Blue Lacuna — 80 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Instructing the Player

Instead of asking someone to try doing something, try correct conversing. Instead of asking anyone about anything, try correct conversing. Instead of telling anyone about anything, try correct conversing. Instead of answering anyone that anything, try correct conversing. Understand "ask [text]" or "ask" or "tell" or "say" or "ask about [text]" or "tell about [text]" or "ask [someone] about [text]" or "tell [someone] about [text]" or "show" or "show [text]" as a mistake ("[correct conv]").

Understand the command "ask" as something new. Understand the command "tell" as something new. Understand the command "show" as something new. [Understand the command "give" as something new.] Understand the command "shout" as something new.

First carry out giving something to somebody: say "You'd better hold on to it.".

Correct conversing is an action out of world. Carry out correct conversing: say "[correct conv]".

To say correct conv:

let myinp be indexed text;

now myinp is the player's command;

if myinp matches the regular expression "[tree-password]" or myinp matches the regular expression "[rebel-password]":

say "You speak the word aloud, but nothing happens.";

else if location is Echo Chamber:

say "You call it out loud and clear. Instantly, the weird shapes and formations suck your utterance up, twist it around, and send it back to you weirdly changed and deformed to reverberate around the cavern until finally dying down.";


say "[as the parser]Tutorial: To speak with people, try using emphasized keywords in their dialogue, a conversation verb, or a simple HELLO to get things started. Type HELP for more details[as normal].".

[ Blue Lacuna responds to four types of physical actions: strong attack (the "attack" verb), weak attack (the "push" verb), weak affection (the "hug" verb), and strong affection (the "kiss" verb). Other interaction verbs are routed into one of these. ]

Check throwing something at someone (called target): try attacking target instead.

Check touching someone (called lucky one): if lucky one is an animal, continue the action; otherwise try hugging lucky one instead.