Blue Lacuna — 324 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Rockfall at Springs

Rockfall at Springs is a frequent triggered instant episode with expiration date 15 minutes.

A condition for Rockfall at Springs:

if night, rule fails;

if location is Hot Springs, rule succeeds.

First commencement rule for Rockfall at Springs:

ignore the teleport Progue to mark rule;

say "A clatter of loose [o]rocks[x] suddenly cascades down from above and alongside the waterfall.";

move loose rocks to Hot Springs;

now the animus of Progue is hiding;

now Progue is wishing;

move Progue to West-Marsh.

Some loose rocks are set dressing. Understand "clatter" as loose rocks. The description is "They fell into the pool; the accompanying cloud of dust has already dissipated."