Blue Lacuna — 373 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Disappearance

Disappearance is a guaranteed instant triggered episode.

A condition for Disappearance:

if Progue is enclosed by location, rule fails;

if the number of contacted windsigh trees is 7, rule succeeds.

A commencement rule for Disappearance:

now the psyche of Progue is fugue.

A finishing rule for Disappearance:

if the psyche of Progue is fugue, rule succeeds.

Noticing-Disappearance is a triggered guaranteed instant episode.

A condition for Noticing-Disappearance:

if location is Hut, rule succeeds.

A commencement rule for Noticing-Disappearance:

say "That's funny. Progue was here, but now he's gone.".

A finishing rule for Noticing-Disappearance: rule succeeds.