Blue Lacuna — 148 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - The Konokuk Trees

[The konokuk trees. When play begins, there are no fruits on the ground. During a rainstorm, there is a chance that some will drop. (We have a "tree coconut" and a "ground-coconut" backdrop item that have some of the same qualities.) The player can also climb a tree (if uninjured) to get a coconut, which he then returns to ground to examine; or shake a tree to (at random) make one fall. Progue has a tree-climbing/coconut-eating activity in Supression. The player is not allowed to "take" a coconut. Ground-coconuts randomly have a chance to disappear each night (creatures or Progue eats them.)

None of this really serves any purpose, other than to make the environment more interactive and welcoming.]

Some konokuk trees are a backdrop. They are in North Beach and Rise. Understand "tree9/tree/trunk/trunks" as konokuk trees. The description is "The knobby brown trunks of the [if konokuk trees are named]konokuk [end if]trees curve gently up to a cluster of leafy fronds and hairy brown [o]fruits[x] well above your head.". Check climbing konokuk trees when player is wounded: say "You can't climb anything with your leg in this shape." instead. Check climbing konokuk trees: add some konokuk; say "You grip the leathered trunk of the tree firmly and start shimmying up. It's hard work. Sweat ripples your face and your hands become tender and slippery. But finally you reach the top of the tree, within touching distance of the hairy brown [o]fruits[x]. You manage to knock a few loose, before returning to the ground and picking bits of bark from your roughened hands tenderly." instead. Does the player mean climbing or pushing or shaking some konokuk trees: it is very likely. Check pushing konokuk trees: add some konokuk; say "You grip a trunk and vigorously shake the tree back and forth. After a moment a few of the fruits fall; you hastily step aside as they cannonball into the sand near your feet with loud thunks." instead.

To add some konokuk: if ground-konokuk are not-appearing begin; if location is Rise, now ground-konokuk are R-appearing; otherwise now ground-konokuk are NB-appearing; otherwise; now ground-konokuk are both-appearing; end if; update-konokuk.

To say a sentence about the konokuk trees: say "Tall, swaying [if konokuk trees are named][one of][o]trees[x] -- what [the Progue] called 'konokuk' trees, you remember -- [or][o]konokuk[x] trees[stopping][otherwise][o]trees[x][end if]"; say " rise above you[if midmorning or midday], providing some welcome shade against the tropical sun[otherwise if night], more heard than seen[end if][if not night and ground-konokuk is enclosed by location], their bases strewn with round, brown [o]fruits[x][end if]". Does the player mean doing anything other than climbing to konokuk trees: it is unlikely.

Some tree-konokuk are a backdrop. They are in North Beach and Rise. Understand "fruit/fruits" or "konokuk" or "coconut" as tree-konokuk. The printed name is "[if konokuk trees are named]konokuk[otherwise]brown fruits[end if] in the tree". The description is "High near the top of the trees, you can see clusters of round brown fruits.". Instead of taking or attacking or pushing or touching or tasting tree-konokuk, say "They're well above your reach.".

Some ground-konokuk are a setpiece. ground-konokuks can be not-appearing, NB-appearing, R-appearing, or both-appearing. ground-konokuks are not-appearing. Understand "fruit" or "konokuk" or "coconut/sphere/spheres/fruits/hairy/pink/pulp/gooey/liquid/coconuts/konokuks" as ground-konokuk. The printed name is "[if konokuk trees are named]konokuk[otherwise]brown fruits". Does the player mean doing anything to ground-konokuk: it is very likely. The description is "These round hairy spheres[if konokuk trees are named], the fruit of the konokuk tree,[end if] are about the size of your head." The dream-text of ground-konokuk is "[if konokuk trees are named]konokuk[otherwise]coconuts". Check attacking ground-konokuk: say "You crack one of the fruits open with little effort, revealing a firm pink-white pulp and some gooey clear liquid inside.[if Progue is enclosed by location][one of][paragraph break]'That's the way!' [the Progue] says, looking up and nodding approvingly. 'Delicious delicious.'[or][stopping][end if]" instead. Check taking ground-konokuk: say "You heft one of the head-sized fruits in your hands, but decide you can probably do whatever you need to do with it here, rather than carrying it around." instead. Check tasting ground-konokuk: try attacking ground-konokuk; say "The pulp is delicious, with a flavor redolent of peppermint and sea salt, and the liquid is warm and nutty." instead. Check touching a ground-konokuk: say "Covered in coarse, ropy fibers." instead. Some coarse fibers are part of ground-konokuk. Understand "fiber" as fibers. Instead of doing something to coarse fibers, say "You strip a few of the fibers from the husk of one of the fruits. They seem strong and resilient, but it would take days to make anything useful from them, so you let them fall back to the ground.". Check opening ground-konokuk: try attacking ground-konokuk instead.

After going to North Beach: update-konokuk; continue the action. After going to Rise: update-konokuk; continue the action. To update-konokuk: if location is North Beach and ( ground-konokuk are NB-appearing or ground-konokuk are both-appearing ) begin; move ground-konokuk to location; otherwise if location is Rise and ( ground-konokuk are R-appearing or ground-konokuk are both-appearing ) ; move ground-konokuk to location; otherwise; remove ground-konokuk from play; end if.

Every turn when raining and a random chance of 1 in 40 succeeds (this is the rain loosens konokuk rule):

if ground-konokuk are NB-appearing or ground-konokuk are R-appearing begin; now ground-konokuk are both-appearing;

otherwise if ground-konokuk are not-appearing; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, now ground-konokuk are NB-appearing; otherwise now ground-konokuk are R-appearing;

end if.

Every turn when location was regionally in Dreamlands and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds (this is the konokuks fade rule):

if ground-konokuk are both-appearing begin; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, now ground-konokuk are R-appearing; otherwise now ground-konokuk are NB-appearing;

otherwise; now ground-konokuk are not-appearing;

end if.