Blue Lacuna — 35 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Visibility

Verynearing relates various views to various rooms. Nearing relates various views to various rooms. Faring relates various views to various rooms. Veryfaring relates various views to various rooms.

The verb to be very near implies the verynearing relation. The verb to be near implies the nearing relation. The verb to be far from implies the faring relation. The verb to be very far from implies the veryfaring relation.

Check examining a view:

if noun is very near the location or noun is near the location or noun is far from the location or noun is very far from the location, continue the action;

otherwise say "You don't have a good view of [the noun] from here." instead.

To say distance of (obj - a view):

if obj is very near location, say "quite close by";

if obj is near location, say "a ways off";

if obj is far from location, say "off in the distance";

if obj is very far from location, say "hazy blue with distance".