Blue Lacuna — 127 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Part - Intelligent Hinting Support

Homeworld-Sequence requires Finishing-The-Prologue, Exploring-Homeworld, Starting-the-Painting, Conversing-With-Rume, Finishing-the-Painting.

quorking is a puzzle.

Finishing-The-Prologue is a task. The command-sequence is { "man", "woman", "art" }. Definition: Finishing-The-Prologue is complete: if Prologue has ended, yes.

A fast-forward rule for Finishing-The-Prologue:

now Rume is male;

now yourself is male;

now easel is in Homeworld-Studio;

force discuss pr_art;

now pr_art is spoken;

now pro_track is 4.

Exploring-Homeworld is a puzzle. It requires Exploring-Bedroom, Exploring-Kitchen.

Exploring-Bedroom is a task. The venue is Your Bedroom. Requirements for Exploring-Bedroom: do the action of examining nightstand; do the action of examining drawing; do the action of examining pine boughs. Definition: Exploring-Bedroom is complete: if extended-hint-mode is false, yes; if rc_greet is spoken, yes; if location is not regionally in Homeworld, yes; if we have examined pine boughs, yes.

Exploring-Kitchen is a task. The venue is Kitchen. Definition: Exploring-Kitchen is complete: if extended-hint-mode is false, yes; if rc_greet is spoken, yes; if location is not regionally in Homeworld, yes; if Kitchen is visited, yes.

Starting-the-Painting is a task with venue Homeworld-Studio. Requirements for Starting-the-Painting: do the action of painting lacuna-canvas. Definition: Starting-The-Painting is complete: if lacuna-canvas is not unbegun, yes.

A fast-forward rule for Starting-the-Painting:

move the player to Homeworld-Studio, without printing a room description;

now the player wears the outfit;

now the fireplace is raging;

now the paintbrushes is carried by the player;

now the lacuna-canvas is mostly finished.

Conversing-With-Rume is a task. Requirements for Conversing-With-Rume: do the action of discussing rc_call; do the action of discussing rc_duty; do the action of discussing rc_cantgo; do the action of waiting; do the action of discussing rc_wontstay; do the action of discussing rc_pity. Definition: Conversing-With-Rume is complete: if extended-hint-mode is false, yes; if location is not regionally in Homeworld, yes; if the number of terminal spoken beats in RC > 0, yes. A red flag rule for Conversing-With-Rume: if Rume is idle, rule fails.

Finishing-the-Painting is a task with venue Homeworld-Studio. Requirements for Finishing-the-Painting: do the action of painting lacuna-canvas; do the action of painting lacuna-canvas. Definition: Finishing-The-Painting is complete: if lacuna-canvas is finished, yes.

A fast-forward rule for Finishing-the-Painting:

now lacuna-canvas is finished;

now last beat is silence.