Book - Dream Infrastructure
Section - General
Dreamlands is a region. [All dream rooms are in Dreamlands.]
Having a Dream is a recurring scene.
Having a Dream begins when
the player is asleep for the first turn.
Having a Dream ends when
yourself is awake.
Table of Dream Stuff
order | nexus | presence |
1 | Dream1Nexus | dream1-presence |
2 | Dream2Nexus | dream2-presence |
3 | Dream3Nexus | dream3-presence |
4 | Dream4Nexus | dream4-presence |
5 | Dream5Nexus | dream5-presence |
6 | Dream6Nexus | dream6-presence |
7 | Dream7Nexus | dream7-presence |
When Having a Dream begins:
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: Having a Dream begins.";
print a section break;
strip the player;
if good place to dream begin; [ we're sleeping near a windsigh ]
[figure out which dream to have]
now d_ctr is 0;
now d1_ctr is 0;
let lucky be a random visible windsigh tree;
if lucky is not a thing and location is Saddle, let lucky be tree3;
if lucky is not a thing and location is Treehouse, let lucky be tree2;
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: good place to dream because near [lucky].";
if the number of contacted windsigh trees is 7 begin; [after the 7th dream, always get the last one (to let you change passwords.)]
now active presence is dream7-presence;
unless pseudo-dream is 1, now pseudo-dream is 0; [If we're touching the tree, wake up immediately; else sleep through the night.]
otherwise if the scene_order of lucky is 0; [Assign the next dream to the sequence.]
let tkr be 0;
repeat with ctr running through windsigh trees begin;
if scene_order of ctr > tkr, now tkr is scene_order of ctr;
end repeat;
now the scene_order of lucky is tkr + 1;
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: never dreamed under this tree: assigning scene order [tkr + 1].";
otherwise; [Before you've gotten to the 7th dream, remind you to find more trees.]
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: already dreamed under this tree: summoning dream-presence-rerun.";
now active presence is dream-presence-rerun;
choose row scene_order of lucky in Table of Dream Stuff;
move active presence to nexus entry;
now pseudo-dream is 2; [Will wake up early so we don't miss a night.]
end if;
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: selecting dream [scene_order of lucky].";
if the number of contacted windsigh trees is 7, choose row 7 in Table of Dream Stuff;
otherwise choose row scene_order of lucky in Table of Dream Stuff;
move player to nexus entry;
if pseudo-dream is not 2, now active presence is presence entry;
move player to GenericDream; [quick message and immediate wake up.][aar]
end if.
To decide whether good place to dream:
if a windsigh tree is enclosed by location or location is Saddle or location is Treehouse, decide yes;
decide no.
A windsigh tree has a number called scene_order. [ Our dreams are given a chronological sequence of settings, regardless of what order trees are found in, and once a setting is assigned to a tree, it stays assigned to it in future dreams. ]
Saved location is a room that varies. Locker is a container. Wardrobe is a container. [ This stores the player's stuff while they're dreaming. ]
To strip the player:
now every thing carried by yourself is in the locker;
now every thing worn by yourself is in the wardrobe;
change saved location to location.
To restore the player:
now every thing carried by yourself is in the location;
now every thing in the locker is carried by yourself;
now every thing in the wardrobe is worn by yourself;
if Tsunami Sequence is happening:
move the player to saved location, without printing a room description;
say "[bold type][location][roman type][line break]";
move the player to saved location.
[pseudo-dream is a number that varies. pseudo-dream is 0.] [Defined in main. After we've powered the mindlink, we can just touch trees instead of having to sleep under them.]
dont_describe_wakeup is a truth state that varies.
When Having a Dream ends:
if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: Scene Having a Dream ends.";
if pseudo-dream is 0 begin; [regular dream.]
print a section break;
if dont_describe_wakeup is false, say "[if notrefreshed is true]You rise to your feet[otherwise]Blinking and yawning, you rise to your feet and stretch. [one of]If it wasn't the most restful night, you at least feel ready to face another day[or]The strange dreams don't seem to fade, but linger hazily in the back of your mind[or]You feel rested, despite the strange dreams[in random order][end if].";
now notrefreshed is false;
otherwise if pseudo-dream is 2; [wake up without passing time; all 7 trees are already contacted, or special Tsunami override.][aar]
unless night and Tsunami Sequence is happening, say "You're awake, but hardly any time seems to have passed[if night]. It's still dark and you're still sleepy[end if].";
otherwise; [1: touching a windsigh.]
say "The vision seems to have passed. You shake yourself off and look around. [one of]The leaves kicked up by the wind are just now settling, as if no time has passed at all[or]Again, it's as if no time has passed[stopping].";
end if;
now pseudo-dream is 0;
let lucky be a random windsigh tree in saved location;
if lucky is not a thing and ( saved location is Atop or saved location is Saddle ) , let lucky be tree3;
if lucky is not a thing and ( saved location is Treehouse or saved location is Big Tree ) , let lucky be tree2;
[ if lucky is not contacted [i.e. we failed to adequately finish this dream] , move active presence to location; [so we'll try again next time.]]
if lucky is a windsigh tree, now lucky is contacted; [ensure this tree gets marked as finished.]
post-conversation processing;
manually reference d1-door;
wake up now;
restore the player;
now escape tracker is 0;
truncate list of remembered stuff to 0 entries.
Rule for asking which do you mean while remembering and location is regionally in Dreamlands: say "It fades away when you try to look too closely.".