Section - Thought I Warned You
[An unaffinitive episode.]
Thought I Warned You is a serendipitous triggered episode. The expiration date is 2 hours. The icebreaker is tiwy_intro.
The allow Thought I Warned You rule is listed before the Progue is chattier the more he likes you rule in the condition rules. A condition for Thought I Warned You (this is the allow Thought I Warned You rule):
if A Simple Warning is unaired, rule fails;
if Lawn is visited and affinity of Progue < 0, rule succeeds.
TIWY is a thread. tiwy_intro is a beat in tiwy with reaction "'Oh, there you are,' says Progue [if affinity of Progue < -2]angrily[else]uncomfortably[end if]. 'I couldn't help but notice you [if ever-used-ropeway is true]riding the ropeway up to the mountain again[else]climbing up the crack to the top of the mountain again[end if] earlier. [if submission of Progue > 0]I told you, you really shouldn't; it's too dangerous.[else]I warned you about that; the thing's unsafe. Is this the willful or blatant form of stupidity then?[end if][if paternalism of Progue > 2] You could hurt yourself.[end if]' He looks at you challengingly.". tiwy_intro summons tiwy_sorry, tiwy_ignore, tiwy_insult. tiwy_intro suggests tiwy_ignore.
Understand "sorry" as tiwy_sorry when last beat is in tiwy. tiwy_sorry is an affinitive terminal beat in tiwy with keyword name "sorry" and reaction "He softens a little. 'It was for your own safety, you know,' he says. 'Just be careful is all I ask.' [Progue-resumes].".
Understand "insult" as tiwy_insult when last beat is in tiwy. tiwy_insult is an unaffinitive terminal beat in tiwy with keyword name "insult" and reaction "'Oh so clever,' he sneers, 'oh so droll. Fine; use the thing if you want, but I'll have no part in it. So long.' [Progue-resumes].".
Understand "ignore" as tiwy_ignore when last beat is in tiwy. tiwy_ignore is a terminal beat in tiwy with keyword name "ignore" and reaction "'Fine,' he says, 'use the thing if you want, but I'll have no part in it. So long.' [Progue-resumes].".