Blue Lacuna — 228 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Forest6

The prose name of Forest6 is "the rain forest". The description of Forest6 is "[forest6desc].". To say forest6desc: say "[if milestone mode is false and final release mode is false](6)[end if][A sentence about the forest profusion]. Bulbous red-orange fruits grow from spindly trees, weird curves and patterns etching their shiny skin. [paragraph break][exits]". To say Forest6Exits: say "A narrow leaf-choked [dr]valley[x] climbs [if dir][northwest][otherwise]upwards[end if], adjacent to a passable [dr]badlands[x] of tree roots[if dir] to the [north][end if]; the rain forest in all other directions looks impassable". Report going from Forest6 to Forest7: say "You find the tree roots make easy hand and footholds, plentiful but unsteady, as you clamber over the arboreal maelstrom, feeling like a child in some madman's playground given explosive life. Eventually a green tide of mossy soil rises up to recover the roots and once again you stand on solid ground." Report going from Forest6 to Forest1: say "Keeping out of the marshy bottom, you step carefully up the tiny ravine towards its top, wishing dearly for a machete as you go.". Understand "valley" as northwest when location is Forest6. Understand "badlands" as north when location is Forest6.

Some bulbous fruits are a prop in Forest6. Understand "fruit/red-orange/seed/seeds/strands" as bulbous fruits. The description is "About the size of a newborn, the fruits are elongated spheres striped with ridges, their skin a brilliant red-orange, shocking against the mostly pale greens of the rain forest.". Instead of taking bulbous fruits, say "You try to pull one from the tree, but they are attached to the branches with thick, ropey stems; perhaps they are not yet ripe.". Instead of attacking bulbous fruits, say "You find a small rock and bash it against the side of the fruit. The tough skin gives way, and dense brown ropey strands thick with seeds oozes out.". First Check tasting bulbous fruits: try attacking bulbous fruits; say "The thick seeds seem to be the most edible, so you pop one in your mouth and chew. The flavor is dark and bitter at first, but a warming, tantalizing aftertaste lingers after." instead. Instead of touching bulbous fruits: say "The skin feels hard and thick, but gives a little under your touch, like an overripe pumpkin.".