Blue Lacuna — 336 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Departure Subplot

[The player can go on a series of five "Quests" to gather the different colors of paint for Progue. For each color, they have to find the three locations where that item exists, collect the items in a basket, and return it to Progue. The point of all this is basically to give bored players something to do; in the process of exploring the island, they might uncover new hints towards puzzles, trigger new Drama Manager scenes, or pass enough time that an event like the Tsunami starts.]

To mark workbench cleaned:

while cleaning is a pick listed in Table of Progue Suppression Endeavours:

choose row with pick of cleaning in Table of Progue Suppression Endeavours;

blank out the whole row;

while cleaning is a pick listed in Table of Progue Uncertainty Endeavours:

choose row with pick of cleaning in Table of Progue Uncertainty Endeavours;

blank out the whole row;

now wall to wall workbench is clean;

remove artisan tools from play.

DepC is a thread.

Understand "departure" as depc_departure. depc_departure is a repeatable beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "departure" and reaction "[if wall to wall workbench is dirty][depcdirty][otherwise if 1 is a status listed in Table of Departure Quest][depcprogress][otherwise if the animus of Progue is paint-making][depcworkingnow][otherwise if there is a pick of paint-making in Table of Progue Suppression Endeavours or there is a pick of paint-making in Table of Progue Uncertainty Endeavours][depcmakingsoon][otherwise if unassigned departure quests][depcclean][otherwise][depcnomorequests][end if]". After discussing depc_departure: now tempfuse of depc_departure is 9999; continue the action.

To decide whether unassigned departure quests: if there is a status of 0 in Table of Departure Quest, decide yes; decide no.

To say depcdirty: say "[one of]'There's a number of things, a number of steps needed to prepare, if you're to fare on your way through painting,' Progue says, biting a lip and turning his head sideways. 'First but first and first I'll need to clean out the old studio in the [sc_cabin]. Come talk to me again after I've swamped it out, and we'll go over the details.'[or][stilldirty][stopping]". To say stilldirty: say "'Haven't gotten to it yet!' he says cheerfully. 'But I'll bump it higher up on my agenda.'".

To say depcmakingsoon: say "'I'll mix that paint for you soon,' Progue says, 'and leave it in the studio.'".

To say depcworkingnow: say "'Working on it!' Progue says, stirring the pot vigorously.".

To say depcnomorequests: say "[if Tsunami Sequence has ended]'I've seen no sign of the rayfish since the tsunami,' he says, scanning the horizon and frowning. 'I'll keep an eye out for their return.'[otherwise]'Hmm,' he says, 'well the only color left is black, which comes from the rayfish. I'll go out some night soon and collect the ink.'[end if]".

To say depcprogress: say "'Coming along, are we?' he says. 'I'm anxious to get those "; choose row with a status of 1 in Table of Departure Quest; say "[item entry]!'".

To say depcclean: force discuss depc_clean. depc_clean is a beat in DepC with reaction "'The studio's all cleaned up,' he says, beaming brightly, 'so now there's a proper workspace for you. Well! We'll get you on your way, nothing to worry about. I suppose the next thing is start gathering up the materials you'll need for paints. Is that something you think you'd like to start on right away?'". The yes-beat of depc_clean is depc_quest. The no-beat of depc_clean is depc_noquest. depc_wantquest replaces depc_clean.

depc_wantquest is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "'Making progress!' he says. 'Would you like to help me find another paint color?'". The yes-beat of depc_wantquest is depc_quest. The no-beat of depc_wantquest is depc_noquest.

depc_noquest is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "'Perfectly understandable!' Progue says. 'Not trying to rush you! Take your time! Enjoy the island!'".

depc_quest is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "'Marvelous!' he says, pulling a small woven basket from somewhere and handing it to you. 'Take this and go and gather me some [quest_assignment], you ring. Mind you fill the basket up all the way! When you're done bring it back and I can mix you up some paint.'". After discussing depc_quest: move basket to player.

To say quest_assignment:

sort Table of Departure Quest in status order;

choose row 1 in Table of Departure Quest;

now status entry is 1;

now intended contents of basket is item entry;

if item entry is:

-- berries: say "berries. For the red paint";

-- lemon-yellow leaves: say "windsigh leaves. For the yellow paint";

-- small green mussels: say "mussels. For the green paint";

-- sea-blue crystal: say "crystals. For the blue paint";

-- white snail: say "snails. For the white paint".

[0=unassigned, 1=current, 2=done]

Table of Departure Quest

lemon-yellow leaves0
small green mussels0
sea-blue crystal0
white snail0

Every turn when player holds basket and Progue is enclosed by location and the animus of Progue is not swimming and the animus of Progue is not resting and nothing dramatic is up and quantity of basket > 0:

if quantity of the basket is 3 and already-got-item :

force discuss depc_alreadygot;

if quantity of the basket is 3:

if actual contents of basket is bulbous fruits, force discuss utbm_gotem;

otherwise force discuss depc_questdone;

otherwise if actual contents of basket is not intended contents of basket:

force discuss depc_wrongitem;


force discuss depc_gettingthere.

To decide whether already-got-item:

if there is an item of actual contents of basket in Table of Departure Quest:

choose row with an item of actual contents of basket in Table of Departure Quest;

if status entry is 2, decide yes;

decide no;


decide no.

depc_alreadygot is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "'Oh!' Progue says, peering into your basket, 'but you already brought me some [actual contents of basket]. I told you to get some [intended contents of basket][if submission of Progue > 0], didn't I? Must have said the wrong thing; mind's not what it used. Sorries for the confusion[else]. Go and find some of those instead; can't do anything more with these[end if].'".

depc_wrongitem is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "Progue peers into your basket critically. 'Gathering [actual contents of basket]?' he says. 'I thought I asked you to bring me [intended contents of basket] instead. Better empty the basket and start again.'".

depc_gettingthere is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "Progue peers into your basket. 'Good!' he says. 'Getting there, getting there. Just fill it up all the way with [actual contents of basket] and I'll be able to mix you up some paint.'".

depc_questdone is a repeatable beat in DepC with reaction "'[if actual contents of basket is not intended contents of basket]Oh!' says Progue, peering at the basket in surprise, 'I was expecting you to get me [intended contents of basket]. Oh well, then, doesn't matter. I'll take these[otherwise]Wonderful!' Progue says, taking the basket of[end if] [quest_finished] paint!' He tucks it away [if actual contents of basket is not intended contents of basket]with a frown of mild consternation[otherwise]and smiles broadly[end if].".

After discussing depc_questdone:

if actual contents of basket is intended contents of basket:

choose row with a status of 1 in Table of Departure Quest;

now status entry is 2;

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, Progue is less submissive;

impress Progue;


Progue is more submissive;

annoy Progue;

choose row with an item of actual contents of basket in Table of Departure Quest;

now status entry is 2;

choose row with a status of 1 in Table of Departure Quest;

now status entry is 0;

if item entry is berries, move pot of red paint to Progue;

if item entry is lemon-yellow leaves, move pot of yellow paint to Progue;

if item entry is small green mussels, move pot of green paint to Progue;

if item entry is sea-blue crystal, move pot of blue paint to Progue;

if item entry is white snail, move pot of white paint to Progue;

remove basket from play;

now quantity of the basket is 0;

truncate harvested list of basket to 0 entries;

now actual contents of basket is nothing;

choose a blank row in Table of Progue Suppression Endeavours;

now pick entry is paint-making;

choose a blank row in Table of Progue Suppression Endeavours;

now pick entry is paint-making;

choose a blank row in Table of Progue Uncertainty Endeavours;

now pick entry is paint-making;

choose a blank row in Table of Progue Uncertainty Endeavours;

now pick entry is paint-making;

continue the action.

To say quest_finished:

choose row with a status of 1 in Table of Departure Quest;

if item entry is:

-- berries: say "berries from you. 'Now I can get going on that red";

-- lemon-yellow leaves: say "windsigh leaves from you. 'Now I can get started on that yellow";

-- small green mussels: say "mussels from you. 'So now I can get to work on that green";

-- sea-blue crystal: say "crystals from you. 'I suppose I can get started on that blue";

-- white snail: say "snails from you. 'Now I can get moving on that white".