Blue Lacuna — 75 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Day & Night

The fast time rule is listed instead of the advance time rule in the turn sequence rulebook.

The tide counter is a number that varies. The tide counter is 200.

The time factor is a number that varies. The time factor is 3.

This is the fast time rule:

increase the turn count by 1;

change the time of day to time factor minutes after the time of day;

change the tide counter to the tide counter + time factor;

if the tide counter is greater than 1100, change the tide counter to the tide counter minus 1100.

To decide whether moonrise: if the tide counter > 0 and the tide counter < 15 then decide yes; decide no.

Every turn when we are not landmark-going and location is regionally in Lacuna (this is the adjust the tides rule):

if tidein begin;

if location is Inside-Manta begin;

say "It looks like the tide is coming in, and you don't want to be stuck in here until it goes back out. You turn the wheel to pull yourself back up to the beach, and clamber out onto the sand.";

try going outside;

end if;

end if.

To decide whether moonset: if the tide counter >= 544 and the tide counter < 559 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether tideout: if tide counter >= 366 and tide counter < 915, decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether tidein: if tideout then decide no; decide yes.

To decide whether high tide: if the tide counter >= 0 and the tide counter < 183 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether falling uptide: if the tide counter >= 183 and the tide counter < 366 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether falling downtide: if the tide counter >= 366 and the tide counter < 559 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether low tide: if the tide counter >= 559 and the tide counter < 732 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether rising downtide: if the tide counter >= 732 and the tide counter < 915 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether rising uptide: if the tide counter >= 915 and the tide counter <= 1100 then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether sunup: if it is after 5:00 AM and it is before 7:16 PM, decide yes; decide no. To decide whether sundown: if it is after 6:59 PM and it is before 5:01 AM, decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether dawn: if it is before 5:01 AM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether sunrise: if it is after 5:00 AM and it is before 5:06 AM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether morning: if it is after 5:05 AM and it is before 7:01 AM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether midmorning: if it is after 7:00 AM and it is before 10:31 AM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether midday: if it is after 10:30 AM and it is before 2:31 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether afternoon: if it is after 2:30 PM and it is before 5:31 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether evening: if it is after 5:30 PM and it is before 7:01 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether sunset: if it is after 7:00 PM and it is before 7:16 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether twilight: if it is after 7:15 PM and it is before 8:01 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether night: if it is after 8:00 PM then decide yes; decide no.

To decide whether day: if night, decide no; decide yes.

To decide whether moonup: if the moon is on-stage, decide yes; decide no. To decide whether moondown: if the moon is on-stage, decide no; decide yes.

To say tidestatus: say "[if high tide]high[otherwise if rising uptide]ris. up[otherwise if rising downtide]ris. dwn[otherwise if low tide]low[otherwise if falling downtide]fall. dwn[otherwise if falling uptide]fall. up[end if]".

Check examining when night and location is indoorsy and noun is not a scrawl and noun is not a heavenly body and noun is not an echo-keyword (this is the most things indoors can't be examined at night rule): say "It's too dark to make out any details." instead.

Last interval is an interval that varies.

To consider time of day ambience, definitely selecting:

if ( dawn or sunrise or sunset or moonrise or moonset or twilight or night or last interval is not current interval ) or definitely selecting or a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds begin;

if current interval is dawn begin;

if it is before 4:10 AM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn1 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 4:20 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn2 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 4:30 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn3 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 4:40 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn4 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 4:50 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn5 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 5:00 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Dawn6 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is sunrise;

add potential messages from the Table of Sunrise ambience;

otherwise if current interval is morning;

if it is before 6:00 AM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Morning1 ambience;

otherwise; add potential messages from the Table of Morning2 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is midmorning;

if it is before 8:00 AM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Midmorning1 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 9:00 AM; add potential messages from the Table of Midmorning2 ambience;

otherwise; add potential messages from the Table of Midmorning3 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is midday;

if it is before 12:30 PM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Midday1 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 1:00 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Midday2 ambience;

otherwise; add potential messages from the Table of Midday3 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is afternoon;

if it is before 4:00 PM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Afternoon1 ambience;

otherwise; add potential messages from the Table of Afternoon2 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is evening;

if it is before 6:15 PM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Evening1 ambience;

otherwise; add potential messages from the Table of Evening2 ambience;

end if;

otherwise if current interval is sunset;

add potential messages from the Table of Sunset ambience;

otherwise if current interval is twilight;

if it is before 7:10 PM begin; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight1 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 7:20 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight2 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 7:30 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight3 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 7:40 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight4 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 7:50 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight5 ambience;

otherwise if it is before 8:00 PM; add potential messages from the Table of Twilight6 ambience;

end if;


if night_notification_trig is 0 or definitely selecting begin; add potential messages from the Table of Night ambience; now night_notification_trig is 1; end if;

end if;

end if.

night_notification_trig is a number that varies. Every turn when not night and night_notification_trig is 1: now night_notification_trig is 0.

The last Every turn rule: if current interval is not last interval begin; if ACO is being debugged, say "// Ambience: new interval."; now last interval is current interval; end if.

Table of Dawn1 ambience

frequent"[one of]The sky to the east is beginning, almost imperceptibly, to lighten[or]You're not quite sure if you're imagining it, but a dull grey fuzz lines the horizon to the east[or]The first hints of light are coloring the horizon to the east[in random order]."

Table of Dawn2 ambience

frequent"[one of]A faint grey light steals over the island, slowly bringing the indistinct darkness into focus[or]Grey light touches the eastern horizon, slowly snuffing the stars out one by one[or]The horizon glows with a dim grey light[in random order]."

Table of Dawn3 ambience

frequent"[one of]The eastern sky is a wash of white just touched with color, casting a shadowless light over everything[or]The galaxy fades above you as the sky slowly turns from black to grey to pink-scrubbed white[or]A dull grey glow lights up your surroundings as the horizon to the east continue to brighten[in random order]."

Table of Dawn4 ambience

frequent"[one of]Streaks of pink and gold strengthen on the eastern horizon, brightening minute by minute[or]The last of the stars wink out as the sky above casts a shadowless light over the island[or]The horizon glows with rich shades of pink and amber, brightening towards white where it meets the ocean[in random order]."

Table of Dawn5 ambience

frequent"[one of]The sky brightens more each minute[or]Scudding wisps of cloud high above glow pink and cream in the sun, which has not yet risen down here[or]Birds flock through the sky in the predawn light, preparing for the coming day[in random order]."

Table of Dawn6 ambience

frequent"[one of]The top of the mountain glows pink as the first rays of the morning sun hit it[or]The sun touches the rim of the volcano, which burns in the sudden wash of color almost as if on fire[in random order]."

Table of Sunrise ambience

guaranteed"The sun rises over the [if location is Saddle or location is Atop or location is Observatory Exterior or location is Lawn or location is Viewpoint or location is Rim of Volcano or location is Ravine Floor or location is Top of Ravine][else]hidden [end if]ocean to the east."

Table of Morning1 ambience

frequent"The sun hangs over the eastern horizon, reflecting brilliantly off the waves."

Table of Morning2 ambience

frequent"The sun [one of]burns through the morning mist[or]shifts through whole palettes of color[in random order] as it rises higher in the eastern sky."

Table of Midmorning1 ambience

guaranteed"[one of]The sky slowly loses the colors of dawn and begins to take on the colors of day[or]The morning light gives way to the hot sharp brightness of day[in random order]."

Table of Midmorning2 ambience

frequent"[one of]The sun angles down, casting your shadow westward[or]From halfway up the eastern sky, the sun burns down brightly[in random order]."

Table of Midmorning3 ambience

frequent"The sun [one of]burns down from high in the eastern sky[or]shines above, climbing slowly towards the zenith[in random order]."

Table of Midday1 ambience

guaranteed"[one of]The sun sears the sky above you, almost directly overhead[or]Noonday light beams brightly down on you[in random order]."

Table of Midday2 ambience

frequent"[one of]Your shadow has almost disappeared as the sun shines directly above[or]Your hair and neck burn in the heat of the tropical noon[in random order]."

Table of Midday3 ambience

frequent"[one of]The hot midday sun beats down on your head[or]The sun hovers just west of the zenith, as if unsure whether it wants to start downward[in random order]."

Table of Afternoon1 ambience

frequent"[if raining]Rain buckets down in ceaseless torrents.[otherwise if weather state is decided to rain]Quick-moving clouds gather overhead, darkening rapidly.[otherwise][one of]Sunlight angles down on you from above as the light begins to shift to the west[or]The brilliance of midday fades a little into the deeper tones of afternoon[in random order].[end if]"

Table of Afternoon2 ambience

frequent"[if raining]Rain buckets down in ceaseless torrents.[otherwise if weather state is decided to rain]Quick-moving clouds gather overhead, darkening rapidly.[otherwise][one of]The afternoon sunlight casts a shadow pointing east[or]Lazy afternoon sunlight tilts golden through the air[in random order].[end if]"

Table of Evening1 ambience

guaranteed"[one of]Late afternoon gives way to evening as the sun sinks lower in the western sky[or]The sun sinks through the westward sky, slowly burning towards the shades of evening[in random order]."

Table of Evening2 ambience

frequent"[one of]The evening sun hovers just above the westward horizon, causing brilliant dancing reflections to burn on the sea[or]The sun drops quickly towards the horizon, a red-orange ball of flame[in random order]."

Table of Sunset ambience

guaranteed"[if sun over ocean]The [o]sun[x] touches the horizon, sinking slowly into the sea in a fiery red spectacle[else][one of]The colors of the sky begin to darken[or]The colors of the sky hover on the edge of twilight[or]Echoes of daylight still stream through the clouds[cycling][end if]."

To decide whether sun over ocean:

if exploring Progue's turf or location is regionally in High Altitude or location is Rim of Volcano or location is Volcano Slopes or location is Saddle or location is Atop or location is Rockslide or location is regionally in Chairlift-Ride, decide yes;

decide no.

Table of Twilight1 ambience

frequent"[one of]The brilliant red-orange glare to the west causes burnished highlights to dance on the ocean waves[or]The sun still strikes the clouds floating out over the ocean to the west, lighting them with a cream-orange glow[or]The hot orange aftermath of the sunset burns brightly on the horizon[in random order]."

Table of Twilight2 ambience

frequent"[one of]Orange fades to reds and violets as the western sky begins to fade[or]The brilliant glow of the sunset continues to fade[in random order]."

Table of Twilight3 ambience

frequent"The [one of]light[or]twilit sky[or]fading sky[in random order] [one of]grows dim and indistinct[or]loses more and more of its vibrant colors[at random] as the sky [one of]fades to deep indigo[or]darkens[or]falls slowly into night[in random order] above."

Table of Twilight4 ambience

frequent"[one of]A single bright star twinkles above in the grey-blue sky as shapes grow darker and indistinct around you[or]A few stars twinkle faintly above, emissaries of night's rapid approach[or]The sky's blue continues to deepen, allowing a few faint stars to shine through above[in random order]."

Table of Twilight5 ambience

frequent"[one of]The failing light grows weaker by the minute[or]More and more stars appear in the slate-grey sky above as the twilight continues to fade[or]Nightfall is rapidly approaching; more and more stars shine in the deep blueness above[in random order]."

Table of Twilight6 ambience

frequent"[one of]Stars come out one by one in the grey sky above, a faint glow from the horizon all that remains of the light[or]The daylight is almost gone, just a hint of brightness remaining on the western horizon[at random]."

Table of Night ambience

guaranteed"The last of the light has faded from the sky, leaving only a rich black sky studded with millions of stars and a great swirling [o]galaxy[x][if moonup], as well as a pale pink [o]moon[x][end if]."

After waiting (this is the waiting causes time to pass faster rule):

if time factor is not 1 and yourself is awake and current episode is not Water Works begin;

pass 7 minutes of time;

end if;

continue the action.

To say time-of-day-bit:

if night begin; say ", [one of]soft night breezes tickling your hair[or]your feet on the [surface-material] the only sound in the night's stillness[or]moving cautiously in the dim light of the [light-source][or]the deepness of the night swallowing your footsteps[or]moving quietly almost without meaning to in the thick silence of the night[or]only the faint light of the [light-source] above showing your way[in random order]";

otherwise if dawn; say "[one of], the pre-dawn light smoothing form and motion into secret grey blurs[or] under the brightening sky[or], feeling like a ghost gliding through the silence of daybreak[or], the sound of your steps on the [surface-material] flat and echoless in the early morning's half-light[or], scanning the horizon for signs of sunrise[or], enjoying the shifting panolpy of colors growing in the eastern sky[or], listening to the distant call of gulls anxious for sunlight and circling in the grey-blue sky[in random order]";

otherwise if morning; say ", [one of]the chill air of night still not quite dispelled[or]shivering a bit in the lingering chill of the night air[or]the morning sunlight picking out random details in the scenery in shifting, waving highlights[or]under a sky still warming to day's colors as the sun begins its long climb[or]enjoying the brightening colors of the new day[or]as shafts of newborn sunlight pierce the air[or]warmed by horizontal rays of golden sunlight[or]the clouds above you flaming with hot gold sunlight[in random order]";

otherwise if midmorning; say ", [one of]already starting to feel warm though it's not yet noon[or]through the swaying shadows of midmorning light[or]the blue sky above you achingly bright and clear[or]squinting up at the fresh-scrubbed sky above you[or]under the slanted rays of the sun rising ever higher in the tropical sky[or]the [surface-material] under your feet warming in the late morning sunlight[or]a few gusts of warming wind swirling listlessly around you[in random order]";

otherwise if midday; say ", [one of]sweating in the hot sunlight[or]sweltering in the heat[or]warm air gusting around you like blasts from an oven[or]your shadow almost vanished in the noon sun[or]the [surface-material] baking underneath your feet[or]squinting against the brightness of the tropical midday light[or]heat waves shimmering in the distance before you[or]first pausing for a moment to wipe the sweat from your brow[or]enjoying the faint breeze you generate as you move through the still midday air[in random order]";

otherwise if raining; say ", [one of]slogging through the rapidly dampening [surface-material][or]moving quickly through the rain[or]water trickling down all around you[or]resigned to getting totally soaked in the downpour[or]brushing wet hair from your face[or]dodging pools of water forming on the [surface-material] at your feet[or]shivering as the rainwater soaks through your worn travelling clothes[or]raising a hand to your eyes to shield them from the pouring rain[in random order]";

otherwise if afternoon and rained; say ", [one of]stepping around shrinking puddles soaking into the [surface-material][or]the dripping of moisture from the soaked vegetation around you making a gentle chorus[in random order]";

otherwise if afternoon and cloudy; say ", [one of]through shifting shadows as the scudding clouds hide and reveal the sun[or]shadowed by patches of heavy grey cloud above[or]the heat of the day subdued as racing clouds conceal the sunlight[or]in a sudden patch of afternoon light breaking through the heavy cloudbank[or]through dim shadows in the suddenly cloud-muted light[or]keeping an eye on the storm clouds above[or]eyeing the racing grey clouds above warily[or]trying to decide what the gathering clouds above are going to do[in random order]";

otherwise if afternoon; say ", [one of]the afternoon light painting everything in lazy tan hues[or]the heat of earlier dulled now by the gentle shift to afternoon[or]the sky above the radiant blue of an afternoon that might last forever[or]hot afternoon breezes gusting through the clean island air[in random order]";

otherwise if evening or sunset; say ", [one of]the rapidly sinking sun painting everything in regal hues[or]glancing up at the shifting colors in the sky as the sun sinks towards the horizon[or]golden light from the failing sun sending streaks of illumination over the terrain[or]the [surface-material] at your feet sending up waves of heat in memory of the noonday sun[or]a feeling of quiet tranquility soaking the landscape in the light of the sinking sun[or]the evening light saturating the tropical colors everywhere you look[in random order]";

otherwise if twilight; say ", [one of]through growing shadows as the daylight fades[or]passing through the lull of twilight as night prepares to settle in[or]watching the sky darken from moment to moment as the daylight drains away[or]stepping carefully in the failing light over the [surface-material][or]moving quickly as night's slow arrival continues[or]the fading light seeming to suck the movement and colors from the scenery as it departs[in random order]";

end if.