Blue Lacuna — 302 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Just Teasing

[Progue teases and pokes you. You can poke back (romantic), smile (affinitive), frown (submissive), or snarl (unaffinitive/submissive) or do nothing (unsubmissive)]

Just Teasing is a serendipitous triggered denialy episode. The icebreaker is jt_intro. The subchange beat is silence. The boredom beat is silence. The bye beat is silence. The abruptbye beat is silence.

Last condition for Just Teasing: rule succeeds.

JT is a thread. The escape clause is jt_nothing.

jt_intro is a beat in JT with reaction "'Playing explorer, are we?' [the Progue] asks, [animus-business]. 'The brave hero[if player is female]ine[end if] on the tropical [dc_island]?' He giggles and pokes you. 'My [animal-nickname], the explorer.'[paragraph break]He playfully pokes you again, and you wonder whether you should [jt_poke] him back, [jt_smile] politely, [jt_frown], angrily [jt_rebuke] him, or just do [t]nothing[x].". jt_intro suggests jt_nothing.

Understand "poke" as jt_poke when last beat is in JT. jt_poke is a romantic beat in JT with keyword name "poke" and reaction "You wait till he moves in for his next strike, then give him a solid poke straight in the ribs, with a bit of tickle worked in. He opens his eyes wide in surprise, then laughs. 'Learn fast for a [animal-nickname],' he says. 'Think I'll ratherly enjoy having you around after all. How are you then anyway? Some [t]subject[x] you wanted to talk about?'". jt_poke cancels jt_smile, jt_frown, jt_rebuke.

Understand "smile" as jt_smile when last beat is in JT. jt_smile is an affinitive beat in JT with keyword name "smile" and reaction "You grin and [the Progue] smiles back, but puts away his poking finger. 'How are you then anyway?' he asks. 'Something you wanted to talk about?'". jt_smile cancels jt_poke, jt_frown, jt_rebuke.

Understand "frown" as jt_frown when last beat is in JT. jt_frown is a submissive beat in JT with keyword name "frown" and reaction "'Sorries,' [the Progue] says, 'didn't mean to offend. [if the psyche of Progue is denial]You're rather fleshier than I expected I must say. Didn't think you spirits had the concept of personal space. [end if]But how are you then anyway? Something you wanted to talk about?'". jt_frown cancels jt_poke, jt_smile, jt_rebuke.

Understand "rebuke" as jt_rebuke when last beat is in JT. jt_rebuke is an unaffinitive beat in JT with keyword name "rebuke" and reaction "'Sausages,' he says in annoyance, 'just a friendly bit of fun, no need to get upended over it. Ah well-oh, was there something you wanted then?'". jt_rebuke cancels jt_poke, jt_smile, jt_frown.

jt_nothing is an unsubmissive beat in JT with reaction "He pokes you a few more times, but, failing to get a reaction, gives up and shrugs. 'Ah well-oh, how are you then? Was there something you wanted to talk about?'". jt_nothing cancels jt_poke, jt_smile, jt_frown, jt_rebuke.