Blue Lacuna — 325 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Futzing At North Beach

Futzing at North Beach is a frequent rerunnable triggered instant episode with expiration date 15 minutes and meeting place North Beach.

A condition for Futzing at North Beach:

if night, rule fails;

if location is South Beach and the player was in Fork, rule succeeds.

A commencement rule for Futzing at North Beach:

move distant-Progue to location;

say "Across the lagoon near the rocky rise, you see [the Progue] [one of]trolling the shallows with his fishing line. As he sees you he quickly pulls in his line[or]standing bent over the surf, his arms full, a swath of immaculately tended sand behind him. As he sees you, he turns[in random order] in a panic.";

now the animus of Progue is hiding;

now Progue is wishing;

follow the Progue's motivation rule.