Chapter - Beginning Play
[The functionality here, to ensure the player gets to choose keywords they can see before the game proper begins, was later worked into the Highlighted Keywords extensions.]
When play begins: follow the very-beginning rule.
This is the very-beginning rule:
clear the screen;
if Milestone mode is true or final release mode is true begin;
let ready-to-go be false;
let show-toc be false;
say "Welcome to [o]Blue Lacuna[x], release [release number].[paragraph break]If no words above were [one of]blue[or]emphasized[stopping], press K now.[paragraph break]Press [t]N[x] to begin from the beginning, [t]R[x] to restore an existing story, or [t]C[x] to show the Table of Contents.";
while ready-to-go is false begin;
let k be 0;
while k is 0 begin; let k be the chosen letter; end while;
if k is 82 or k is 114, restore the game; [ restore ]
if k is 67 or k is 99 begin; now ready-to-go is true; now show-toc is true; end if; [ table ]
if k is 75 or k is 107 begin;
try setting the keyword style;
end if;
if k is 89 or k is 121 begin; [ yes ]
try setting screen reader mode;
say "[paragraph break]Press any key to continue.";
wait for any key;
now k is 78;
end if;
if k is 78 or k is 110 begin; [ new ]
now ready-to-go is true;
end if;
end while;
end if;
if show-toc is true, show table of contents;
else clear the screen.
To restore the game: (- RESTORE_THE_GAME_R(); -).
To restart the game: (- @restart; -).