Blue Lacuna — 474 of 475

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Coda

[Opening - look / interact etc.

Then important decisions only: do we tell Progue about the dream? (if not he sculpts anyway, text slightly different). How do we say farewell to Progue.]

After examining ep2-brush:

say "You open your eyes.";

begin chapter 11;

change the time of day to 7:25 AM;

change the time factor to 1;

remove Progue from play;

move ep-Progue to Stumps;

now ep-Progue is attentive;

pre-conversation processing;

now tempfuse of eeb_intro is 5;

remove ep2-brush from play;

move brush-echo to Stumps;

change the initial appearance of ep-Progue to "[o]Progue[x] stands quietly nearby, hands folded before him, staring at the rough-hewn block of stone intently.";

change the description of ep-Progue to "Some immense calm exudes from his skin, a focus and clarity of being you have never seen from him. He hardly seems to breathe and yet it is as if the whole world is flowing into him.";

move player to Stumps;

now tempfuse of eeb_intro is 5.

Epilogue-Ending-B is a scene. Epilogue-Ending-B begins when eplp_intro is spoken.

Instead of greeting ep-Progue when Epilogue-Ending-B is happening, force discuss eeb_intro. Instead of getting bored when Epilogue-Ending-B is happening and location is Stumps: pre-conversation processing; force discuss eeb_intro. Instead of saying farewell to when Epilogue-Ending-B is happening: force discuss eeb_intro.

EEB is a thread. eeb_intro is a beat in eeb with keyword name "hello" and fuse 25 and reaction "He stirs, slow and almost imperceptible at first, then turns to you, movements gathering speed and vim. As his languorous eyes reach yours, he smiles.[paragraph break]'And good morning and good morning,' he says, 'and good morning as well. There really is something good about it, can't you feel? Some supple magnetism in the air.' He takes a deep breath, and turns back to the block of stone. 'I think,' he says, 'I think, I think... this is the Day. Last Lacuna morning. The fade of [t]dream[x] and the rise of wake.'". eeb_intro summons eeb_dream, eeb_nodream. eeb_intro suggests eeb_nodream. eeb_dream replaces ddb_intro.

Understand "dream" as eeb_dream when last beat is in EEB. eeb_dream is a beat in EEB with keyword name "dream" and reaction "[noteeebdream]He listens quietly as you tell him your dream, his expression guarded and tense, as if poised for flight.[paragraph break]When you are finished, he closes his eyes, and takes a long, deep breath.[paragraph break]'[if romance of Progue >= 0]Dear one[else if paternalism of Progue >= 3]My child[else]My friend[end if],' he says quietly, 'I have always known this. Fragments of I, ratherly. And no, I don't think it was ever even forgotten... just hiding in shadows of grief, waiting. Waiting to be thought again.'[paragraph break]He [if romance of Progue >= 4]kisses you, long and soft[else if paternalism of Progue >= 3]puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes[else]claps a hand to your back[end if], then steps away. 'Once again our dreams show the way,' he says. 'Do we wayfarers live in dreams? Or do universes live in ours?'". eeb_dream enqueues eeb_sculptsequence. To say noteeebdream: now eebdreamspoken is true. eebdreamspoken is a truth state that varies. eeb_sculptsequence replaces eeb_dream.

eeb_nodream is a beat in EEB with keyword name "listen" and reaction "He takes a long breath, staring past you into blue distances. 'I've given long and long hours of thought to the what,' he says, 'the subject of my sculpture. Most times it was animals, in eons past; sometimes some bony peak or-- or tree.' He pauses. 'Not today, I think. Today there is a she. I think or think I think her voice, in my head, in my hands. I think mayhaps she calls for me. Not... not Calls,' he amends carefully, 'not near that strong. But I think she will be glad to see me.'". eeb_nodream enqueues eeb_sculptsequence.

eeb_sculptsequence is a beat in EEB with reaction "He kneels, running delicate hands over the hammer and chisel at his feet, then slowly, carefully hefts them, turning back to the block of stone.[paragraph break]The sun moves through the sky.[paragraph break]Slowly, dimpled curve by softened angle, hair by breast by thigh by mouth, a woman unmelts from the cold hard rock. She is beautiful and austere. [if eebdreamspoken is true]But she is not Lethe, and not Phoebe. [end if]As her face takes shape you see it is a troubled face, twisted by sadness, but something she sees brings a small spark of joy or comfort to it. A protruding lump of stone becomes an outstretched hand, stretching forward in greeting, desperate almost for a kind touch, the warmth of simple skin.[paragraph break]The sun is setting over the waves when Progue steps back, only one eye left for the sculpture to be complete. You should be tired or hungry or sore or bored, but you are none of them. Progue truly is a master, perhaps one of the best you've ever seen.[paragraph break]He turns to you and you know he is moments from gone.". eeb_dream suggests eeb_saynothing. After discussing eeb_sculptsequence: now the time of day is 7:01 PM; continue the action. eeb_sculptsequence cancels eeb_dream.

Instead of hugging ep-Progue when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "You hug Progue and he hugs back, his weatherworn cheek pressed against your neck, and [weatherwornbit]. You step back and he smiles at you, complete. And you know he is ready to leave. He turns to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

Instead of kissing ep-Progue when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "You kiss Progue [if romance of Progue > 3]gently and tenderly, raising one hand to his weatherworn face[else]on each weatherworn cheek, an old custom from past worlds that seems somehow appropriate[end if], and [weatherwornbit]. You step back and he smiles at you, complete. And you know he is ready to leave. He turns to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

Instead of pushing or attacking ep-Progue when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "Here, at this final moment, all the anger and violence has drained from you; you cannot bring yourself to. Progue meets your weary gaze levelly, holds it for a long moment, then turns back to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

Instead of saying farewell to or thanking ep-Progue when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "He clutches your outstretched hand warmly for a long moment.[paragraph break]'I have no words to thank you for all you have given me,' he says, 'but well and here I'm saying some anyway. Moisty hells.' He squeezes temples of eyes suddenly reddening, and laughs in embarrassment, turning it into a sniffle. [cookiemetaphor].' And he turns to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

Instead of giving something to ep-Progue when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "You hand [the noun] to Progue. Wordlessly he accepts it, holds it delicately and studies it in the light of the setting sun. Then he clutches your hand for a long moment.[paragraph break][cookiemetaphor].' And he turns to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

eeb_saynothing is a beat in EEB with reaction "You can think of nothing to say or do or think in this moment, suspended somehow from relentless gravities of time. And it seems that neither can Progue. He stares back, also wordless, for long moments.[paragraph break]But finally something passes between you, perhaps without either of you willing it, and he nods, and breathes, and turns back to the statue woman.". eeb_saynothing enqueues eeb_outtro.

Instead of examining distant ocean when last beat is eeb_sculptsequence: say "You raise a hand in farewell, but Progue grasps it and shakes it vigorously instead.[paragraph break]'I have no words to thank you for all you have given me,' he says, 'but well and here I'm saying some anyway. Moisty hells.' He squeezes temples of eyes suddenly reddening, and laughs in embarrassment, turning it into a sniffle. [cookiemetaphor].' And he turns to the statue woman."; force discuss eeb_outtro.

To say weatherwornbit: say "it occurs to you that both of you are so worn: by weather, time, and chance: the abrading force of life". To say cookiemetaphor: say "'Friendships are like cookies, someone somewhere said, though,' he sighs, 'I can't remember quite why. Ah well-oh. Goodbye then, wayfarer"

eeb_outtro is a beat in EEB with reaction "The last eye is finished as the sun slips beneath the waves. As twilight grows, the statue seems to gather shadow and suppleness, like dew settling on flowers, as if melding with the indistinct edge of night gives her some animus of life.[paragraph break]Finally in the failing dimness Progue drops his hammer and chisel, staring at her, and takes her hand.[paragraph break]For a sliver of instants you think the stone hand grips his in warm return, pulls him forward...[paragraph break]He is gone.[paragraph break]The stone woman smiles at you, but she is only stone. You are alone now on Lacuna.[paragraph break]But a current runs faintly through your fingertips. The Call has been answered.[paragraph break]And at last you begin to wonder what and where you will paint next."

After discussing eeb_outtro: end the game in victory.

Instead of landmark-going or going or exiting during Epilogue-Ending-B: say "You have unfinished business here.".