mean doing anything to dream-thing-scenery: it is very unlikely. Instead of doing anything other than examining or examining by name dream-thing-scenery, try examining dream-thing-scenery. The description of dream-thing-scenery is "It fades away when you try to look too closely.".

To say remembered thing:

let stop-flag be false;

while stop-flag is false and the number of entries of list of remembered stuff > 0 begin;

let choice be number of entries of list of remembered stuff;

if dream-text of entry choice of list of remembered stuff is not "" begin;

say dream-text of entry choice of list of remembered stuff;

now stop-flag is true;

end if;

remove entry choice from list of remembered stuff;

end while;

if stop-flag is false, say "[dream thing]".

Understand "dreamstuff" as saying-remem. Saying-remem is an action out of world applying to nothing. Carry out saying-remem: say remembered thing.

Understand "[greeting word] phoebe/lethe/dad/progue/sister" as greeting when location is a flashback-room. [We can normally do this, but since this matches the triggers, the "greet [a person]" grammar line doesn't work.]

Check sleeping: if location is regionally in Dreamlands, say "You feel wide awake." instead.