Blue Lacuna — 390 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Active Presence

A dream presence is a kind of person. A dream presence is always undescribed. The printed name of a dream presence is usually "the presence". A dream presence has a beat called the icebreaker. The icebreaker of a dream presence is usually Silence. [ Beginning of their conversation. ] [ A dream presence should be assigned to the nexus-room they're associated with. ] Check examining a dream presence: try discussing icebreaker of noun instead.

First Before getting bored when noun is a dream presence: do nothing instead.

Active presence is a thing that varies. [ The current dream presence. ]

Every turn when active presence is a dream presence and active presence is enclosed by location:

if active presence is idle and icebreaker of active presence is not silence begin;

if dreams are being debugged, say "// Dreams: wake up active presence ([active presence]) and force discuss icebreaker ([icebreaker of active presence]); last beat is [last beat].";

now active presence is attentive;

if last beat is silence or ( last beat is not in FirstDT and last beat is not in SecondDT and last beat is not in ThirdDT and last beat is not in FourthDT and last beat is not in FifthDT and last beat is not in SixthDT and last beat is not in D7 ) begin;

force discuss icebreaker of active presence;


if last beat suggests a beat, force discuss a random beat suggested by last beat;

end if;

end if.

Instead of saying farewell to someone when active presence is a dream presence and an active presence is in the location: say "You're not entirely sure if they're even here, and less sure how you would go about saying goodbye to them.".

Saved last beat is a beat that varies. [ Allows us to interrupt a dream presence conversation and resume it. ]

convo-delay is a repeatable exciting beat. convo-delay suggests convo-delay2. convo-delay2 is a repeatable exciting beat. [ Useful for starting a conversation a move after a certain point, by letting convo-delay2 suggest things. ]

After discussing a terminal beat when location is a nexus-room and Completing-Progue's-Character-Arc is unsolved: becontact lucky windsigh. [ Terminal beats mean the tree has gotten its point across, and this dream can be considered a success. ]

To becontact lucky windsigh:

if drama manager is being debugged, say "// Drama manager: becontact lucky windsigh.";

let lucky be a random windsigh tree in saved location;

if lucky is not a thing and saved location is Saddle, let lucky be tree3;

if lucky is not a thing and saved location is Treehouse, let lucky be tree2;

now lucky is contacted;

if active presence is a dream presence, remove active presence from play.

Instead of exhausting a beat when a dream presence is attentive: do nothing.

To decide whether dream-door-locked is true:

if nexus-counter >= 25, decide no;

if escape tracker > 3, decide no;

if active presence is dream-presence-rerun, decide no;

if conversation fuse < 2, decide yes;

if active presence is enclosed by location, decide yes;

[ if the number of spoken terminal beats in a random thread that encloses the icebreaker of active presence is 0, decide yes;]

let lucky be a random windsigh tree enclosed by saved location;

if lucky is not a thing and saved location is Saddle, let lucky be tree3;

if lucky is not a thing and saved location is Treehouse, let lucky be tree2;

if the number of visited flashback-rooms < scene_order of lucky, decide yes;

decide no.

To say escapeattempt:

increase escape tracker by 1.

escape tracker is a number that varies.

nexus-counter is a number that varies. After waiting when location is a nexus-room and the number of attentive people enclosed by location is 0: increase nexus-counter by 1; continue the action. Every turn when location is regionally in Lacuna and nexus-counter is not 0: now nexus-counter is 0.

Every turn when location is a nexus-room and yourself is asleep: increase nexus-counter by 1; if nexus-counter >= 25, say "[one of][closingtimemsg][or][cycling]". To say closingtimemsg: if location is Dream7Nexus begin; say "High [d]up[x] above you, a shaft of colorless light streams down from the broken skylight."; otherwise if location is Dream6Nexus; say "Currents shift around you, shifting from directionless eddies to a powerful force impelling you [d]up[x]."; otherwise if location is Dream5Nexus; say "Curtains flutter on the french [o]doors[x], which suddenly seem closer than ever."; otherwise if location is Dream4Nexus; say "The bird in its [o]cage[x] looks at you quizzically, and flutters its wings in an anxious twitch."; otherwise if location is Dream1Nexus; say "With a clunk of wood on wood, something behind the front [o]door[x] shifts."; otherwise if location is Dream2Nexus; say "The steam and heat stop spewing from the dark [d]hole[x]; perhaps this is your chance to escape."; otherwise if location is Dream3Nexus; say "Your eye is drawn to the canvas; it just needs one touch of [o]paint[x] and it will be complete..."; end if.

First instead of doing anything other than discussing or waiting or defining a password or saying yes or saying no when active presence is in location and active presence is attentive and last beat is not exciting: say "Everything but the presence has become faded and grey for the moment." instead.