Blue Lacuna — 1 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Volume - Core

Part - Definitions & Setup

The story headline is "An Interactive Novel In Ten Chapters".

The story genre is "Fiction".

The release number is 4.

The story description is "You have always been different.

One in a trillion have your gift, your curse: to move between worlds, never settling, always alone. To Wayfare. Yet there are others like you, and something stronger than coincidence binds you together, bumps your lives against each other like charged particles.

Now you feel the Call again, and know another of your kind is in need. But when you arrive there are no answers. Just an old man with fraying sanity and a long-buried secret. A tropical paradise more alive than it seems. And a conflict left unresolved that could change the course of two civilizations forever.

There are no easy choices, wayfarer. Your decisions will shape the fate of many things. Three worlds. Two lives. And what your own story will become.".

The story creation year is 2009.

Use fast route-finding.

Use the serial comma.

Use no scoring.

Use full-length room descriptions.

Use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 3000000.

Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 100000.

Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 100000.

Use MAX_OBJECTS of 6000.

Use MAX_DICT_ENTRIES of 10000.

Use MAX_ACTIONS of 500.

Use MAX_VERBS of 500.

Use MAX_VERBSPACE of 12000.

Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 6000000.




Use ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE of 30000.

Use MAX_ARRAYS of 3000.

Use MAX_ZCODE_SIZE of 100000.

Use MAX_LABELS of 20000.

Release along with cover art, the source text, a website, a file of "Legacy Extensions" called "Legacy Extensions for Blue Lacuna.i7x".

Your Bedroom is a room. [ So we start in this room.]

UnRoom is a room.