Blue Lacuna — 330 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Keywords

suppression keywords is a repeatable beat. suppression keywords summons sc_cabin, sc_windsigh, learn_capalla_name, learn_rayfish_name, sc_sculpture, sc_ropeway, sc_sketchbook, sc_treehouse, sc_head, sc_paintings, sc_bridge, sc_bees, sc_rainforest, sc_egg, sc_pyramiddist, sc_door, sc_cave, sc_boiler, sc_jellyfish.

Understand "cabin" as sc_cabin. sc_cabin is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "cabin" and reaction "He tilts his head, frowning. 'First thing I built,' he says, 'when we came here. Was still in survival mode. Build shelter, protect [sc_family], all that.'". the log cabin references sc_cabin. Check examining by name the log cabin: if sc_cabin is available, try discussing sc_cabin instead. [Check wordgoing Center Beach: if sc_cabin is available, try discussing sc_cabin instead. Check wordgoing Hut: if sc_cabin is available, try discussing sc_cabin instead.]

Understand "family" as sc_family. sc_family is an annoying repeatable beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "family" and reaction "He [one of]frowns[or]closes his eyes[or]looks annoyed[in random order]. '[one of]Past is past is past,' he says, 'let's not keep living in it[or]I'd rather not discuss that any more, if all's the same[or]There are some things I don't really want to remember[in random order],' he says.".

Understand "girls/daughters/daughter" as sc_girls. sc_girls is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is sc_shdead]daughter[otherwise]girls" and reaction "He looks down awkwardly at his bare feet. 'I brought them here,' he says, 'after the uh, well their-- after [sc_mother]. They came with me because they're my daughters; I made them, if you ring. Had been oh, fifteen years then since I'd done it and never thought I'd do it again but...' He stops, awkwardly, then shrugs.". sc_girls2 replaces sc_girls.

sc_girls2 is a beat in SuppC with reaction "He bites his lip. 'Yes, started to tale you earlier. I wanted to transplant us somewhere new and fresh, somewhere without lingering memories. Someplace we'd be needed, and useful. But...' he spreads his hand around the island, grasping at the air helplessly. 'Something went wrong. There was no one here.' He laughs uncomfortably. 'An empty island, alone. And after that I don't remember, remember what happened.'". sc_family replaces sc_girls2.

Understand "tree9/windsigh" as sc_windsigh. sc_windsigh is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "windsigh" and reaction "He rubs his knuckles against the side of his head. 'Ugly things, aren't they?' he says, grimacing. 'Don't know why I gifted them a pretty name. Windsigh, hrmph. Don't like them. Don't like to be near them. You should keep your feet on [surface-material] here, where it's [sc_safe].'". tree1 references sc_windsigh. Check examining by name distant-tree3: if sc_windsigh is available, try discussing sc_windsigh instead.

Understand "safe" as sc_safe. sc_safe is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "safe" and reaction "'Safe,' he says again, emphatically, 'from-- from I-don't-know-what. The paranoid fears of a delusional castaway, mayhaps; or... mayhaps there is something over there, mayhaps the Creeper's not just--' He breaks off, bites his lip. Then laughs. 'Well and there I go again,' he says. 'Let's just forget it, shall we shall we?'". [should Creeper be highlighted? sc_creeper]

Understand "sculpture" as sc_sculpture. sc_sculpture is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "sculpture" and reaction "He turns, raising a hand to shield his eyes and peering intently up at the volcano, where the sculpture glimmers brightly. 'Yes, I remember that one,' he says, 'now. Lost everything around it, memories I mean, but I remember sculpting it something vivid.' He squints his eyes. 'Was before I realized I'd lost whatever-it-was. The thing, the gift, the skill.' He pauses, lost in memory, as if hoping to gather some more.". sc_sculpture suggests sc_sculpture2. sc_sculpture2 replaces sc_sculpture. volcano sculpture references sc_sculpture.

sc_sculpture2 is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "sculpture" and reaction "'Yes,' he says, as if trying the idea out on himself, 'didn't really intend to go anywhere with that one. No, of courses not; the [sc_girls] were still roundwards. But I think I thought [']twould be nice to feel a tingle; just tingles in the hands, reminders of who and who I was.' He pauses, [attitude-business], then falls quiet, half-hiding a strange and mournful expression.".

Understand "ropeway" as sc_ropeway. sc_ropeway is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "ropeway" and reaction "He frowns a little and rubs his knuckles reflexively against his head. 'Yes, I built that,' he says, 'but for life and strife I can't remember why. It was terrible important at the time. Wove rope till my fingers bled.' He stares down at them, flexing. 'Strange strange.'". Before discussing sc_ropeway when Lawn is visited: now sc_ropeway is spoken; now sc_ropeway2 replaces sc_ropeway. ropeway-shack references sc_ropeway. Check examining by name distant-ropeway: if sc_ropeway is available, try discussing sc_ropeway instead. Check examining by name ropeway-shack: if sc_ropeway is available, try discussing sc_ropeway instead.

sc_ropeway2 is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "ropeway" and reaction "'Yes, I've seen you using it,' he says with a frown. 'Probably not the most luminous of ideas. Not the safest thing, you ring. No inspections boards here, safety officials, ropeway certification standards. Hasn't been used in obscene quantities of time. You're the first friend I've made in ages who talked back so I'd really rather you didn't do something stupid and die,' he adds gravely.".

Understand "sketchbook" as sc_sketchbook. sc_sketchbook is a repeatable beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "sketchbook" and reaction "[one of]'That old thing?' he asks. 'Don't really remember. Brought it with me from before, I think from-- somewhere, some somewhere. Made it by hand, if you ring, so it came. What's in it, anyway?'[or]'Yes,' he says, 'what else did you say was in it?'[stopping]". sc_sketchbook summons sc_sketchgirls, sc_map, sc_dreams, sc_schematics, sc_writing. The sketchbook references sc_sketchbook.

Understand "daughters" as sc_sketchgirls. sc_sketchgirls is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "daughters" and fuse 6 and reaction "He looks away, smiling distantly as if using the expression as a shield, as you describe the sketch. 'Yes, my first and only,' he says, quietly. 'Couplets, you know, born at the same time. Such mischief they could get into, such joy they could bring. Well. But that's past as past now and they're gone. They're gone. Moisty hells, I wish I could remember why.' He stops, and presses his lips together tightly, [animus-business].". sc_sketchgirls summons sc_mother.

Understand "map" as sc_map. sc_map is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "map" and fuse 6 and reaction "He seems interested as you explain. 'Yes, I remember drawing that,' he says. 'Up at the top of the volcano. Beautiful day; sky blue as blue and blue. But--' he lifts a corner of his mouth, raising one bony knuckle hesitantly to his temple. 'I don't remember this asterisk you mention. Somewhere in the rain forest, was it? No, can't remember what that might have meant. Unless-- you're sure it wasn't by-- by the [sc_bees]? The star?'[paragraph break]You shake your head, and he frowns. 'Then I'm bats at noon,' he says, 'no idea at all. Don't remember scribbling over it all either.' He sighs. 'So much missing. I'd miss it if I knew what to miss.'".

Understand "dreams" as sc_dreams. sc_dreams is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "dreams" and fuse 6 and reaction "'Don't remember that one at all,' he says immediately, shaking his head and tapping a knuckle idly against his temple. 'Sounds like just bored doodles. I certainly wouldn't recommend sleeping near any of those creepy windsigh; ground all muddy and lumpy? Nasty nasty. Try the beach; so much softer and nicer and quieter.'".

Understand "schematics" as sc_schematics. sc_schematics is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "schematics" and fuse 6 and reaction "'Ye-es,' he says hesitantly. 'That was when I was building-- well, everything really. The [dc_ropeway], and the [sc_boiler] and pipes, and the--' He waves vaguely, uncomfortably, in the direction of the mountain, not looking towards it. 'The whatever-it-is up there. Time of inspiration. Such ideas! Popping into my head like soap bubbles, round and airy. Sometimes couldn't write nearly fast enough to get them all down.'". sc_schematics summons dc_ropeway.

Understand "writing" as sc_writing. sc_writing is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "writing" and fuse 6 and reaction "'Yes,' he says, warming. 'That's the [sc_script] they taught me growing up, some backwards backwhen world. Curious curious, have you noticed? We [if rev_wayfaring is spoken]wayfarers [end if]can always understand each other and others we meet, well, mostly usually I mean, when we chatter back and forth. But each world has different writing; why should it work that way? I remember once being marvelous inebriated and becoming terrible convinced that that was the key to some vital secret about [if rev_wayfaring is spoken]us, wayfarers[otherwise]our kind, you and I[end if], that would explain and expound the entirety of our strange sad lives completely.' He chuckles, shaking his head. 'Sausages, but what queer realities we dwell in.'". sc_script replaces sc_writing. sc_writing suggests sc_script.

Understand "chirography" as sc_script. sc_script is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "chirography" and reaction "'Words, writing, you know,' he says. 'What now, you expect me to translate my private notes in an old diary?' he asks, [attitude-business]. 'I'm not sure you're at all clearanced for that kind of information. Come back when you've written a few hundred pages of my biography or been my close and dearest for a decade or so, then we'll talk about it.'".

Understand "treehouse" as sc_treehouse. sc_treehouse is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "treehouse" and reaction "'That was for the [sc_girls], of course,' he says musingly. 'They wanted-- I think-- or am I confusing this with something-- no, I'm mostly gushing sure-- they wanted a little refuge, you see, so they could get away from me for times. Or--' he pauses, biting his lip. 'Or was it that I wanted time away from them, and so I built them their own--?' He trails off, looking for a moment quite miserable. 'Doesn't matter,' he says. 'Just ruins in the forest now I imagine. Remnants of some strange and failed civilization.'". tree2 references sc_treehouse.

Understand "head" as sc_head. sc_head is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "head" and reaction "He laughs. 'Oh yes,' he says, 'that thing. Such a joy to make. It came with us, or ratherly I brought it. Made it when the [sc_girls] were just babes to teach them-- teach them my language. Useless of course; it was from some world at angles to the one they borne and grew in. But it was just that I wanted to give them something private, special, something that only they and we and their--' His throat catches, and he rubs it fiercely for a moment. 'Only we would have it,' he says, 'together.'". sc_head summons sc_mother. clockwork head references sc_head.

Understand "mother/wife/tragedy" as sc_mother. sc_mother is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "[if last beat is sc_girls]tragedy[otherwise]mother". sc_mother enqueues sc_family.

Understand "paintings" as sc_paintings. sc_paintings is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "paintings" and reaction "His face moves through a strange sort of grimace. 'Beautiful, aren't they?' he says quietly. 'Used to go care and stare for hours, years back, drinking them in. They're by my [sc_girls]. I suppose. Oh well oh, I can draw, but not like that. Must be them. And where else would they be if not---?'[paragraph break]He looks down at the [surface-material] again, [Progue-animus] momentarily forgotten. 'Beautiful,' he finally says.". Phoebe-canvas references sc_paintings. Check examining by name an artwork: if sc_paintings is available, try discussing sc_paintings instead.

Understand "stairs/bridge" as sc_bridge. sc_bridge is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if bridge is raised]bridge[otherwise]stairs" and reaction "'Hmm,' he says, thinking, 'that was one of the first things I built in my productive daze. I'd already done the [sc_door], I think, to keep the girls out of the volcano, but then it was so inconvenient when I started--' he frowns. 'No, or was it before that?' he says. 'Did I build it just to test the [sc_boiler] and power? No no no. No, it was there already when--' Finally, he shrugs. 'Bats at noon,' he says, 'sorries.'". bridge references sc_bridge.

Understand "jellyfish" as sc_jellyfish. sc_jellyfish is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "jellyfish" and reaction "'Migratory things,' he says, dreamily, 'astonishing beautiful, astonishing graceful, astonishing deadly if those tentacles brush [']gainst you. Usually they keep well out to sea, and don't swim in to the bay. Once a year or so, when they're touring by, sometimes I swim out to see them.'".

Understand "bees/beehive" as sc_bees. sc_bees is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is sc_map or last beat is sc_exploring]beehive[otherwise]bees" and reaction "He laughs. 'The first time one zipped by like a hairy jet zeppelin I thought valves would burst,' he says, 'just an hour or so after we'd first arrived I mean. Visions of giant tropical death bees tend to crimp plans for peace and relaxation. They're harmless of course, I discovered soon enough; Lethe even lumped into them, started tending the dying ones like strange birds, or was it Phoebe? No, it was Lethe, I'm sure I'm sure. Lethe. We went once to watch them [sc_beedance].' He smiles, gently, slowly. 'Seems like this morning or yesterday. Such a fresh memory, just out from the wash all warm and clean. Like yesterday...'". the beehive references sc_bees.

Understand "dance" as sc_beedance. sc_beedance is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "dance" and reaction "'Did ever I know you I once was a scientist?' he says, eyes glazed in memory. 'A botanist, lives and lives ago, though I studied biology first. The University of the [sc_nabe]; finest school I could summon. Observation above all else; that's what they taught us. The careful watch, the scrutiny, the detail.' He nods. 'I tried to instill something thatwise in the [sc_girls]. We watched the bee dance, creeping and peering into their windswept hive, and I asked her, my Lethe, I said [']What does it mean, angel?['] And she asked how she was meant to know, not being a bee herself, if you ring.'[paragraph break]Progue smiles, lost in the story. '[']Watch him,['] I said. [']How he twirls, where he steps, which wing quivers and why and when. Watch like a bee, angel, and you'll learn to know what they learn in their watching.[']'[paragraph break]A corner of his mouth rises in pride. 'And she did,' he finishes.".

Understand "nabe" as sc_nabe. sc_nabe is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "Nabe" and reaction "'Mmm,' he says fondly, 'yes. After fears and years of wandering I decided I wanted to study and learn, so I sculpted myself to a place where I could.'[paragraph break]He scratches his beard slowly, leaning back with a smile. 'A stunning world,' he says, 'endless but endless archipelagos and island clusters, elegant simple nanotechnology that kept their world so fresh it was like every sunrise was scrubbed clean-- and the University, spread out on twelve little islets called The Nabe, where twelve thousand students from fifteen planets had come to study under the best best. And what wonderful times we had,' he says fondly, 'gushing and trickling wonderful.'".

Understand "rainforest" as sc_rainforest. sc_rainforest is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "rainforest" and reaction "'Dangerous,' he says, [animus-business]. 'Wild [sc_boar] with tusks out to here, rubbery vines to trip your feet, sudden drop-offs, and-- something else,' he finishes with a frown. 'The [sc_creeper] or whatever it really is. I'd stay out of there, were I you.'". goliath trees references sc_rainforest.

Understand "creeper" as sc_creeper. sc_creeper is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "creeper" and reaction "'I know it sounds crazy,' he says shrugging, 'but there's something over there, something I don't like. I haven't been over to that side of the island in green eons and I don't intend restarting now. Crazy, superstitious, call me whatever you like, but that's as that as that.'".

Understand "boar" as sc_boar. sc_boar is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "boar" and reaction "'Loathsome creatures,' he says, 'but the only thing big enough here to have a hide that can be used for canvas. I suppose you'll have to face one eventually, if you're to leave here.'".

Understand "egg" as sc_egg. sc_egg is an annoying beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "egg" and reaction "He frowns, first scratching and then rubbing the side of his head with his knuckles. 'I'm really developing the most resounding headache,' he says, 'all these questions are climbing up my nerves. No, I don't remember anything like that in there; probably just a queer [sc_egg2].'". sc_egg2 replaces sc_egg. egg-proper references sc_egg.

Understand "stone/egg" as sc_egg2. sc_egg2 is a terminal beat in SuppC with keyword name "[if last beat is sc_egg]stone[otherwise]egg" and reaction "'Moisty hells, I'm sure it's nothing to get upended over,' he says. 'Why don't you soar off for a span, taking these nosing questions elsewards.' [Progue-resumes].".

Understand "pyramid/thing" as sc_pyramiddist. sc_pyramiddist is an annoying beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if noun is sc_boiler]thing[else]pyramid" and reaction "'What, that thing up on the mountain?' he says, frowning. 'It's always been there, I'm trickling sure. Just a--' he waves his hand. '--an optical formation or natural illusion or something thatwise. Utterly uninterestingly unimportant.'". distant-pyramid references sc_pyramiddist. Check examining by name distant-pyramid: if sc_pyramiddist is available, try discussing sc_pyramiddist instead. sc_pyramid replaces sc_pyramiddist.

Understand "pyramid" as sc_pyramid. sc_pyramid is an annoying beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "pyramid" and reaction "'What are you telling me about it for and why are you still fiddling with it?' Progue shouts, suddenly angry. 'Told you, it's not something important. Why don't you soar off and leave me lonewards for a span, hmm?' [Progue-resumes].". sc_family replaces sc_pyramid.

Understand "door" as sc_door. sc_door is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "door" and reaction "[if dtod_intro is spoken]'It was-- well a shock really I suppose, when I saw you'd opened it,' he says. 'I hadn't seen it open in green eons; the searing reality of that, of what it looked like, do you ring, openwise--' He shrugs. 'Something in the braincase just clicked and said you must and must be real, after alls. And well it was something surprising.'[else]'Built that to keep the girls out of the caldera,' he says, 'I think. Didn't know how active it was in there at first.'[end if]". lava tunnel door references sc_door.

Before discussing sc_door: if lava tunnel door is closed and Jumble is unvisited and story mode, now sc_door enqueues sc_opendoor; else now sc_door enqueues nothing; continue the action.

sc_opendoor is a repeatable beat in SuppC with reaction "'Say,' he adds, 'did you want me to open it for you?'". The yes-beat of sc_opendoor is sc_opendooryes. The no-beat of sc_opendoor is sc_opendoorno. sc_opendoor suggests sc_opendoorno.

sc_opendooryes is a beat in SuppC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "'Well that's fine then,' he says, 'since I already did. Wouldn't go in there myself, but if you care to it's all open now.'". After discussing sc_opendooryes: now lava tunnel door is open; continue the action.

sc_opendoorno is a repeatable beat in SuppC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Good,' he says, relieved, 'since I'm gushing sure I don't remember how. Probably for the best at any rate.'".

Understand "cave" as sc_cave. sc_cave is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "cave" and reaction "'Hmm? Vaguely familiarish I suppose,' he says. 'Think I think I noticed it on my initial survey, never went back. Nothing much to see.'". series of sketches references sc_cave.

Understand "boiler" as sc_boiler. sc_boiler is a beat in SuppC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "boiler" and reaction "'Ah,' he says, 'to channel the steam, if you ring. Mostly really for the--' he waves at the mountain. '--The [sc_pyramiddist] up there, such tremendous amounts of power it guzzle-guzzled, but then was useful for the [sc_ropeway] to get everything up there, and for the [sc_bridge]. Quite a feat, quite an engineerish challenge. Kept the hands busy when they needed busying, I suppose.'". brick boiler references sc_boiler.