Section - Gender Pronouns
To say CHeShe: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "He"; otherwise say "She".
To say heshe: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "he"; otherwise say "she".
To say CHisHer: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "His"; otherwise say "Her".
To say hisher: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "his"; otherwise say "her".
To say CHimHer: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "Him"; otherwise say "Her".
To say himher: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "him"; otherwise say "her".
To say hishers: if a random other nonProgue person enclosed by the location is male, say "his"; otherwise say "hers".
Definition: a person is nonProgue: if he is Progue, no; yes.