Blue Lacuna — 342 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Unexpected Present

[This should be a sweet scene that makes Progue's eccentricities seem touching. Like the XKCD comic about "slowing down the earth's rotation to spend longer with you." Find a way the player can reciporicate (giving Progue a gift somehow.) ]

Unexpected Present is a common urgent episode. The icebreaker is up_intro. The boredom beat is up_ignore. The subchange beat is up_ignore. The bye beat is up_ignore. The abruptbye beat is up_ignore.

A condition for Unexpected Present:

if romance of Progue is at least 2, rule succeeds.

UPres is a thread. up_intro is a beat in UPres with reaction "He looks up and a smile lights up his face. 'Just in time,' he says, 'I've something for you. Look and look.'[paragraph break]He holds out what at first you take to be a pale rose-- but then you see it is merely a carving, done from a piece of grey driftwood. But so delicate, so beautiful, you can hardly believe it is carved from a block of wood.[paragraph break]And in fact as you take it, the petals crumble, and the whole collapses, almost dissolving into the sand at your feet-- you're not sure if you should [up_cry], [up_thank] Progue, or just [up_ignore] the whole thing.".

Check mourning when last beat is up_intro: force discuss up_cry. up_cry is a romantic beat in UPres with keyword name "cry" and reaction "'Oh, [animal-nickname], no,' he says, quickly putting an arm around you, 'it was and was only an ephemeral thing. I knew it would crumble the moment you touched it. I just wanted to share that one look with you. Just a moment; that's all I was offering.'". up_cry enqueues up_hands.

Check thanking when last beat is up_intro: force discuss up_thank. up_thank is an affinitive beat in UPres with keyword name "thank" and reaction "He bows deeply. 'You're most and most welcome,' he says. 'I knew it would crumble the moment you touched it. Just wanted to share that moment with you is all.'". up_thank enqueues up_hands.

up_hands is a beat in UPres with reaction "'Haven't done much [sc_sculpture] in green eons,' he says, looking down at his hands and twitching each finger in turn. 'I kept trying and trying, years ago, but...' He shakes his head. 'But something youwards seems to have awakened parts of me. And I'm thoroughfully grateful.'". up_hands cancels up_thank, up_cry, up_ignore. After discussing up_hands: now the boredom beat of Unexpected Present is silence; now the subchange beat of Unexpected Present is silence; now the bye beat of Unexpected Present is silence; now the abruptbye beat of Unexpected Present is silence; continue the action.

Understand "ignore" as up_ignore when last beat is in UPres. up_ignore is an unromantic terminal beat in UPres with keyword name "ignore" and reaction "'Hmm,' he says, rubbing his fingers and frowning, 'guess it's not coming back after all. I thought mayhaps something was. Ah well-oh.' He turns away with a confused frown.".