Chapter - Fast Forwarding
A fast-forward rule for Finishing-The-Prologue:
now DrQuick is male.
Rebelworld-Sequence is a puzzle. It requires Being-In-Rebelworld, Finishing-Rebelworld.
Being-In-Rebelworld is a puzzle. It requires Arriving-Rebworld.
Arriving-Rebworld is a task. Definition: Arriving-Rebworld is complete: if the player is DrQuick, yes.
A fast-forward rule for Being-In-Rebelworld:
now yourself is on mind chair;
change the machinery-password to the rebel-password;
now the mind machinery is projecting;
try looking.
Finishing-Rebelworld is a puzzle. It requires Concluding-Leader-Convo.
Concluding-Leader-Convo is a task. Definition: Concluding-Leader-Convo is complete: if cl_story7 is spoken, yes.
A fast-forward rule for Finishing-Rebelworld:
now cl_story7 is spoken;
now the time of day is 10:30 PM;
try silently taking off cap.