Blue Lacuna — 298 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Denial Animus Convo

Denial Animus Convo is a serendipitous rerunnable guaranteed triggered denialy episode. The subchange beat is silence. The boredom beat is silence. The bye beat is silence. The abruptbye beat is silence.

Last condition rule for Denial Animus Convo: rule succeeds.

First commencement rule for Denial Animus Convo:

ignore the Progue begins episode dialogue rule;

pre-conversation processing;

if the animus of Progue is fishing and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds begin;

force discuss dc_fishing;

otherwise if the animus of Progue is beach-combing and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds;

force discuss dc_combing;

otherwise if the animus of Progue is mending and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds;

force discuss dc_mending;

otherwise if the animus of Progue is frog-catching;

force discuss dc_frogcatching;


force discuss dc_makeconversation;

end if.

First finishing rule for Denial Animus Convo:

if Progue is idle, rule succeeds.

To add denial animii to tl:

if the psyche of Progue is denial:

remove {dc_fishing, dc_combing, dc_mending, dc_frogcatching} from list of convo stuff, if present;

if the animus of Progue is fishing, add dc_fishing to list of convo stuff, if absent;

if the animus of Progue is beach-combing, add dc_combing to list of convo stuff, if absent;

if the animus of Progue is mending, add dc_mending to list of convo stuff, if absent;

if the animus of Progue is frog-catching, add dc_frogcatching to list of convo stuff, if absent.

Understand "fishing/pole" as dc_fishing. dc_fishing is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "fishing" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]'No [dc_fishingtechnique] today,' [the Progue] says breezily, tugging his line back and forth.[or]'Got one rascal keeps giving me [dc_fishingtechnique],' [the Progue] says conversationally, keeping his attention on the line, 'but doesn't want to take the bait.'[in random order]". dc_fishing summons dc_fishingtechnique.

Understand "biting/bites" as dc_fishingtechnique. dc_fishingtechnique is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "bites" and reaction "'Very [dc_relax],' he says, nodding, 'very peaceful. Never used to do it since those idiotic [dc_crabs] are tastier and walk right into your hands, but then discovered I trickling enjoy it. Sometimes don't even bait the hook, if I'm not feeling up to doing all the cleaning.'".

Understand "relax/relaxing/peaceful" as dc_relax. dc_relax is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "relaxing" and reaction "'I do a lot of relaxing,' [the Progue] says musingly, scratching a chin with the hand not holding the pole. 'Good [dc_island] for it.'".

Understand "cleaning" as dc_combing. dc_combing is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "cleaning" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of][The Progue] picks up a misshapen hunk of fist-sized driftwood from the beach and eyes it critically. 'Such a [dc_chore], keeping it clean,' he says, turning it over in his hands. 'But a nice [dc_clean] beach is worth and worth the effort.'[or][The Progue] turns around and scans the area behind him critically, then grunts in evident satisfaction. 'So [dc_clean]; not much debris today,' he says. 'Makes my [dc_chore] easier.'[or][The Progue] wades into the surf with an armful of beach debris and tosses it far out into the surf. 'Hardly feels like a [dc_chore] today!' he says cheerfully, moving on to the next part of the beach and bending down to pluck more small imperfections from the sand.[in random order]".

Understand "chore" as dc_chore when last beat is in DenialC. dc_chore is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "chore" and reaction "'Why do I do it?' [the Progue] says, looking offended. 'Strange question! Who'd do it other than me, eh? It's my [dc_job]. Won't clean itself, you know, oh ho no. Believe me, I've asked. Why do I do it, indeed. Hrmph!' He shakes his head at you with a little chuckle before bending down to carefully unearth a coil of mushy seaweed from the sand.".

Understand "pristine" as dc_clean when last beat is in DenialC. dc_clean is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "pristine" and reaction "'Really such a filthy place, the ocean,' he says, shaking his head sadly at the clump of detritus in his hand. 'Dead things, mostly. Seaweed, shark teeth, whale bones. Pieces and bits of fish and clams and weensy sea snails. Clumps of tree from far cold lands. All drifting, drifting till they smash a shore and turn to sand and dust.' He runs a finger delicately along a broken shell in his hand. 'Up too high, it doesn't happen, if you ring. Transformation's unfinished. Back in the sea, their journey to nothingness goes on and on.'".

Understand "job" as dc_job when last beat is in DenialC. dc_job is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "job" and reaction "'Yes, I suppose it is,' he says musingly. 'Mayhaps I was a janitor in distant pasts, before [dc_island]. Only, what a plain, unennobled word!' he adds. 'Janitor I mean. Why not [apostrophe]beautifier?[apostrophe] [apostrophe]Restorer?[apostrophe] [apostrophe]Rightener?[apostrophe] Oh yes, I like that. I am the Rightener of the Beach.' He smiles broadly.".

Understand "mending" as dc_mending. dc_mending is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "mending" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]'Amazing!' [the Progue] says, looking up at you in excitement from the rags on his lap. 'Do you have any idea how long these clothes have lasted me? No, neither do I. But from the state I'd guess it's been quite some [dc_while].'[or]'A tragic rip,' [the Progue] says sadly, holding up a grey-brown piece of threadbare fabric for your inspection. 'Really, at my age I should be more careful when [dc_climbing], but when one dangles from a cliff one can't afford to worry about one's clothes, can one?' He sighs.[in random order]".

Understand "climbing" as dc_climbing when last beat is in DenialC. dc_climbing is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "climbing" and reaction "'Oh, I'm quite some scamperer!' he says fondly, the needle momentarily forgotten. 'I suppose it's because I lost my fear of dying. Or was it my fear of flying? Hmm. Probably they both ran off with my mind somewhere. But the lack actually rings quite useful for all sorts of things: finding the best spots to view the [dc_island], getting away from the [dc_creeper], exercising. Fun too.'".

Understand "while" as dc_while when last beat is in DenialC. dc_while is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "while" and reaction "'Such a useful word, [apostrophe]while,[apostrophe] [the Progue] says, nodding. 'In its inexactitude it encompasses all possible lengths a madman sans memory could have occupied the [dc_island]. Yes, I've been here a while indeed.'".

Understand "manta/mantas/ray/rays/rayfish/glowing/lights" as learn_rayfish_name when last beat is in DenialC. learn_rayfish_name is a repeatable beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "rayfish" and reaction "'Beautiful things,' [the Progue] murmurs, 'great aquatic angels. I call them rayfish, you see. Like a ray of light. Only [if story mode]inky black[else]dark[end if] instead.'". After discussing learn_rayfish_name: now rayfish is named; continue the action.

Every turn when the animus of Progue is frog-catching and Progue is regionally in Marshlands and Progue is fulfilling and caught-frog is false: if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds begin; now caught-frog is true; if Progue is enclosed by location, say "[one of]Suddenly, [the Progue] pounces and snakes out his hand, emerging a moment later from the splash with a small green frog encased in his fingers[or][The Progue] suddenly dives forward in a frantic tackle, belly flopping into the marsh, but then scrambles to his feet a moment later with a green frog in his hands[in random order]. [one of]'Well oh well oh,' he says to his tiny captive, 'we meet at last.'[or]'Gotcha!' he says, immensely pleased, and peering in at his tiny captive. 'Gotcha gotcha!'[cycling]"; move frog to Progue; end if. Every turn when caught-frog is true and the animus of Progue is not frog-catching: now caught-frog is false; remove frog from play.

Understand "hunting" as dc_frogcatching. dc_frogcatching is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "hunting" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]'Shh!' [the Progue] says, holding up a hand in your direction. 'You'll scare the little [dc_frthem] off!'[or]'Ah,' [the Progue] says, beaming, 'come to go frog [dc_frfrog]? An excellent day for it.'[in random order]".

Understand "ones" as dc_frthem when last beat is in DenialC. dc_frthem is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "ones" and reaction "'The frogs!' he says. 'They're ratherly sensitive to noises, and footsteps, and, vibrations, and well, everything and anything really,' he says, 'poor [dc_frfrog].'".

Understand "hunting/creatures" as dc_frfrog when last beat is in DenialC. dc_frfrog is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_frthem]creatures[otherwise]hunting" and reaction "'They like to hide down in the weeds,' he says seriously, 'in this part of the [dc_island]. They believe they're quite clever, but I've got years, years of practice. Been here a [dc_longlived] time.'".