Blue Lacuna — 381 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Progue Rescue

Progue Rescue is a scene.

Progue Rescue begins when

current episode is Water Works and

location is Rise.

When Progue Rescue begins:

move Progue to North Marsh;

now the animus of Progue is resting.

Instead of going up in North Marsh when Progue Rescue is happening: say "[if Progue is carried]Not a chance, carrying Progue like this[otherwise]Progue is in no condition for climbing right now[end if]."

First Instead of waking, pushing, greeting, or touching Progue during Progue Rescue: say "[if the animus of Progue is resting]You shake Progue vigorously. He moans, but his eyes do not open[otherwise]He grips your hand tightly, eyes wide with fear[end if].".

First Instead of attacking Progue during Progue Rescue: say "You give Progue a quick slap across the face. His eyes spring open.[paragraph break][pr_up]".

To say pr_up: say "'What did I miss?' Progue mutters vaguely. He's in no state to walk by himself, so with a grunt you grab his bony frame and sling him over your shoulder."; setup Progue for rescue.

To setup Progue for rescue: now Progue is carried; now Progue-was-carried is true; if water_count < the elevation of location - 4 feet, now water_count is the elevation of location - 4 feet.

Instead of taking Progue when Progue Rescue is happening and Progue is uncarried: say "With a grunt, you lift Progue and position him over your shoulder. His eyes open blearily, but unfocused; he must have hit his head hard."; setup Progue for rescue.

Instead of taking Progue when Progue Rescue is happening, say "You've already got him." Instead of dropping Progue when Progue Rescue is happening and location is not safe: say "You can't put him down here; the water's still rising.". First instead of greeting Progue when Progue Rescue is happening: say "'Just get us out of here,' he mutters vaguely.". Instead of inserting Progue into the bucket when Progue Rescue is happening, try pushing the ropeway lever. Instead of entering the bucket when Progue Rescue is happening, try pushing the ropeway lever.

To decide whether (place - a room) is safe: if the elevation of place >= 25 feet, decide yes; decide no. To decide whether (place - a room) is not safe: if place is safe, decide no; decide yes.

Progue Rescue ends successfully when

the location of Progue is safe.

When Progue Rescue ends successfully:

now Progue is uncarried;

say "You can't go any farther. [if Progue is carried]You collapse to your knees, setting Progue gently down[otherwise]You both collapse to the ground, panting[end if], and wait.[paragraph break]But the water seems to have reached its high point. It swirls and flows below you, but stops rising.[paragraph break]Finally, you both drift off into a long, uneasy, dreamless sleep.";

Progue is more submissive, silently;

Progue likes you more, silently;

Progue likes you more, silently;

if romance of Progue > 0, Progue is aroused, silently.

To decide whether completely submerged:

if water_count - elevation of location >= 6 feet, decide yes;

if water_count >= 25 feet, decide yes;

decide no.

we-were-submerged is a truth state that varies. Progue-was-carried is a truth state that varies.

Progue Rescue ends nobly but unsuccessfully when [aar]

( we-were-submerged is true or completely submerged ) and

Progue-was-carried is true.

When Progue Rescue ends nobly but unsuccessfully:

[ carrying/with Progue but didn't make it to high ground ]

Progue likes you more, silently.

Progue Rescue ends unsuccessfully when

Player Rescue begins.

Progue Rescue ends unsuccessfully when

Progue-was-carried is false and

( completely submerged or we-were-submerged is true ) .

When Progue Rescue ends unsuccessfully:

[ never found Progue ]

do nothing.