Section - Inventory
The print standard inventory rule is not listed in any rulebook.
Carry out taking inventory:
now everything is unmarked for listing; [ Don't ask. Please don't.]
let pobj be yourself;
if player is DrQuick, now pobj is DrQuick;
if player is Lacunite-Follower, now pobj is Lacunite-Follower;
if the number of things enclosed by pobj is 0, say "You are naked." instead;
say "You are wearing ";
now all things enclosed by pobj are unmarked for listing;
now all things worn by pobj are marked for listing;
if no things are marked for listing:
say "nothing";
list the contents of pobj, as a sentence, listing marked items only;
now all things carried by pobj are marked for listing;
now all things worn by pobj are unmarked for listing;
now pobj is unmarked for listing;
if at least one thing is marked for listing:
if Progue is carried:
say ", and carry Progue on your shoulders";
say ", and hold ";
list the contents of pobj, giving inventory information, as a sentence, including contents, listing marked items only;
say " in your hand";
if ( tree-password is set or rebel-password is set ) and location is regionally in Lacuna:
say ". You are also carrying around ";
if tree-password is set and rebel-password is set, say "two passwords";
else say "a password";
say " in your head: ";
if tree-password is set, say "['][tree-password]";
if tree-password is set and rebel-password is set, say "['] and ";
if rebel-password is set, say "['][rebel-password]";
say ".['][line break]";
say ".".