Blue Lacuna — 72 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Fallback Actions

Understand the command "search" as something new. Understand "search" or "search [text]" as a mistake ("[as the parser]You won't need to use the verb SEARCH in Blue Lacuna; type HELP to find a list of useful verbs[as normal]."). Understand the command "look under" as something new. Understand the command "look inside" as something new.

After reading a command (this is the replace look under and related search commands with examine rule): if the player's command includes "look under" or the player's command includes "look in" or the player's command includes "look inside" or the player's command includes "look through" or the player's command includes "look behind", replace the matched text with "examine".

After reading a command (this is the left/right hack rule): [ This unfortunate hack is necessary to work around a mysterious bug that appeared at one point, preventing the words "left" or "right" on their own from being understood by the parser.]

if the player's command includes "left", replace the matched text with "hleft";

if the player's command includes "right", replace the matched text with "hright".

Check rubbing something: try touching the noun instead. Check squeezing a person: try touching the noun instead. Understand the command "clean" as something new. Understand the command "dust" as something new.

Check cutting something: try attacking the noun instead.