Blue Lacuna — 123 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Conversation with Rume

Rume is a person.

Rume-Conversation is a scene. Rume-Conversation begins when lacuna-canvas is mostly finished.

When Rume-Conversation begins:

now Rume is awake;

move Rume to Homeworld-Studio;

now Rume is holding a sikar.

Rume-Conversation ends when lacuna-canvas is finished.

When Rume-Conversation ends:

post-conversation processing;

change the time of day to 10:12 AM;

remove Rume from play;

remove the paintbrushes from play;

remove wooden band from play;

remove flintlock pistol from play;

remove dead hare from play;

remove matches from play;

if final release mode is true or milestone mode is true, determine gameplay mode;

begin chapter 2;

move player to Fork.

A sikar is a prop.

Instead of greeting Rume when Rume is awake and we have not discussed rc_greet, say "[CHeShe] looks down at you silently, ignoring your acknowledgement.". Instead of kissing or hugging when location is regionally in Homeworld and Rume is awake and we have not discussed rc_greet, say "You move towards the steps, but Rume holds up a hand to stop you.".

Instead of touching Rume when Rume is awake, try hugging Rume.

RC is a thread.

Every turn when Rume-Conversation is happening and the time since Rume-Conversation began is at least 1 minute and Rume-Conversation is happening and we have not discussed rc_greet: now Rume is attentive; now tempfuse of rc_greet is 5; try discussing rc_greet.

rc_greet is an exciting beat in RC. The reaction is "Rume [if the awake-examined of Rume is 1]examines you in return, thoughtful, [hisher] expression unreadable[otherwise if lc_painting_flag is 1]crosses [hisher] arms and shifts on the landing, drawing your attention from the painting[otherwise]puffs [hisher] sikar, staring at you with an unreadable expression[end if]. [rumegreet2].'". To say rumegreet2: say "'No goodbyes from a [rc_call], then,' [heshe] says in a quiet voice that hangs heavy nonetheless among the wooden rafters, seeping only reluctantly to the level of your ears. 'No scenes, no protests. Yes, I understand. The way of your [rc_kind], I imagine; a quiet departure in dim night, [rc_sneak] away to new dawns in new worlds, fresh and unspoiled.'

[CHeShe] lowers one hand to the railing and grips it calmly, but [hisher] knuckles are white. 'An [rc_easiest] road,' [heshe] adds, 'for the [if player is female]wo[end if]man I thought you were". rc_greet suggests rc_rant.

Understand "kind/people" as rc_kind when last beat is in RC. rc_kind is a dogged beat in RC with keyword name "people" and reaction "Your people.[paragraph break]How can you explain to [himher] that you have no people, no kind, no customs or culture? That each of you is lost, alone in the sea of probability, and the few haphazard moments when two wayfarers meet are the only hope of finding some connection, some meaning...[paragraph break]But Rume's eyes are locked on yours, awaiting a response.". rc_kind suggests rc_rant.

Understand "easiest/easy/simplest/road" as rc_easiest when last beat is in RC. rc_easiest is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "easy" and reaction "'Easiest for someone, yes,' Rume muses, [sikar business]watching you. 'But for whom? The one who [t]wayfares[x]? Or the one [if player is male]he[otherwise]she[end if] [t]leaves[x] behind?'". rc_easiest summons rc_easyplayer, rc_easyrume, rc_easyboth, rc_consequences. rc_easiest suggests rc_easynoanswer. rc_consequences replaces rc_easiest. Instead of saying both when last beat is rc_easiest, try discussing rc_easyboth. Instead of saying neither when last beat is rc_easiest, try discussing rc_consequences.

rc_easynoanswer is a beat in RC with reaction "Rume smiles, and how hard it is to see that expression come so forced, so painfully to [hisher] lips. 'I understand,' [heshe] says again, soothingly. 'The way of the world. Water flows downhill, fires spread, the strong are cruel. What poet or fool thinks mankind can escape such inevitability?'". rc_easynoanswer enqueues rc_doimatter.

Understand "wayfarer/wayfares" as rc_easyplayer when last beat is rc_easiest. rc_easyplayer is a beat in RC with keyword name "wayfares" and reaction "Smoke billows from Rume's mouth, vanishing into the wooden beams of the rafters, and [heshe] stares at you for a long, long moment, unblinking.

Finally [HeShe] sighs, aching and long, and breaks the gaze to stare deep into the fire. 'No,' [heshe] murmurs, 'of all things, you have never been a liar. I take comfort in that. I have always had truth from you. That will stay when you go, where lies would not.'". rc_easyplayer enqueues rc_doimatter.

Understand "left/leaves" as rc_easyrume when last beat is in RC. rc_easyrume is a beat in RC with keyword name "leaves" and reaction "Rume smiles, and how hard it is to see that expression come so forced, so painfully to [hisher] lips. 'So many things you've learned, my love,' [heshe] says in a voice almost a whisper, 'in your lonely sojourn across the worlds. And so many things you have not.'". rc_easyrume enqueues rc_consequences.

rc_easyboth is a dogged beat in RC with keyword name "both" and reaction "'No,' Rume says, 'it is either one or the other. Answer me.'".

Understand "sneak/sneaking/steal/stealing" as rc_sneak when last beat is in RC. rc_sneak is a beat in RC with keyword name "stealing" and reaction "'Yes,' says Rume, considering, 'that seems to me the right word for it. Why? Does it not agree with you? Its connotations of thievery, of disloyalty, of betrayal, perhaps, seem somehow inappropriate? Apologies. It was the first that came to mind.'". rc_sneak enqueues rc_consequences.

Understand "care" as rc_rant when last beat is in RC. rc_rant is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "no" and reaction "Rume stares into you, that curious, comforting face pensive, troubled, the silence broken only by the muttering of the fire. 'Somehow I never expected this,' [heshe] murmurs as if to [himher]self, 'and I always believed you, love, your mad stories, even before I first saw you paint. But somehow I always thought you'd stay, that somehow I had the power to...'[paragraph break][CHeShe] breaks off, turning [hisher] head away sharply. When [heshe] speaks again it is with a louder, angrier voice. 'But you knew from the beginning, didn't you. That one day you would leave me behind.'". rc_rant summons rc_rantyes, rc_persuade, rc_rant2. rc_rant suggests rc_rant2. rc_cantgo replaces rc_rant. The maybe-beat of rc_rant is rc_rant2. The no-beat of rc_rant is rc_persuade. The yes-beat of rc_rant is rc_rantyes.

rc_rantyes is a beat in RC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "How can you admit such a thing? How can you say it, even to yourself? And yet there is no need; Rume sees it in your eyes, long before you've found a way to say it with words.". rc_rantyes enqueues rc_lonely.

rc_lonely is a beat in RC with keyword name "[if last beat is rc_helpless]no[otherwise]maybe" and reaction "'Then I [t]pity[x] you, wayfarer,' [heshe] says sadly, 'always laying down your head in a place that does not quite feel like home, never knowing a [t]friend[x] who grows beyond green shoots into strength and health. A lonely life.'". rc_lonely summons rc_pity, rc_friendship. rc_lonely suggests rc_rant. rc_bitterouttro replaces rc_lonely. rc_lonely cancels rc_bitterouttro, rc_cantgo, rc_helplessyes. After discussing rc_lonely: now rc_rant2 is spoken; continue the action. [ That beat also deals with pity and friendship, so we don't want to see them both in one conversation.]

Understand "pity" as rc_pity when last beat is in RC. rc_pity is an ephemeral beat in RC with keyword name "pity" and reaction "Rume nods. 'Every gift comes with a curse, love. There are peoples for whom the two words are the same. Yours is terrible and great, and though your life brims with excitement, with magic, I would not have it for the world.'".

Understand "friendship/friend/friends" as rc_friendship when last beat is in RC. rc_friendship is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "friend[if last beat is rc_rant2]s" and reaction "'Where are they now, your friends?' Rume asks, ragged with frustration and anger. 'Those worlds you left behind, do they still exist? Why waste your time in friendship when in one moment you can revoke the past from your life? Why? Do you believe those wasted hours and years were somehow worthwhile?'". rc_friendship summons rc_goodfriends, rc_doimatter. rc_friendship suggests rc_lonely. The yes-beat of rc_friendship is rc_goodfriends. The no-beat of rc_friendship is rc_doimatter.

rc_goodfriends is a beat in RC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "Rume considers this for a long time; you cannot tell what [heshe] is thinking.[paragraph break]'Yes,' [heshe] finally says, 'I suppose they were. For those you leave behind, at least. But for you?'". rc_goodfriends enqueues rc_doimatter.

rc_persuade is a beat in RC with keyword name "no" and reaction "How can you tell [himher], convince [himher] that these past months have not been a ruse? That you've struggled, fought against your nature, wanting more than anything to stay? That if the Call had not come... but it did, [if we chose art]and you responded to it at once, almost without thinking, ready to leave someone you've grown to love in an instant[otherwise]and though you fought against it, fought to stay with this soul you've grown to love, it still pulls you, entices you, in a way you cannot deny[end if]?". rc_persuade enqueues rc_cantgo.

To decide whether children are possible: if ( yourself is male and Rume is female ) or ( yourself is female and Rume is male ) , decide yes; decide no.

rc_cantgo is a beat in RC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "For a long moment you stare at each other, until Rume breaks the gaze to stare searchingly into the sloping skylights, still black with night, and you know [heshe] is thinking, searching for some way [heshe] can come with you.

And you know there is none. Only a Wayfarer wayfares. Only the things [if player is male]he has created and touches go with him[otherwise]she has created and touches go with her[end if]. And there is no going back.

You've told [himher] before, and [heshe] hasn't forgotten. And at last [heshe] nods, to [himher]self, and pauses for a moment, as if gathering the right words to go on.". rc_cantgo suggests rc_stay. rc_cantgo summons rc_stay. rc_stay replaces rc_cantgo.

rc_stay is a terminal beat in RC with keyword name "wait" and reaction "Quickly [heshe] tosses something down to you. In midair you realize what, and a weight seems to fall on you so that when you catch it, you're surprised it's so light.[paragraph break]'You say only what you've made with your own hands and touch goes with you when you go,' [heshe] breathes. 'So I give you the [o]bracelet[x] you made for me. If you would truly leave me forever, then wear it, to remember me by.'[paragraph break][CHeShe] steps forward, gripping the railing tightly. 'But there is another way. I cannot go, but you do not have to. Stay. Ignore the Call. If you keep moving on, running away from roots and foundations, this wayfaring will strip all meaning from your life and leave you a cold and lonely shadow. And I do not want that for you.'[paragraph break]'Come [d]up[x] and return the bracelet to me, if you choose to stay,' Rume says, 'or [d]wear[x] it and paint, if you choose to go. Or [d]burn[x] it, I suppose, if you wish for all trace of me to vanish. Choose. I will wait.'". After discussing rc_stay for the first time: now player holds Rume's bracelet; have the parser notice Rume's bracelet; continue the action. rc_resignedouttro replaces rc_stay.

rc_mustchoose is a repeatable terminal beat in RC with reaction "[if bracelet is not worn by player and bracelet is on-stage]'No, love,' Rume says, 'you must choose. Come [d]up[x] to me to abandon your power and stay with me, or [d]wear[x] the bracelet to remember me by and paint your way into some other world, or [d]burn[x] it and paint and forget me.'[else]Your last conversation with Rume has ended. There is only one path forward now.[end if]".

rc_goup is a beat in RC with keyword name "up" and reaction "You move to the stairs, but Rume pauses, breathing deeply. 'Wait,' [heshe] says, 'think. Know what you give up for me. Believe it in yourself. Tell it to your soul. Then, if that truly is your decision...' [CHeShe] trembles, whispering. 'Then yes, come [t]up[x] to me, and let us start our life together at last.'". rc_goup2 replaces rc_goup.

rc_goup2 is a terminal beat in RC with keyword name "up" and reaction "The vastness of the distance up the stairs seems enormous, each step requiring herculean effort. But they get easier. Each time you lift your foot, some force within you rips, snaps open, like seed pods bursting at the first breath of spring, or signal flares igniting, light to show the way through storms.[paragraph break]You take the last few steps in a single bound and fall upwards into Rume's arms, floodgates of something you've never felt bursting forth inside you. You hold each other for long minutes, almost too tight to breathe, till finally you slip the bracelet back on [hisher] wrist.[paragraph break][Cheshe] kisses you deeply, then pulls you back into the loft. There are still hours to morning, when your life will finally, finally begin.". After discussing rc_goup2: if topics-window is g-present, shut down topics-window; move player to Old Tumble, without printing a room description; miss Rume a lot.

rc_wontstay is a beat in RC with keyword name "no" and reaction "Some part of you wants with all its heart to stay, but another part, the stronger part, knows it would be a lie.[paragraph break]You cannot stay. You must move forward. Move on. Wayfare. Always.[paragraph break]You slip the bracelet on, and Rume closes [hisher] eyes.". rc_wontstay enqueues rc_rant2.

rc_rant2 is a beat in RC with keyword name "maybe" and reaction "'How many worlds have you moved through, wayfarer?' Rume sighs. 'How many [t]friends[x] have you sacrificed? Will you ever stop moving? I [t]pity[x] you, alone, always alone.'". rc_rant2 summons rc_pity, rc_friendship. rc_rant2 suggests rc_stay. rc_whycall replaces rc_rant2. rc_rant2 cancels rc_reallystay, rc_wontstay, rc_persuade, rc_rantyes, rc_lonely.

rc_resignedouttro is a terminal repeatable beat in RC with reaction "'Now paint,' [heshe] says, 'you are almost finished. I will stay to watch you go. But our words are finished now. Anything you have left to say, you must say it without them.'[paragraph break][CHeShe] gives you one, last look, the blue of [hisher] eyes piercing even in the gloom. 'Goodbye, wayfarer. May you find what you seek. And know it, when you do.'".

The player wears a wooden band. Understand "twin" as wooden band. The description of wooden band is "The symbol of commitment is always a circle. On some worlds they are rings, tiny bands with homes on varying fingers; elsewhere they are necklaces or circlets. Here they are a little different, signifying more strong fondness than promise, but the exchange still has meaning. Your band was made by Rume, carved from ashwood and polished smooth[rumebandbit].". To say rumebandbit: unless player holds Rume's bracelet or player wears Rume's bracelet or Rume's bracelet is off-stage, say ". [if Rume is male]He[else]She[end if] wears the one you made for [if Rume is male]him[else]her[end if]". Check burning wooden band: remove wooden band from play; dis Rume; say "You set it gently in the fire, and in moments, it is a flaming circle, turning slowly to ash." instead. Check dropping wooden band: say "No need; when you wayfare, it will not come with you, but remain here." instead. Understand "put band on table" as a mistake ("When you wayfare, it will remain here, and any who seek to find it, will.") when location is Old Tumble.

Instead of painting when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is attentive, force discuss rc_nopaint. Instead of examining front door when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is attentive, force discuss rc_nopaint.

To say Rumeoutburst: say "[one of]Rume suddenly hurls something concealed in [hisher] hand and you pull back with a start. It smashes against the wood panelling at your feet with a sound that unnaturally loud in the resonant space. Looking down, you see amidst the broken frame the [o]sketch[x], two hands entwined, that Rume made when first you made this place your home.

But when you look up again [heshe] is calm, as if all fury was spent in that single act of destruction[movesketchtoloc][or]Rume suddenly smashes [hisher] hand against the railing, hard. It quivers, but holds[stopping]". To say movesketchtoloc: move framed drawing to location.

rc_nopaint is an insistent beat in RC with reaction "You turn away, but [Rumeoutburst].

'All these months together,' [heshe] says in a level tone, 'and you would turn away from our last conversation? You owe me that, at least, in payment of my time. Tell me, then. Do I matter to you at all? Did I ever?'". rc_nopaint summons rc_rant, rc_bitterouttro, rc_lonely. rc_bitterouttro replaces rc_nopaint. rc_nopaint suggests rc_rant2. The maybe-beat of rc_nopaint is rc_lonely.

rc_nophysical is an ephemeral beat in RC with reaction "You start to walk up the stairs, but Rume's face darkens and [heshe] draws back. 'No, love' that gentle voice says [if we chose love or we chose both]sadly. 'No, not now. I would remember your touch as it was earlier tonight. Not now, splintered, roughened by the tool you would use to cut me from your life forever[otherwise]angrily. 'No, you made a choice already this night, to touch me or your canvas, and we know what you chose[end if].' [CHeShe] straightens. 'We will speak on my terms,' [heshe] says, 'not yours. And I like it up here for now.'". rc_goodbye2 replaces rc_nophysical.

Instead of attacking or pushing when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is attentive, force discuss rc_attack.

rc_attack is a terminal beat in RC with reaction "You climb the steps, anger flushing your face, and raise your hand in fury, but before you can strike Rume grabs it and strikes you across the face with [hisher] other. You stumble backwards down the steps and land hard, one leg flaring with pain as it twists beneath you.[paragraph break]Silently Rume returns inside the loft, returning a moment later dressed for cold. Without a word, [heshe] descends the stairs and walks to the door.[paragraph break]'Goodbye, wayfarer,' Rume says quietly, then opens the door and disappears into the night, leaving only a plume of frigid air dancing with crystallized snowflakes.". After discussing rc_attack: remove Rume from play; dis Rume a lot; now the player is wounded.

Instead of saying farewell to when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is attentive, force discuss rc_goodbye.

rc_goodbye is an ephemeral beat in RC with reaction "'Yes, well,' Rume says, studying the grain of the railing, 'words are not your gift, are they? Goodbyes and apologies may be all you have left, but I have other words. They are all I can send with you. So keep your words, and listen. Listen to mine.'". rc_goodbye enqueues rc_consequences. rc_goodbye2 replaces rc_goodbye.

Understand "neither" as rc_consequences. rc_consequences is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "neither" and reaction "'[if we chose art]I felt you pull away from me, tonight,' [heshe] says, drawing a measured breath. 'But I did not dream how far you meant to go. Have I become a burden for you, a chore? Your love for me has died?[otherwise]Just hours ago you were in my arms,' [heshe] says, drawing a measured breath. 'And there was no thought in my mind that before the dawn you might be gone. What happened, my love? Have you lost interest in me, in some poor, awkward soul stuck to one small world for all [hisher] life? Will you seek more exciting lovers in natal worlds, fresh and unburdened by memory?[end if]'[paragraph break]How can you answer such questions? With a simple [t]yes[x] or [t]no[x]? Or do you try to explain the life of a [rc_call] to someone who has never, can never feel it?". rc_consequences summons rc_meananswer, rc_rant, rc_call. The no-beat of rc_consequences is rc_rant. The yes-beat of rc_consequences is rc_meananswer. rc_consequences suggests rc_doimatter. rc_rant replaces rc_consequences.

rc_goodbye2 is a repeatable ephemeral beat in RC with reaction "'[one of]Stop[or]No[or]Please[in random order],' Rume says[if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds] with a weary tone[end if], '[one of]just let me speak[or]your time is running out[or]there's no point[in random order].'". The unavailable-beat of Rume is rc_goodbye2.

rc_meananswer is a beat in RC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "[Rumeoutburst].". rc_meananswer enqueues rc_doimatter.

Instead of saying sorry when Rume-Conversation is happening, force discuss rc_goodbye.

Understand "call/wayfare/wayfarer" as rc_call when last beat is in RC. rc_call is a beat in RC with keyword name "wayfarer" and reaction "'Yes,' Rume says musingly, [sikar business]'you've told me before. The Call. Such a romantic, fantastic notion. A beacon that pulls your [t]people[x] across worlds, across universes. In times of need,' [heshe] adds reflectively, staring into the empty space in the empty center of the lodge, lost.". rc_call enqueues rc_whycall. rc_call summons rc_kind.

rc_whycall is an insistent beat in RC with reaction "'But why do you answer it?' [heshe] says suddenly, bluntly. 'This Call. There are those in this world who [t]need[x] you as much. Why? Some sense of [t]duty[x]? The promise of [t]adventure[x]? Or are you simply [t]helpless[x] to resist?'". rc_whycall summons rc_duty, rc_adventure, rc_helpless, rc_need. rc_whycall suggests rc_rant2. rc_rant replaces rc_whycall.

Understand "adventure" as rc_adventure. rc_adventure is a beat in RC with keyword name "adventure" and reaction "Rume closes [hisher] eyes. 'Yes,' [heshe] says, 'what a life it must be. I can see it. Always turning the page to new adventures, new friends; your problems and troubles only ephemeral things, as easy to erase as an hour with a canvas and brush.' [CHisHer] eyes open, slowly. 'Just like a story. But unsatisfying, somehow. Unreal. False.'". rc_adventure enqueues rc_doimatter.

Understand "duty" as rc_duty. rc_duty is a beat in RC with keyword name "duty" and reaction "Rume studies you for a long moment.[paragraph break]'Yes,' [heshe] says finally, taking a deep breath, 'in a life like yours, the only allegiance a sane [if player is male]man[otherwise]woman[end if] could have is to [if player is male]him[otherwise]her[end if]self, and others like [if player is male]him[otherwise]her[end if].' [CHeShe] nods once, slowly. 'For those around you are mere shadows, destined always to fade away, never to stay, never to be woven into the fabric of your life. Only brushed at intervals from the threads.'". rc_duty enqueues rc_doimatter.

Understand "helpless" as rc_helpless. rc_helpless is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "helpless" and reaction "Rume looks down at the floor, flexing a bare toe, frowning. 'So unlike you,' [heshe] says, 'or the one I thought you were before tonight. If what you say is true then you are a slave, your free will lost in the eye of a terrible storm, a power you have lost the will to control.'[paragraph break][CHeShe] looks up at you, and adds 'Tell me. Would you give it up if you could?'". The no-beat of rc_helpless is rc_lonely. The maybe-beat of rc_helpless is rc_lonely. The yes-beat of rc_helpless is rc_helplessyes. rc_helpless suggests rc_rant2. rc_resignedouttro replaces rc_helpless.

rc_helplessyes is a beat in RC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "Rume looks at you sharply. 'So you say,' [heshe] says, 'but deed weighs more than dream.'". rc_helplessyes enqueues rc_cantgo.

Understand "need" as rc_need. rc_need is a dogged beat in RC with keyword name "need" and reaction "Rume looks away for a moment, as if [heshe] regrets the choice of word, but then looks back into your eyes more firmly. 'Yes,' [heshe] says, 'Perhaps there are those under your own roof who need you. Perhaps they should have told you before this night, but the past is set and fired. Now answer my question.'".

rc_bitterouttro is a terminal beat in RC with keyword name "no" and reaction "Rume's face becomes cold. 'Paint, then,' [heshe] says, waving a hand dismissively. 'Paint your way from here. When you are gone, I shall unbuild this lodge we claimed, log by log, and scatter the stones into the forest, and when the snow melts all that will remain is the stream and the woods. I shall move on as well, and our past will be erased from my life as it will be from yours.'[paragraph break][CHeShe] pulls back into the shadowed frame of the doorway. 'Paint, wayfarer,' [heshe] repeats. 'Even I can see you are not quite finished.'". After discussing rc_bitterouttro: dis Rume; continue the action.

rc_doimatter is an insistent beat in RC with keyword name "no" and reaction "[CHeShe] considers [hisher] next words carefully, forming them in [hisher] head the way you've seen [himher] do so many times before, before finally speaking.[paragraph break]'Tell me, wayfarer,' [heshe] says. 'Do you care for me?'". The yes-beat of rc_doimatter is rc_cantgo. The no-beat of rc_doimatter is rc_bitterouttro. The maybe-beat of rc_doimatter is rc_lonely. rc_rant replaces rc_doimatter. rc_doimatter suggests rc_stay.

To say sikar business: say "[one of]taking another savage pull at the sikar, [or]raising the sikar to [hisher] lips again, [or]putting out the sikar, [or][stopping]".

rc_romanticbye is a terminal beat in RC with reaction "You quickly climb the steps. [if rc_bitterouttro is spoken]Rume pulls back, avoiding your glance, but you come to [himher] and touch your hands to [hishers]. Trembling with rage, impotence, fear, they nonetheless finally grip yours as tight as you grip back[otherwise]Rume stands solid, the firm fierce rock you've depended on this past year, and only as you take [hisher] hands in yours do tears at last seep through. And in that moment as Rume grips you tight you know [heshe] has let you go, has begun to heal, and your own remembered losses well up[end if] and you know what this is, or remember. What it is to lose.[paragraph break]Finally [heshe] kisses you one last time. It seems over far too soon but will linger in memory, for long years.[paragraph break]You look into the deep of Rume's blue eyes, wondering as always what [heshe] sees in yours, and knowing you will never know. Then you turn, and descend the stairs, and take up your brush once again.". rc_romanticbye2 replace rc_romanticbye. After discussing rc_romanticbye: miss Rume; continue the action.

rc_romanticbye2 is a repeatable beat in RC with reaction "You've said your goodbye. Now it's time to go. To wayfare.".

After going when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is on-stage and The-Path-Of-Love is not happening: move Rume to location; if we have not discussed rc_stay, now Rume is attentive; continue the action.

Instead of greeting when Rume-Conversation has happened and Rume is idle and location is regionally in Homeworld: force discuss rc_mustchoose.

Instead of exhausting when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is enclosed by location: say "'Please, my love,' Rume says, 'there are other things to say.'".

[ Resolution.]

Touching Rume is making amends. Hugging Rume is making amends. Kissing Rume is making amends.

Instead of saying farewell to or saying sorry when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume is on-stage: try kissing Rume.

[ During the conversation, block physical actions with a "not yet" beat.]

Instead of making amends when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is attentive (this is the block making amends rule): force discuss rc_nophysical. First check going up when Rume-Conversation is happening and ( Rume is attentive or rc_greet is unspoken ) : try kissing Rume instead.

[ After the convo but before deciding, physical actions produce a "no, you must choose first" message.]

Instead of making amends when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume is on-stage and bracelet is not worn by player and bracelet is on-stage and rc_greet is spoken (this is the must choose first rule): force discuss rc_mustchoose. Instead of giving wooden band to Rume when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume's bracelet is not worn by player: force discuss rc_mustchoose.

[ After deciding to leave, physical actions trigger a goodbye scene.]

Instead of making amends when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume is on-stage and bracelet is worn by player (this is the allow saying farewell rule): force discuss rc_romanticbye. First check going up when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume is on-stage and bracelet is worn by player: force discuss rc_romanticbye instead.

[ After Rume has offered to stay, understand going up as accepting this offer. ]

To decide whether choosing destiny: if Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume is on-stage and bracelet is not worn by player and rc_bitterouttro is not spoken and rc_greet is spoken and ( location is Homeworld-Studio or location is Kitchen ) , decide yes; decide no.

First check going up when choosing destiny: force discuss rc_goup instead. First instead of giving Rume's bracelet to Rume: force discuss rc_goup instead. Check giving paintbrushes to Rume when choosing destiny: force discuss rc_goup instead.

[ Prevent going up at all if things ended badly.]

First check going up when Rume-Conversation has happened and ( Rume is off-stage or rc_bitterouttro is spoken ) and location is regionally in Homeworld: say "There is nothing left for you up there any more." instead.

[ Trying to give the player's band to Rume before the offer fails; afterward it gets Rume points.]

Instead of giving wooden band to Rume when location is Your Bedroom: say "Not now. If there is to be an exchange of gifts, it will be when you both are awake, before you go.".

Instead of giving wooden band to Rume when Rume-Conversation is happening and Rume is idle and Rume's bracelet is worn by player and rc_greet is spoken:

say "You pull the band Rume made for you, from your wrist and hold it up to [himher].[paragraph break]For a long moment, [heshe] stares at it, as if afraid or unsure.[paragraph break]Then, finally, [heshe] holds out [hisher] hand. Slipping it on, [heshe] runs a finger along the line of your delicately carved wood, then nods, once, and lowers the hand.[paragraph break]'Thank you,' [heshe] says. 'I will remember you, too.'";

remove wooden band from play;

miss Rume.

[ Wearing the bracelet signifies moving on.]

After wearing Rume's bracelet for the first time:

if location is regionally in Homeworld and The-Path-Of-Love is not happening:

pre-conversation processing;

force discuss rc_wontstay;

continue the action.

Report wearing Rume's bracelet for the first time:

if The-Path-Of-Love is happening or Rume is off-stage or location is regionally in Lacuna, say "You slip the bracelet carefully onto your wrist. Heavier than you expected." instead;

else do nothing instead.

[ Burning the bracelet is bad mojo.]

Instead of burning Rume's bracelet: say "You toss the bracelet into the fire. Its old, dry wood catches quickly, and it burns bright and hot."; remove Rume's bracelet from play; dis Rume a lot; force discuss rc_bitterouttro.