Blue Lacuna — 367 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Rayfish Suicide

[This is the event that transitions Progue to the emotional psyche. It happens the morning after the 5th dream, or as soon as the pyramid has been opened. As the player arrives at a beach room, they see Progue floating out in the bay, facedown. If they don't try to rescue him, he weakly crawls to shore and into the hut (major affinity loss). If they do, cut scene where we skip forward some time and jump to the Hut, where Progue is unconscious but alive.


Rayfish Suicide is a guaranteed instant triggered episode. rs-progue-noticed is a truth state that varies.

A condition for Rayfish Suicide:

if the episodic status of Post-Storm Conversation is not completed and the episodic status of Post-Storm Conversation is not expired, rule fails;

if conversation fuse < 20, rule fails;

if the number of contacted windsigh trees is at least 6, rule succeeds;

if pyramid is off-stage and the number of contacted windsigh trees is at least 4, rule succeeds.

A commencement rule for Rayfish Suicide:

summon Progue to Center Beach;

now the animus of Progue is resting;

now Progue is fulfilling;

now the activity counter of Progue is 1.

The lure message for Rayfish Suicide rule is listed before the noticing what Progue is doing rule in the every turn rules. Every turn when current episode is Rayfish Suicide and rs-progue-noticed is false and ( location is Rise or location is regionally in Beachfront ) (this is the lure message for Rayfish Suicide rule):

now rs-progue-noticed is true;

move distant-Progue to location;

say "You slow to a stop. Collapsed off by the center of the beach, the surf lapping at his legs, is [o]Progue[x].[paragraph break]Face down.";

now dont_describe_progue is true;

if we-are-landmark-going is true:

tidy landmark-go;

clean up landmark-go.

Table of Progue's Initial Appearance (continued)

--Rayfish Suicide"[if location is Center Beach]Progue is collapsed on the beach, face-down and motionless[else]Progue lies on a bed of palm fronds here, moaning quietly, sleeping restlessly[end if]."

A finishing rule for Rayfish Suicide:

if rs-progue-noticed is true and location is Center Beach, rule succeeds.

A completion rule for Rayfish Suicide:

now the psyche of Progue is emotional;

summon Progue to Hut;

Progue starts resting;

now Progue's animus table is Table of Progue Sleeping;

now Progue is fulfilling;

now the activity counter of Progue is 0;

now Progue is idle;

if location is Center Beach:

ignore the Progue begins episode dialogue rule;

ignore the Progue needs something new after instants rule;

say "Progue lies at your feet. Quickly, you grab him and roll him over. Tiny red welts run along his arms and torso, where his rags hang limp and heavy with seawater. Fearing the worst, you bend to listen for breath, but then he chokes and coughs, spitting seawater wrenchingly.[paragraph break]As you drag him ashore, however, the coughing doesn't stop, and you can feel how weak he is. You aren't sure he's going to make it.";

begin chapter 7;

now time_rs_ended is time of day;

pass 240 minutes of time;

now only-look-once is false;

move player to Hut;

now conversation fuse is 0;

otherwise: [Player ignored him and left him here.]

now the episodic status of Rayfish Suicide is failed;

Progue likes you less, silently;

Progue likes you less, silently;

Progue likes you less, silently;

if romance of Progue > 0, Progue is heartbroken.

time_rs_ended is a time that varies.