Blue Lacuna — 356 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Standard Uncertainty Behavior

UncertainC is a thread.

p_unc_naughttosay is a repeatable terminal beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]Sorries, [animal-nickname], I think I need to be alone for a while now[or]Let's talk later, [animal-nickname]; I'm gathering a pounding headache[or]I need some time alone now, I think[in random order],' he says, [animus-business]. '[one of]We'll talk again soon[or]Let's take a rest for now[or]We'll chat again before too much longering[in random order]. [pgb2].'".[aar]

p_unc_exhausted is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]That's all[or]I wish I could remember more, [animal-nickname], but I'm bats at noon[or]Sorry, I don't know anything else about it[in random order],' Progue says tiredly, [one of]rubbing his knuckles against his temple[or]sighing[in random order].".

p_unc_overexhaust is a repeatable terminal beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if romance of Progue > 0]'Look, [animal-nickname], you're sweet,' Progue says, 'but I've been alone for baskets of years. I'm not used to all this human being. Come back later, eh? I'd be gushing grateful.' He smiles and winks at you.[otherwise if affinity of Progue < 0]'All right, that's enough for now,' Progue says angrily. 'Why don't you go off and leave me in peace for a while? Eh?' [Progue-resumes].[otherwise if paternalism of Progue > 0]Progue smiles, a bit strained. 'Would you mind letting me on my own for a while, [animal-nickname]?' he asks. 'My brain aches something terrible.'[otherwise if submission of Progue < -2]'I think I'm done talking for a while,' Progue says, rubbing his knuckles against his head. 'Come back later and we'll talk more.'[otherwise][reaction of pd_overexhausted][end if]". After discussing p_unc_overexhaust: Progue's life goes on, as before.

p_unc_dontlike is a repeatable beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if affinity of Progue > 0][uncdontlikeaff][otherwise][uncdontlikeunaff]". To say uncdontlikeaff: say "'[one of]Please, not right now[or]Sorry, I just can't talk right now[or]Oh [animal-nickname], I need to be alone just now[in random order],' Progue says. '[one of]Later, later[or]We'll talk later[or]Perhaps in a few hours[in random order].'". To say uncdontlikeunaff: say "[reaction of pd_dontlike]".

p_unc_bored is a repeatable terminal beat in UncertainC with reaction "[one of]Progue looks distracted, and you realize he's not really paying any attention to you any more.[or]'Sorry,' Progue says, shaking his head, 'what did you say? I'm drifting.'[or]Progue focuses on [Progue-animus], turning away from you and mumbling something about not being in the mood for conversation.[or]'I'm boring you,' Progue says vaguely, [attitude-business]. 'I'll just get back to my [Progue-animus].'[in random order]".

p_unc_unavailable is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "[one of]'No,' Progue says, 'can we hold off on that for just a minute?'[or]'Sorries,' Progue says, 'let's finish up what we were talking about before.'[in random order]".

p_unc_noanswer is a repeatable dogged beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if paternalism of Progue > 0]Folding his arms, [otherwise if submission of Progue < 0]Staring straight at you, [otherwise if affinity of Progue < 0]Frowning, [end if]Progue waits silently for your reply.". p_unc_noanswer suggests p_unc_angryending. Instead of discussing p_unc_noanswer when actual last beat is p_unc_noanswer, try getting bored Progue.

p_unc_angryending is a terminal beat in UncertainC. The reaction is "Without a word, Progue turns away.". After discussing p_unc_angryending: Progue's life goes on; continue the action.

p_unc_cantfollow is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]What's that[or]Sorries, come again[or]Eh[in random order]?' Progue says, [one of]rubbing his knuckles against his head[or][attitude-business][at random]. '[one of]I'm sorry, I'm having trouble following you.[or]This headache... I really have no idea what we're talking about.[in random order]'".

p_unc_randomyes is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]Wonderful[or]Fantastic[or]Glad to hear[or]Gushing nice[at random],' he says absently, rubbing his knuckles against his head.".

p_unc_randomno is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]Terrible sorries[or]Ah well-oh[or]A trickling shame[or]Too bad[at random],' he says, not really paying attention.".

p_unc_rudebye is a repeatable ephemeral beat in UncertainC with reaction "'[one of]Half a moment[or]Hold on[or]Just a minute[in random order], Progue says.".

p_unc_abruptbye is a repeatable annoying beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if submission of Progue > 0]Progue does not respond as you walk away[otherwise if submission of Progue < 0]'Later maybe,' Progue says gruffly to your back as you move away[otherwise if affinity of Progue < 0]Progue ignores you as you depart[otherwise if affinity of Progue > 0]'Take care then,' Progue says sadly as you depart[otherwise]'Good [progue-time-of-day], then,' Progue says as you depart[end if].".

Instead of pushing Progue when the psyche of Progue is uncertainty, force discuss uc_push. uc_push is an ephemeral beat with reaction "You give Progue a hard shove. He staggers backwards, looking up at you with a [if paternalism of Progue > 1]stern[otherwise if affinity of Progue > 0]hurt[otherwise if romance of Progue < 0]bitter[otherwise]angry[end if] expression. '[if submission of Progue > 0]Please don't do that,[otherwise]What in the moisty hells do you think you're doing?[end if] he says.". uc_push2 replaces uc_push. uc_push2 is an annoying unaffinitive unromantic submissive beat with reaction "You shove Progue again. He [if submission of Progue > 3]falls back hard to the [surface-material], looking beaten[otherwise if submission of Progue > 0]staggers backwards, looking sullen, but doesn't try to retaliate[otherwise if submission of Progue < -3]grabs your hand and twists it, causing you to cry out in pain[otherwise]steps forward and pushes you back, snarling at you angrily[end if]. '[if paternalism of Progue > 0]I expected better from you[otherwise if affinity of Progue < 0]I expect nothing less from you[otherwise if submission of Progue > 0]Why don't you just leave me alone[otherwise]I'm through playing games with you[end if],' he says.". uc_push3 replaces uc_push2. uc_push3 is an unaffinitive annoying unromantic submissive terminal repeatable beat with reaction "[if submission of Progue > 0]Progue staggers back, then turns and runs[otherwise]Progue punches you in the face, then turns and walks away[end if] across the [surface-material], [if romance of Progue > 0]looking back at you once with tears in his eyes[otherwise if affinity of Progue > 0]shaking his head sadly[otherwise]looking back at you once with a furious gaze[end if].". After discussing uc_push3: if romance of Progue > 4, Progue is heartbroken; now dont_describe_Progue is true; Progue's life goes on; follow the Progue's motivation rule; continue the action.

Instead of attacking Progue when the psyche of Progue is uncertainty, force discuss uc_push3.

p_unc_bye is an impressive repeatable beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if affinity of Progue > 2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][puncaffbye][otherwise if affinity of Progue < 2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][puncunaffbye][otherwise if paternalism of Progue > 2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][puncpatbye][otherwise if romance of Progue > 1 and a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds][puncrombye][otherwise if submission of Progue < -2 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][puncunsubbye][otherwise][puncnormbye][end if]". To say puncaffbye: say "'[one of]Until later, then, my friend[or]Be careful out there[or]Enjoy the [progue-time-of-day], [if player is male]my good sir[otherwise]dear lady[end if][in random order],' Progue calls out, [animus-business].". To say puncpatbye: say "'[one of]Be careful, now,' Progue calls out fondly, [animus-business][or]Stay away from those trees, mind,' Progue replies, [animus-business][or]Don't get into trouble,' Progue says with a wink, tousling your hair[in random order].". To say puncrombye: say "'[one of]Catch you later,' Progue says with a wink, 'I hope.'[or]Leaving so soon?' he says with a look of disappointment. 'Well, come back when you can.'[or]I shall count the ments till you return,' he says with a wink, a mock bow and a genuine smile.[in random order] [Progue-resumes].". To say puncunsubbye: say "'[one of]Don't be too long! I never know when you might come in useful![or]Yes, you can go now, we're through here,[or]Keep on this side of the island, like I told you,[in random order]' he says [one of]firmly[or]loudly[in random order] as you leave, [animus-business].". To say puncunaffbye: say "'[one of]Sausages[or]I suppose so[or]If you say[or]And good riddance[in random order],' Progue [one of]mutters after you[or]replies grumpily[or]says to himself[in random order], [animus-business].". To say puncnormbye: say reaction of p_supp_bye.

Instead of hugging Progue when the psyche of Progue is uncertainty, force discuss p_unc_hug.

p_unc_hug is an affinitive impressive dogged beat in UncertainC. The reaction is "[if affinity of Progue < 0][puncunaffhug][otherwise if paternalism of Progue > 2][puncpathug][otherwise if romance of Progue > 0][puncromhug][otherwise][puncnormhug][end if]". After discussing p_unc_hug: if paternalism of Progue > 0, Progue feels more like a father; otherwise Progue is aroused; continue the action. p_unc_hug2 replaces p_unc_hug. To say puncunaffhug: say "'Moisty hells, what-- what are you--' Progue protests as you put your arms around him. 'This is ridiculous,' he says, trying to break away, 'unhand me!' As you pull back, he flashes you a put-upon look, and mutters to himself, [animus-business], but his demeanor towards you does seem a little softer.". To say puncpathug: say "Progue returns your hug tenderly, patting you on the back. '[']salright, [']salright,' he says, though you're uncertain who he's talking to. 'Oh, it feels good to hug someone again though, doesn't it?' He pulls back and smiles at you tenderly.". To say puncromhug: say "[if romance of Progue > 4]Progue hugs you back warmly, squeezing your shoulders with his strong sculptor's hands. 'Mmm,' he says warmly in your ear, 'I missed you too.' Finally releasing you, he keeps his hand on your shoulders for a long moment, staring deeply into your eyes with a smile, then steps back.[otherwise if romance of Progue > 2]Progue hugs you back warmly, squeezing your shoulders with his strong sculptor's hands. 'Oh, that was nice,' he says, stepping back. 'Oh, I've forgotten how nice that feels. Thank you.' He smiles.[otherwise]'What's this now?' Progue says in surprise as you hug him. 'My oh my!' He returns your embrace warmly, smiling as you step apart. 'You're a kind one, [animal-nickname],' he says with a warm smile, 'thanks.'[end if]". To say puncnormhug: say "Progue seems a bit surprised, but returns your embrace warmly. 'Ah,' he says, 'I'd almost forgotten what that feels like. Thanks, friend.'".

p_unc_hug2 is a repeatable annoying dogged beat in UncertainC with reaction "[if affinity of Progue < 0][puncunaffhug2][otherwise if paternalism of Progue > 2][puncpathug2][otherwise if romance of Progue > 0][puncromhug2][otherwise][puncnormhug2][end if]". To say puncunaffhug2: say "'[one of]That's quite enough of those for now[or]Yes, all right, thank you, I'm fine[or]Gushing sweet of you but really, I'm in the middle of this[in random order],' Progue says, drawing back firmly.". To say puncpathug2: say "He hugs you again briefly, patting your back. '[one of]I'm glad you're around[or]Good to have company here again[or]Nice to have someone I can feel responsible for again[in random order],' he says warmly.". To say puncromhug2: say "You embrace Progue again, squeezing him tightly. '[one of]Can't get enough of that[or]My now, you're a warm one[or]Didn't think this island could get any more pleasant[in random order],' he says with a smile, rubbing your back.". To say puncnormhug2: say "He returns your embrace, smiling. '[one of]Good to see you, too[or]Nice to see a friendly face[or]Glad to see you're still around[in random order],' he says.".

Instead of kissing Progue when the psyche of Progue is uncertainty:

now Progue is attentive;

if romance of Progue < -1 begin;

force discuss the disgusted_beat of Progue;

Progue's life goes on;

follow the Progue's motivation rule;

otherwise if romance of Progue > 4;

force discuss p_unc_kissing;

otherwise if romance of Progue >= 2;

force discuss p_supp_flirting;

otherwise if affinity of Progue < -1;

force discuss p_supp_nokissing;


force discuss p_d_nokissyet;

end if.

p_unc_kissing is a romantic impressive beat in SuppC with reaction "You kiss Progue passionately. When at last you break away he smiles dazzlingly. 'Don't tell the ocean,' he winks, 'but this gushing beats Word Day by blue miles.'". p_unc_kissing2 replaces p_unc_kissing.

p_unc_kissing2 is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "[one of]You kiss him again[or]The two of you kiss again[or]Once again you lock lips[in random order], [one of][time-of-day-bit][or]the [surface-material] warm beneath your feet[or]Progue's [Progue-animus] momentarily forgotten[in random order]. [punc22]". To say punc22: say "'[one of]Mmm,' he says, '[if we chose love]you really are a lover first and an artist second[else]you're an artist in everything you do[end if], aren't you?[or]That's gushing lovely,' he says, '[punc2kissname].[or]Something Further, [animal-nickname], if you paint as good as you kiss it tickles my brainwaves to think what delightful worlds you've seen.[in random order]'". To say punc2kissname: if player-name-guess is not "no.guess" begin; say "you can even call me [player-name-guess] again as long as you keep that up"; otherwise if cc_father is spoken; say "and it's a good thing the children have long since flown the nest"; otherwise if cc_sculptor is spoken; say "mayhaps you're a muse sent to start me sculpting again"; otherwise; say "being two-thirds mad's not half bad with someone like you around"; end if.