Blue Lacuna — 128 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Volume - The Island of Lacuna (in Lacuna-Lacuna by Blue Lacuna)

Book - General Configuration

Part - Setup & Initialization

Section - Description Helpers

[By sticking [bw of room] before each exit, the player is told which exit they just came from, which helps with geography and navigation.]

To say bw of (rm - a room):

if former location is rm, say "back ".

To say bwt of (rm - a room):

if former location is rm, say "back to ".

To decide whether longform:

if location is unvisited, yes;

if player-looking is true, yes;


To say dot: say ".[paragraph break]".

To say room ambience:

if the ambience table of location is not Table of No ambience:

fire one off by frequency from the ambience table of location, definitely selecting;


let reg be a random region-relevant region;

if reg is a region:

fire one off by frequency from the ambience table of reg, definitely selecting;

otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:

fire one off by frequency from Table of Lacuna Weather ambience, definitely selecting;


consider time of day ambience;

if the number of filled rows in Table of Potential Messages > 1:

fire one off by frequency from Table of Potential Messages, definitely selecting;


fire one off by frequency from Table of Lacuna Weather ambience, definitely selecting.

To say time ambience:

consider time of day ambience;

if the number of filled rows in Table of Potential Messages > 1:

fire one off by frequency from Table of Potential Messages, definitely selecting;


fire one off by frequency from Table of Lacuna Weather ambience, definitely selecting.