Blue Lacuna — 294 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Keywords

denial keywords is a repeatable beat. denial keywords summons dc_gesundheit, dc_creeper, dc_player, dc_girls, dc_name, dc_island, dc_cabin, dc_windsigh, learn_capalla_name, dc_food, dc_berries, dc_crabs, dc_konokuk, learn_rayfish_name, [dc_marsh, dc_frogs,] dc_sculpture, dc_waterfall, dc_ropeway, dc_sketchbook, dc_compass, dc_treehouse, dc_head, dc_paintings, dc_bridge, [dc_pyramid, ]dc_door1b.

Understand "painting/paintings" as dc_paintings when last beat is in DenialC. dc_paintings is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "paintings" and reaction "'Oh,' he says, brightening up considerably, 'those beautiful paintings in the cabin, yes? I remember them. No idea how they got there. Mayhaps the [dc_sculptor] was a painter alsowards. All a bit jumbled and confused,' he adds, twirling a finger haphazardly near his head.". Phoebe-canvas references dc_paintings. Check examining by name an artwork: if dc_paintings is available, try discussing dc_paintings instead.

[Understand "pyramid" as dc_pyramid when last beat is in DenialC. dc_pyramid is a repeatable beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "pyramid" and reaction "'[one of]Pyramids? Sausages,' he says, waving a hand dismissively. 'There certainly isn't anything like that around here. Claim to have seen one, do you? Well and I suppose it's only to be expected a hallucination would have middling hallucinations of [if player is male]his[otherwise]her[end if] own, and for each of them to have their own tiny hallucinationlets, and who knows what it is they dream about, who indeed.'[or]Ridiculous,' he says, 'there's no such thing.'[stopping][if distant-pyramid is very near location or distant-pyramid is near location or distant-pyramid is far from location or distant-pyramid is very far from location][paragraph break]You point out the distant pyramid, clearly visible atop the mountain, but he merely squints and then pats you consolingly on the back. 'Like knives, these eyes, though don't be embarrassed, not everyone is so blessed,' he says. 'No, friend, that's obviously just a large blurry boulder.'". distant-pyramid references dc_pyramid. Check examining by name distant-pyramid: if dc_pyramid is available, try discussing dc_pyramid instead.] [Sadly this bit doesn't jive with the Secrets quest.]

Understand "chasm/stairs" as dc_bridge when last beat is in DenialC. dc_bridge is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "chasm" and reaction "'Moisty sausages, I'd stay away from that part of the island, were I be you,' [the Progue] warns, [attitude-business]. 'Leave and believe, there's nothing interesting on the other side of that chasm anyway, and the [dc_creeper] lives to prowl for victims over therewards. Stay in the beach and on the marsh like I do! Only way to be safe.'". the bridge references dc_bridge.

Understand "waterfall/crystal/crystals/spring/pool" or "hidden pool" or "hot spring" or "hot springs" as dc_waterfall when last beat is in DenialC. dc_waterfall is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "waterfall" and reaction "'Ah yes,' he says, smiling fondly, 'lovely place for a soak. Where the [dc_sculptor] first found that gushing pretty blue crystal, too, that he made so many statues and figurines withwards. Now whatever did happen to all those I suppose?' He scratches his head.". the waterfall references dc_waterfall. Check going east when location is Rise: if dc_waterfall is available, try discussing dc_waterfall instead.

[Understand "marsh" or "swamp" as dc_marsh when last beat is in DenialC. dc_marsh is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "marsh" and reaction "'A trickling dismal place, have my words,' he says idly, [animus-business], 'but I ratherly love the little frogs that croak and flop there.'". the spire references dc_marsh.]

[Understand "frog/frogs" as dc_frogs when last beat is in DenialC. dc_frogs is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "frogs" and reaction "'So cute,' he smiles.".]

Understand "sculpture" as dc_sculpture when last beat is in DenialC. dc_sculpture is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "sculpture" and reaction "'Over and by the volcano, yes?' [the Progue] says suspiciously. 'Well and but Who knows what's over there, and where is He, if you snag my reason. That's [t]Creeper[x] country is the point. [if dc_creeper is spoken]I already warned you about that[otherwise]I'd stay away from there were I you[end if].'". volcano sculpture references dc_sculpture.

Understand "phoebe/lethe" as dc_gesundheit when last beat is in DenialC. dc_gesundheit is a repeatable ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "[one of]'Gesundheit!' [the Progue] says agreeably.[or]'Sorry, never heard of them,' [the Progue] says, pulling one ear, 'I don't follow popular music.'[cycling]".

[Understand "wife/love/partner/married/mother" as dc_wife. dc_wife is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "wife" and reaction "'Married? Me?' he looks around, then gives a little giggle. 'Don't see any women here to marry, do you?' He sidles closer and lowers his voice. 'Or mayhaps there were some, once,' he says conspiratorially, 'before they were all eaten by the [dc_creeper].'".]

Understand "creeper/wrong" as dc_creeper. dc_creeper is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is dc_berries]wrong[else]creeper" and reaction "[The Progue] shudders, his vacant smile suddenly gone. 'Terrible thing,' he says, looking over his shoulder nervously. 'Lurking and slurking around, spying for victims, then [dc_pounce]! Pounce! Of course, there're a few [dc_safe] places round the [dc_island]; stick to those, [animal-nickname], and you'll be mostly usually safe. Usually.'". dc_creeper2 replaces dc_creeper.

dc_creeper2 is a beat in DenialC with reaction "'What, have you seen it?' [the Progue] asks, gripping your shirt for a moment with white knuckles. 'Are you full on? What did it look like? Did it have hair, wings, terrible red claws, something sharp and teethwise? What? No? Yes?'[paragraph break]'Words and sausages,' he says, releasing you, 'don't get me upended like that. Thought you'd [dc_seen] the thing. Personally. Visually. Actually.'". dc_creeper3 replaces dc_creeper2.

dc_creeper3 is a beat in DenialC with reaction "'And what for and why do you keep mentioning it?' [the Progue] says in annoyance, [animus-business]. 'You certainly seem to have some morbid fascination with the thing. I'd rather not discuss it any more, if same's the same; I just had [if dawn or sunrise or morning or midmorning]breakfast[else if midday or afternoon]lunch[else]dinner[end if]!'".

Understand "seen" as dc_seen. dc_seen is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with keyword name "seen" and reaction "'Well of course I've never seen it!' he says indignantly. 'Would I be standing here alive and talking to myself if I had? Moisty hells. You hallucinations don't make much use of those imaginary brainwaves.'".

Understand "pounce" as dc_pounce. dc_pounce is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "pounce" and reaction "'It feeds on fear and memory, if you ring,' [the Progue] says, crouching down to the ground and shuffling forward on his haunches, hands spread out like claws before him. 'Lurks and hides, hurks and lies in shadows, tree roots, vines, waiting and waiting to tangle...' He saws the air with his hands, then leaps back up to full height, shivering. 'Nasty nasty.'".

Understand "safe/territory" as dc_safe. dc_safe is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with keyword name "safe" and reaction "'The beach is mostly usually safe,' [the Progue] says, counting on his fingers, 'and the [dc_waterfall], and the marsh and most of the northern parts. But once you gallop up that path into the forest, that's [dc_creeper] land. Best to stay ambly down here by sand and marsh, where you know and know what's safe.'".

[Understand "fantasy/fantasies" as dc_fantasies. dc_fantasies is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with keyword name "fantasies" and reaction "[The Progue] nods soberly, as if considering. 'Yes, yes, I'm well aware the Creeper is probably just a paranoid delusional fantasy. Like yourself. All the signs, do you see.' He turns his head. 'But then again, one can't deny the utter feeling of dread that floods me every time I even think of going into its [dc_safe]. No, on the other hand, I'm quite sure it's real,' he says musingly, 'real, or at least, almost so.'".]

Understand "sketchbook" as dc_sketchbook when last beat is in DenialC. dc_sketchbook is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "sketchbook" and reaction "'Hmm,' [the Progue] says, [attitude-business]. 'Doesn't sound something familiar. Mayhaps something the [dc_sculptor] left lying around I suppose.' He frowns. 'So long ago. Can't remember. Or even member, really. Oh well oh.". Progue's sketchbook references dc_sketchbook.

[Understand "painter/sculptor" as dc_sculptor2 when last beat is in DenialC. dc_sculptor2 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "sculptor" and reaction "'Crazy man!' [the Progue] says, nodding. 'Built all kinds of contraptions everywhere. Used to live here, years ago. Never knew what happened to him in the end. Probably swallowed by the [dc_creeper].'".]

Understand "ropeway" as dc_ropeway when the psyche of Progue is denial. dc_ropeway is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "ropeway" and reaction "'Yes and but what an eyesore, eh?' [the Progue] says, [animus-business]. 'Urban blight even on my abandoned tropical [dc_island], industrial pollution all the way to the [dc_mountain] of the mountain. Don't worry-worry though; there's no [dc_ropewaypower] anyway, so you won't have to hear that tooth-bouncing racket it makes.'". ropeway-shack references dc_ropeway. Check examining by name ropeway-shack: if dc_ropeway is available, try discussing dc_ropeway instead. Check examining by name distant-ropeway: if dc_ropeway is available, try discussing dc_ropeway instead.

Understand "top" as dc_mountain when last beat is in DenialC. dc_mountain is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "top" and reaction "'Quite a ride, though, if memory rings,' he adds, smiling broadly. 'Wonderful view. Heart-stopping. Breath-catching. Bone-smashing too if the cablings gone fray-ey over the years. Hold your care with the thing.'".

Understand "power" as dc_ropewaypower when last beat is in DenialC. dc_ropewaypower is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "power" and reaction "'Needs steam from the volcano floor to run, I think I remember knowing,' [the Progue] says, [attitude-business]. 'The [dc_sculptor] told me that once. I think. Course that's in [dc_creeper] territory now, the volcano floor is, so I'd forget the whole idea were I you. Too dangerous now.' He shudders.".

Understand "compass" as dc_compass when last beat is in DenialC. dc_compass is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "compass" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[if player wears compass]'Oh, how fancy fancy!' [the Progue] says, peering at it with interest. 'I used to have one just like, years and fears ago. Now, I wonder whatever happened to that thing?' He frowns, staring off into the distance.[paragraph break]'Must have been stolen,' he finally declares, 'by that [dc_sculptor] I suppose. Hrmph. Thieving artists.'". [dc_compass references compass.] [this is made true when we wear the compass.] Check examining by name compass: if dc_compass is available, try discussing dc_compass instead.

Instead of giving compass to Progue when last beat is in DenialC: force discuss dc_givecompass. dc_givecompass is an affinitive beat in DenialC with reaction "'Oh, that's very kind of you, but really, you keep it,' [the Progue] says, waving you off. 'I've no use for it any more, really. Keep it; do, but sweet of you to offer.'".

Understand "treehouse" as dc_treehouse when last beat is in DenialC. dc_treehouse is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "treehouse" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'Ah yes,' he says, 'I remember it. Charming. Those two raven-haired little [dc_girls] used to sleep there, when they lived here. Never liked the [dc_cabin] much. Needed their own little place, I suppose. Aren't still there, are they? No?'[paragraph break]He rubs his beard. 'Trickling pity. I do still wonder sometimes where and where they went off to.'". tree2 references dc_treehouse.

Understand "head" as dc_head when last beat is in DenialC. dc_head is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "head" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'Never heard of something thatwise,' says [the Progue], who bears more than a passing resemblance to the clockwork head. 'Maybe some crazy thing of that old [dc_sculptor], or some toy of those two little [dc_girls]. Or both, mayhaps even.'". clockwork head references dc_head.

Understand "hallucination/hallucinations/me/noncorporeal/figment/imagination/imaginary/spirit/representation" as dc_player when the psyche of Progue is denial. dc_player is an insistent beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_creeper or last beat is dc_six or last beat is dc_chat2 ]hallucinations[otherwise if last beat is dc_chat4 or last beat is in PC]noncorporeal[otherwise if last beat is dc_hug]spirit[otherwise]figment" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'It's not that I'm surprised you're here, if you ring,' he says, [animus-business], 'it's just I've had expected strange visions and imaginary friends to start appearing green [dc_longlived] ago[if The-Path-Of-Love has happened]. You're late, see, by about oh twenty years, give or get[end if].'[paragraph break]A sudden thought strikes him and he gives you a sidelong glance. 'But dear oh dear oh,' he says, 'are you the sort that likes to pretend you're a real person?'". The yes-beat is dc_real. The no-beat is dc_notreal. The maybe-beat is dc_notreal. dc_player2 replaces dc_player. dc_player suggests dc_notreal.

dc_player2 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "hallucination" and reaction "[if dc_real is spoken or dc_notreal is spoken]'You've made your case, [animal-nickname], you've made your case,' he says with a smile, [animus-business]. 'There's no need to recapitch.'[otherwise]'You never answered my questionings earlier,' he says, [attitude-business]. 'You really expect me to believe you're actually here and not just a fig in my braincase?'". The yes-beat of dc_player2 is dc_real. The no-beat of dc_player2 is dc_notreal. The maybe-beat of dc_player2 is dc_notreal. dc_player2 suggests dc_notreal.

dc_notreal is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Good,' [the Progue] says, nodding in satisfaction. 'I can see we're going to get along all splend. Now what did you want to pretend to talk about?'". After discussing dc_notreal: adjust dcp2; continue the action.

To adjust dcp2: now the yes-beat of dc_player2 is silence; now the no-beat of dc_player2 is silence; now the maybe-beat of dc_player2 is silence; now dc_player2 suggests silence.

Understand "real/figment" as dc_real. dc_real is an insistent beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_name3]figment[otherwise]yes" and reaction "'Ha! Ha! Impossible!' [the Progue] shouts, leaping to his feet and beginning to pace. 'Fact the first: nobody has footed this [dc_island] in twenty years but me. Well, there's the [dc_creeper]. And those two little [dc_girls] who used to live here. And myself, of course. Did I already count myself? And the Three Great Men. And, well, you, I suppose, if we want to count you, which we mostly usually don't. Sausages, that's actually quite a lot.' He scratches his head. 'But where was I? Had I gotten as far as Fact the Second?'". The yes-beat is dc_real3. The no-beat is dc_real2. The maybe-beat is dc_keepup. dc_real suggests dc_keepup. After discussing dc_real: adjust dcp2; continue the action.

dc_keepup is an insistent beat in DenialC with keyword name "maybe" and reaction "'Try to keep up,' [the Progue] says. 'Now: Fact the Twain. [real2body].". dc_keepup suggests dc_real3. dc_keepup summons dc_real3.

dc_real2 is an insistent exciting beat in DenialC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Excellent,' he says, 'then on to Fact the Twain. [real2body].". dc_real2 suggests dc_real3. dc_real2 summons dc_real3. To say real2body: say "Self-evidently I am a madman: observe the clothes, the mannerisms, the crazed wild look--' (he demonstrates this last by pointing to his eyes and opening them as wide as possible) '--and it's calm and common knowledge that mad persons have visions. Waking dreams. Hallucinations. Yes, so, correlation, causality, all that, but you must admit the odds are high in fave that you're just a fig in my terminally inflamed imagination.' He suddenly stops and looks at a distant [dc_real3] on the horizon with a fierce intensity".

Understand "speck/yes" as dc_real3. dc_real3 is an insistent beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_real2 or last beat is dc_keepup]speck[otherwise]yes" and reaction "[if we have not discussed dc_real2 and we have not discussed dc_keepup]'Excellent,' he says, 'then Fact the Third. [otherwise]'FACT THE TREBLE!' [the Progue] suddenly shouts, holding up a bony finger. '[end if]You appeared quite out of the blue, plum in the mid of Word Day, without a boat, spaceship, proper swimwear or even a good walking stick.' He eyes your traveling clothes critically. 'If and if you aren't hallucinatory, how in worlds do you explain yourself?'". dc_real3 summons dc_wayfaring, dc_real4. dc_real3 suggests dc_real4. The maybe-beat of dc_real3 is dc_real4 [shrug].

dc_real4 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "shrug" and reaction "'Exactly,' he says, nodding, 'impossible.'". dc_real4 enqueues dc_real5.

dc_real5 is an insistent beat in DenialC with reaction "'At any rate, you appeared from nowhere. No Where,' [the Progue] says again with emphasis, 'your where is unfound and unfounded, and is this, I ask again, the behavior of a corporeal, logical, secular, effably terrestrial person?' He glares at you.". The yes-beat is dc_realyes. The no-beat is dc_realno. The maybe-beat is dc_realno. dc_real5 suggests dc_realno.

dc_realyes is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "yes" and reaction "He nods in satisfaction. 'Ah yes! Just as I hypothesized. Spirits and hallucinations would naturally be immune to logic and reason.'". dc_realyes enqueues dc_realfinish.

dc_realno is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "no" and reaction "'Of course it isn't,' he says forcefully. 'I think therefore you are not.'". dc_realno enqueues dc_realfinish.

dc_realfinish is a beat in DenialC with reaction "He grins broadly and claps you on the back. 'Well oh, now that we've proven your nonexistence we can get down to having some gushing nice conversations. Oh, don't take it so hard, even we factual beings have to cope with nonexistence eventually. Now. What [t]subject[x] were we talking about?'". dc_realfinish cancels dc_realyes, dc_realno.

Understand "wayfaring" as dc_wayfaring. dc_wayfaring is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with keyword name "wayfaring" and reaction "He listens to your explanation with an ever-growing smirk, and finally bursts out in a torrent of hysterical giggling. 'Terrible sorries,' he says, still struggling to control himself, 'it's just such a delicious story. Deathly serious artists flittering about the universe with magical paintbrushes, sending out psychic emergency beacons when they get into trouble?'[paragraph break]He starts giggling again, then holds up a hand and makes a serious effort to regain control. 'No but really, but it's delicious,' he whispers[if last beat is in DenialC], 'but oh, where was I?'[otherwise].[end if]". dc_wayfaring enqueues dc_real5.

Understand "girl/girls/daughter/daughters/they" as dc_girls. dc_girls is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is dc_six2]they[otherwise]girls" and reaction "'Ah yes,' he says, his face lighting up, 'I remember them, I do. Charming little girls, raven black hair. Used to live around herewards, somewhen. Haven't seen them in eons and ages. Now what were their names?' He scratches his head. 'Ah well-oh, not important I suppose.'". dc_girls2 replaces dc_girls. dc_girls summons dc_gesundheit.

dc_girls2 is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "[one of]'Used to play on the beach here,' he says fondly. 'Cute as beetles. I wonder what ever and ever happened to them?'[or]'They had a queer [dc_treehouse] somewhere,' [the Progue] says vaguely, gesturing off towards the southern half of the island. 'Spent buckets of time there, up to whatever it is little girls get up to.'[or]'They were fond of the little blue [dc_mussels],' [the Progue] says, smiling. 'I remember now. We'd steam them up on the beach, have a regular feast. Haven't thought about that in years and fears.'[or][all_i_remember][stopping]". dc_girls2 summons dc_gesundheit.

Understand "cabin/house/shack/hut" as dc_cabin. dc_cabin is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "cabin" and reaction "He looks surprised and confused until you point it out to him. 'Oh!' he says when he finally notices it, 'that moldy thing. Haven't set foot in there for years. I usually just sleep out under the [learn_capalla_name] now, mostly usually. Healthier. Sea breeze, all that. Makes it easier to run, too,' he adds casually, 'if the [dc_creeper] attacks.'". log cabin references dc_cabin. Check examining by name the log cabin: if dc_cabin is available, try discussing dc_cabin instead. [Check wordgoing Center Beach: if dc_cabin is available, try discussing dc_cabin instead. Check wordgoing Hut: if dc_cabin is available, try discussing dc_cabin instead.]

Understand "dream/dreams" as dc_dreams. dc_dreams is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "dreams" and reaction "'Now what now?' he says in astonishment, 'you've been sleeping over in [dc_creeper] territory? Well but of blessed courses you're having bad dreams, [animal-nickname]. It's gushing terrifying over by those creepy creeping [t]windsigh[x] trees. Sure as sure you're better off sleeping on the beach, or maybe mountain-ledgewards like I do.' He grins, [animus-business].". d1-door references dc_dreams. dc_dreams summons dc_windsigh, dc_gesundheit.

Understand "blue flash" or "flash" as dc_flash. dc_flash is a repeatable beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "flash" and reaction "'[one of]The queerest thing[or]Gushing strange[or]Quite the phoneme[in random order],' he says, '[one of]Seems to trig something up in the old braincase[or]I've seen all kinds of strange things when I stare into it[or]I've seen Flashes on other worlds but they were always sort of a let-down to be square[in random order]. [one of]Just stay by the ocean and stare into the sun at the moment of sunset and you're bound to catch it[or]From anywhere near the ocean, watch the sun as it's setting and you'll see it, sure as blue is blue[in random order].'".

Understand "island/lacuna" as dc_island1. dc_island1 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_job]Lacuna[otherwise]island" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'Oh, it's trickling pleasant here for a desert island,' he says with a wide grin, waving a hand delicately to encompass the whole scene. 'Beautiful [learn_capalla_name], wonderful [dc_food], no tax collectors. Not one. Think on that a spell, [animal-nickname]. And a pretty pretty place to lose one's mind. As [dc_longlived] as I've lived here, it's been my home.' He frowns, then smiles. 'That's redundant,' he adds happily, 'but true.'". dc_island2 replaces dc_island1.

Understand "island/lacuna" as dc_island. dc_island is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_job]Lacuna[otherwise]island" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'But Something Further, you haven't been officially welcomed yet!' he says, leaping onto [Progue's perch] and spreading his arms wide, spinning around dizzily to take in the whole island. 'Welcome welcome,' he says grandly, 'to Lacuna!'[paragraph break]'That's what it's called, if you ring,' he adds. 'Or [']My Lacuna['] if I'm feeling territorialish. There's a trickling good story about how it acquired that name but,' he leaps back down to the [surface-material] again, 'I'm afraid I've entirely forgotten it. Ah well-oh. Lacuna!'[paragraph break]He holds up three fingers. 'There's Three Great Men who used to live here,' he says, 'the [dc_toursculptor], the [dc_tourfather], and the [dc_tourmadman]. All gone as gone now, but each left a secret, oh! green eons ago, and now they're sort of tourist attractions. You get a prize if you find them all! The secrets. Or so the tourist board says. Of course there aren't any tourists here. Real ones I mean, no offenses[if puzzle mode]. But tell you this: you find all three [dc_secrets] and I'll give you a little something anyway[end if].'". After discussing dc_island: now yourself references dc_secrets; continue the action. dc_island1 replaces dc_island. tree1-nook references dc_island.

Every turn when weather state is undecided and afternoon and yourself references dc_secrets and the psyche of Progue is denial (this is the ensure it rains during secrets quest rule): now the weather state is decided to rain. The ensure it rains during secrets quest rule is listed before the deciding on the weather rule in the every turn rules.

Understand "secret/secrets" as dc_secrets when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secrets is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "secrets" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]'Yes,' he says, 'the Grand Tour of Lacuna, to find the Three Secrets of the Three Great Men, the [dc_toursculptor], the [dc_tourfather], and the [dc_tourmadman]. Goodness but that's a lot of capitals, sounds dreadfully important[or][dcsecmsg2][stopping]. So and but, have you found any yet?'". The yes-beat of dc_secrets is dc_secretsyes. The no-beat of dc_secrets is dc_secretsno. dc_secrets summons dc_secretsyes, dc_secretsno. To say dcsecmsg2: say "'[one of]Yes[or]Of course[or]Right[in random order], the [one of]Three Secrets of the Three Great Men of Lacuna[or]secrets of the island's former inhabitants[at random], the [dc_toursculptor], the [dc_tourfather], and the [dc_tourmadman]".

dc_secretsyes is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "yes" and fuse 2 and reaction "'Fantastic!' he says. 'Splend and charm! Well and what are they then?'". dc_secretsyes suggests dc_secretsno. dc_secretsyes cancels dc_tourfather, dc_toursculptor, dc_tourmadman.

After discussing dc_secretsyes:

if Lower Beach is visited and dc_secretsmanta is unspoken:

now tempfuse of dc_secretsmanta is 5;

now tempfuse of learn_rayfish_name is 0;

if treehouse-in-rain is true and dc_secretsface is unspoken:

now tempfuse of dc_secretsface is 5;

now tempfuse of dc_treehouse is 0;

if ( pyramid-seen is true or Observatory Exterior is visited or Viewpoint is visited ) and dc_secretspyramid is unspoken:

now tempfuse of dc_secretspyramid is 5;

[ now tempfuse of dc_pyramid is 0;]

continue the action.

Understand "no" as dc_secretsno when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secretsno is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "no" and fuse 2 and reaction "'Keep looking!' he says[if dc_tourfather is spoken and dc_toursculptor is spoken and dc_tourmadman is spoken]. 'Remember, night, rainstorms, and tides.'[else].[end if]".

Understand "manta/rayfish" as dc_secretsmanta when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secretsmanta is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "manta" and fuse 5 and reaction "'Yes,' [the Progue] sighs, 'something beautiful, isn't it? The rayfish, they're called. Well and if you like the sculpture, you should see them when they come out in the bay every night, great glowing angels. Beautiful. The sculptor's secret, good as good.'". After discussing dc_secretsmanta: if dc_secretsface is spoken and dc_secretspyramid is spoken, force discuss dc_secretswon; continue the action. [Check wordgoing the manta sculpture: if dc_secretsmanta is available, try discussing dc_secretsmanta instead.] Check examining by name the manta sculpture: if dc_secretsmanta is available, try discussing dc_secretsmanta instead.

Understand "face" as dc_secretsface when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secretsface is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "face" and fuse 5 and reaction "'So beautiful,' [the Progue] says with a sort of wistful sigh, staring off into the distance. 'Haven't seen it in green eons but I remember sometimes looking at her and thinking, thinking I could almost but almost remember her...' He shakes his head. 'But that's silly, I never met her, it was the Father. And you found his secret. Excellent!'". After discussing dc_secretsface: if dc_secretsmanta is spoken and dc_secretspyramid is spoken, force discuss dc_secretswon; continue the action. Check discussing dc_treehouse: if treehouse-in-rain is true and dc_secretsface is unspoken begin; force discuss dc_secretsface; stop the action; end if.

Understand "pyramid" as dc_secretspyramid when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secretspyramid is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "pyramid" and fuse 5 and reaction "'And what a queer and plexing thing it is!' he says. 'Just sits up there, doing nothing! Ages and ages to build I expect and why? Ah well-oh, it's pretty, don't you think? Just don't go near it is all; probably filled with radiation and cooties. The Madman's secret; good work.'". After discussing dc_secretspyramid: if dc_secretsface is spoken and dc_secretsmanta is spoken, force discuss dc_secretswon; continue the action. Check examining by name distant-pyramid: if dc_secretspyramid is available, try discussing dc_secretspyramid instead.[ Check discussing dc_pyramid: if ( pyramid-seen is true or Observatory Exterior is visited or Viewpoint is visited ) and dc_secretspyramid is unspoken, force discuss dc_secretspyramid instead.]

dc_secretswon is a beat in DenialC with reaction "'Sausages, you found them all!' he says, clapping you on the back. 'Good job for somebody who's not even real. Well and I promised you a reward, and here it is[if player wears compass].' He reaches out to the compass around your neck[else].' He reaches into a deep pocket and pulls out a beautiful brass compass on a chain, putting it around your neck. As if in afterthought, he reaches out to the compass around your neck[end if] and fiddles with the back. Suddenly the brass plating swings aside, revealing a hidden compartment with a seven-pointed star.[paragraph break]'One of them made that before he came here,' he says fondly. 'No idea what that star's for, but fancy fancy, eh?'". dc_secretswon summons dc_secretsthanks. After discussing dc_secretswon: now player wears compass; now compass is revealed; now nothing references dc_secrets; continue the action.

Understand "thanks" as dc_secretsthanks when last beat is in DenialC. dc_secretsthanks is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "thanks" and reaction "'You're mostly usually welcome,' he says, 'enjoy now.'".

Understand "sculptor" as dc_toursculptor when last beat is in DenialC. dc_toursculptor is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "Sculptor" and fuse 5 and reaction "'The Sculptor left all kinds of strange and strange art scattered round the island,' he says, 'but the secret one's somewhere on the beach. Look for it when the tide is low, and have my words you'll find it.'".

Understand "father" as dc_tourfather when last beat is in DenialC. dc_tourfather is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "Father" and fuse 5 and reaction "'The Father built a treehouse,' he says, 'for his children. Oh! Must be those two little girls. The children. That'd make sense. Well and but the point is, the treehouse has a secret,' he continues, 'that can only be seen in the [dc_tourrain].'".

Understand "rain" as dc_tourrain when last beat is in DenialC. dc_tourrain is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "rain" and reaction "'Hang about in the afternoons,' [the Progue] says, [animus-business], 'and you're bound to get caught in a shower. Lacuna's famous for the afternoon showers. Or gushing would be if anyone knew about it.'".

Understand "madman" as dc_tourmadman when last beat is in DenialC. dc_tourmadman is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "Madman" and fuse 5 and reaction "'Gushing bonkers!' he says. 'The Madman built all sorts of queer contraptions and devices and detraptions all over the place. But his mad masterpiece is up by the peak of the mountain, and from down here you can really only see what it is at night.'".

dc_island2 is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "[if last beat is dc_island]Lacuna[otherwise]island" and reaction "'[one of]I'm quite fond of it[or]Decent place to be exiled[or]Not a bad place, really[or]Lovely[or]I quite like it here[in random order],' he says. '[dcis2].". To say dcis2: if dc_konokuk is unspoken begin; say "So many delicious things to eat, like the [dc_konokuk] fruits, for instance"; otherwise if learn_rayfish_name is unspoken; say "And such a variety of unusual creatures, like the [learn_rayfish_name] out in the lagoon"; otherwise if learn_capalla_name is unspoken; say "I'm in love with the [learn_capalla_name] in this place"; otherwise if dc_crabs is unspoken; say "Have you seen the little [dc_crabs] scampering around? Dinner and entertainment combined"; otherwise; say "[one of]Of course, as I can't remember anywhere else, it may be a garbage dump comparatively. But that's the beauty of losing your mind; there's comparatively no comparatively at all[or]I hope you're enjoying your stay[or]Won my Best Island of the Annum award last year, you know. And the year before, really[or]Although to be frankfurters with you, [animal-nickname], I'm getting trickling weary of you bringing it up all the time[or]And really, there's hardly mostly nothing else at all to say about it[cycling]"; end if; say ".' He smiles, [animus-business]".

Understand "year/years/eons/long" as dc_longlived. dc_longlived is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is dc_player]eons[otherwise]long" and reaction "[The Progue] taps his head sharply. 'The memory's not what it used to,' he says, [attitude-business], 'at least so I assume. Most days I actually don't remember ever living anywhere but here. I've forgotten what I remember on the days I do remember.' He giggles, then frowns. 'From the circumstantial there's evidence I've been here for green as green eons, though. Pretty place to lose one's mind. Did I say that already? Yes? Ah well-oh.'".

[Understand "door" as dc_doorpuzzle2. dc_doorpuzzle2 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "door" and fuse 9999 and reaction "[The Progue] grows annoyed as you try to explain. 'I don't know why you're bothering me about it,' he says. 'Why don't you knock on it and see if anyone's home?'". dc_door1b replaces dc_doorpuzzle2. lava tunnel door references dc_doorpuzzle2. After discussing dc_doorpuzzle2: now lava tunnel door references dc_door1b; continue the action.]

Understand "door" as dc_door1b. dc_door1b is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "door" and fuse 9999 and reaction "'That thing,' [the Progue] says. 'Haven't seen it for years. Barely remember it. Probably some nonsense of that [dc_sculptor].' A thought occurs to him. 'That does sound something familiar, though. Bands of [dc_doorcolors], row of [dc_buttons]. Hmm.'". dc_door1b summons dc_doorcolors, dc_buttons. dc_door2 replaces dc_door1b. lava tunnel door references dc_door1b.

dc_door2 is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "'[one of]Still can't get through that wretched door[or]What, still harping on that silly door[or]Not the door again[or]Moisty hells, that old door again[cycling]?' [the Progue] asks[one of] wearily[or] tiredly[or], rolling his eyes[in random order]. '[one of]Really don't see what you want with it[or]What could possibly be so interesting about it[or]Why in worlds you're so obsessed with it I can't imagine[in random order]. [dcdoor22]". To say dcdoor22: say "[one of]Nothing through there but the other half of the island[or]Nothing on the other side but a volcano, a rain forest, and a rather scenic chasm[or]Not much through it worth seeing, anyway[in random order]. [one of]You'll just have to figure out the [dc_order] to push the [dc_buttons] in, I suppose[or]I expect you'll need to push the [dc_buttons] in the right [dc_order] if you want it open[in random order],' he says, [animus-business].".

Understand "sculptor" as dc_sculptor. dc_sculptor is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "sculptor" and reaction "'Crazy old hermit!' [the Progue] says, nodding. 'One of the Three Great Men with their [dc_secrets]. Built all kinds of contraptions everywhere. Used to live here for a span, years ago. Never knew what happened to him in the end. Probably swallowed by the [dc_creeper][if dc_door1b is spoken]. Oh!' He adds suddenly. 'He built it for those lovely little [dc_girls]. That [dc_door1b]. To keep them [dc_safety] from, you know, something or other[end if].'".

Understand "button/buttons" as dc_buttons. dc_buttons is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "buttons" and fuse 5 and reaction "[one of]'Oh, now that does tickle the brainwaves, doesn't it?' [the Progue] says thoughtfully, scratching his head. 'Yes, those beautiful buttons, each inscribed with something found about the [dc_island]. Work, craft, and show; all sorts of manshippage!' He smiles, then tilts his head, [animus-business]. 'There was something frightful important about the [dc_order] you pressed them in, if I recall,' he says. 'Frightful, frightful important.'[or]'Yes,' he says again, 'definitely something of prime importance related to the [dc_order] you pressed them in.'[stopping]".

Understand "order" as dc_order when last beat is in DenialC. dc_order is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "order" and reaction "'Ye-es,' he says, slowly, lifting his finger and punching imaginary buttons in the air. 'Click click, click click click, click. [if puzzle mode][dc_six] of [']em, made thrilling little clunks when pressed.[otherwise]One for each color, and what thrilling little clunks![end if]' He smiles, half closing his eyes in memory, it would seem, of this tiny pleasure.". dc_positioned replaces dc_order. dc_order suggests dc_six.

Understand "six" as dc_six when last beat is in DenialC. dc_six is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "Six" and reaction "'Which six? What order?' he asks in astonishment. 'Well why should that matter? Honest, you [dc_player] are obsessed with the strangest things. [if puzzle mode]Which six buttons indeed. [end if]My worlds.' But he pauses and half closes an eyelid, as if something occurs to him, and falls silent for a musing moment.". dc_six suggests dc_six2. dc_six2 replaces dc_six.

dc_six2 is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "[one of]'Something to do with the [dc_doorcolors], though,' he says slowly. 'Yes, I'd forgotten that. The colors were important in case I forgot. He forgot, I mean. The [dc_sculptor]. Something [dc_girls] wouldn't know about,' he adds half in a trance, a faint smile touching his face, 'the little angels.'[or]'It was all about the [dc_doorcolors] somehow,' he says again, nodding, 'to keep those [dc_girls] from getting into danger. To keep them [dc_safety].[stopping]".

Understand "safe" as dc_safety when last beat is in DenialC. dc_safety is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "safe" and reaction "'Yes,' [the Progue] says vaguely, waving a floppy hand in the direction of the volcano, 'the lava flow, too dangerous for little girls, all sharp edges and chasms and steam vents. And of course the [dc_creeper] lives over there. Or at least, it does now.' He frowns. 'Was it around back then? Can't remember. Was I? Or was it just the [dc_sculptor] then? Can't remember. Oh well oh.'".

Understand "color/colors/vertical/bands/band" as dc_doorcolors when last beat is in DenialC. dc_doorcolors is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "colors" and fuse 6 and reaction "'Bands of colors?' [the Progue] says vaguely. 'Well, yes, that does sound something familiar now that you mention. The door was built by that [dc_sculptor], if you ring; I think he's the one who painted the colors on there too. [dc_positioned] them in a certain way. Something to do with the [dc_buttons], I suppose.' He shrugs, [animus-business].".

Understand "position/positioned" as dc_positioned when last beat is in DenialC. dc_positioned is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "Positioned" and reaction "'[one of]Oh, a sculptor does nothing by accident, lie assured,' he says, warming to his subject. 'They're deliberate, precise. [or][stopping]Yes, I'm gushing sure each of those colors, [t]red[x], [t]blue[x], [t]black[x] and all the others, was where it was for a very deliberate, precise, important [dc_purpose].' He nods authoritatively.". dc_positioned summons dph_red, dph_blue, dph_white, dph_black, dph_yellow, dph_green.

Understand "purpose" as dc_purpose when last beat is in DenialC. dc_purpose is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "purpose" and reaction "'A very important purpose indeed,' [the Progue] says vaguely, 'its importance was never in doubt by all. Yes, no, never.'[paragraph break]'Sorry I can't be more helpfulable,' he adds, 'it was just a notion. Flew in then right back out again! Don't remember much these days, mostly usually. Remember much, that is. What were we talking about?'".

the puzzle_color is a beat that varies. the puzzle_color is silence.

Understand "red" as dph_red when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_red is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "red" and reaction "[pc_red][color_hint1]". dph_red enqueues dph_postcolor.

Understand "yellow" as dph_yellow when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_yellow is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "yellow" and reaction "[pc_yellow][color_hint1]". dph_yellow enqueues dph_postcolor.

Understand "black" as dph_black when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_black is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "black" and reaction "[pc_black][color_hint1]". dph_black enqueues dph_postcolor.

Understand "white" as dph_white when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_white is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "white" and reaction "[pc_white][color_hint1]". dph_white enqueues dph_postcolor.

Understand "blue" as dph_blue when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_blue is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "blue" and reaction "[pc_blue][color_hint1]". dph_blue enqueues dph_postcolor.

Understand "green" as dph_green when last beat is in DenialC or puzzle_color is not silence. dph_green is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "green" and reaction "[pc_green][color_hint1]". dph_green enqueues dph_postcolor.

To say color_hint1: say "[one of]'Moisty hells,' [the Progue] says, throwing up his hands, 'you expect me to remember some obscure bit of color symbolism that crazy sculptor left behind, all these years later? You expect a two-thirds mad castaway to know what a dash of [noun] paint on a door he hasn't seen in decades is meant to represent? No, don't answer; I can see by your ingratiating expression that you do.'[paragraph break]He sighs, [attitude-business]. 'Look, I'm trickling busy here at the moment,' he says. 'Why don't you come back later, say tomorrow maybe, and ask me then? I'll think about it; no really I will. Come back tomorrow, my [animal-nickname], tomorrow.' [Progue-resumes].[or][color_hint2][stopping]".

To say pc_red: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_red.

To say pc_yellow: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_yellow.

To say pc_blue: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_blue.

To say pc_green: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_green.

To say pc_white: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_white.

To say pc_black: if puzzle_color is silence, now puzzle_color is dph_black.

dph_postcolor is a repeatable beat in DenialC. [dph_postcolor2 replaces dph_postcolor. dph_postcolor2 is a beat in DenialC. ][and does nothing.] Instead of discussing dph_postcolor when dc_colorsolution is spoken: do nothing.

After discussing dph_postcolor:

post-conversation processing;

now tomorrow-flag is true;

continue the action.

Every turn when Progue is attentive and puzzle_color is not silence and an unimportant episode is playing: add puzzle_color to list of convo stuff, if absent; now tempfuse of puzzle_color is 5; remove dc_door1b from list of convo stuff, if present.

To say color_hint2:

if dc_colorsolution is spoken begin;

force discuss dc_toomanycolors;

otherwise if noun is puzzle_color;

if Waiting-For-Tomorrow is happening begin;

force discuss dc_colorbugearly;


force discuss dc_colorsolution;

now puzzle_color is silence;

end if;


force discuss dc_colorundecided;

end if.

dc_colorbugearly is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "'[one of]I said tomorrow![or]Tomorrow! Tomorrow![or]What did I say?[in random order]' [the Progue] says[one of], almost jumping up and down in fury[or], mouth gaping open in astonishment at what he seems to view as utterly incurable stupidity[or] angrily[in random order]. '[one of]Can't you blind? Are you see?[or]How many times do I have to sound this to you?[or]It's not that difficult a concept, really.[in random order] It's not tomorrow yet[one of], or,' he adds, managing somehow to be both infuriated and speculative at the same time, 'if it is, it's not tomorrow enough yet[or][stopping]. Later! Come back later!'".

dc_colorsolution is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "'Oh, that!' [the Progue] says. 'Well, I think I may have remembered something, but first I have to say I really don't ring this part of the haunting business at all.' He shakes his head. 'Why [puzzle_color]? Does it represent something about my life? Association! Representation! Hmm, mayhaps... yes, yes, peeking through the [']locked door,['] discovering what's on the [']other side,['] something thatwise, eh? Ah! So metaphorical of you, so neurological! I'm sure exciting personal breakthroughs are about to made once this [puzzle_color] curtain is peeled from the depths of my [puzzle_color]-strewn psyche.' He nods in satisfaction.[paragraph break]'Oh,' he adds as an afterthought. It's [dc_puzzbit]. That's where the [puzzle_color] paint came from. You're welcome.'". To say dc_puzzbit: say "[if puzzle_color is dph_red]the berries. The berries are red[otherwise if puzzle_color is dph_yellow]the leaves of the [dc_windsigh]. The tree leaves are yellow[otherwise if puzzle_color is dph_white]the snails. Their shells are white[otherwise if puzzle_color is dph_black]the [learn_rayfish_name], that swim in the lagoon at night. Their ink is black[otherwise if puzzle_color is dph_green]the [dc_mussels] down by the boulders. Their shells are green[otherwise]crystal by the waterfall. It matches that blue[end if]". After discussing dc_colorsolution: now puzzle_color is silence; continue the action.

dc_colorundecided is a repeatable beat in DenialC with reaction "[one of]'Oh, now it's [noun], is it?' [the Progue] says, [attitude-business]. 'First [puzzle_color], now [noun], then aquamarine and mauve and gamboge I expect. Listen, [animal-nickname], choosers can't be beggars; you've chosen your color so don't come begging for another one now.' He sniffs indignantly.[or]'Look, [animal-nickname], [puzzle_color] you said and [puzzle_color] it is, and that's it.'[stopping]".

dc_toomanycolors is a beat in DenialC with reaction "'Oh now really, this is too much,' he says indignantly. 'I really can't be bothered with that silly door any more. Figure it out yourself and stop pestering me!'".

tomorrow-flag is a truth state that varies. Waiting-For-Tomorrow is a recurring scene. Waiting-For-Tomorrow begins when tomorrow-flag is true. Waiting-For-Tomorrow ends when Having A Dream is happening or the time since Waiting-For-Tomorrow began is at least 23 hours. When Waiting-For-Tomorrow ends: now tomorrow-flag is false.

Understand "mussel/mussels" as dc_mussels when last beat is in DenialC. dc_mussels is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "mussels" and reaction "'Mmm,' [the Progue] says, rubbing his belly, 'they'd be delicious with a nice pale wine, if such things existed here. I like to imagine they do when I eat them; the delicate green of their shells a rich contrast against the faint yellow sheen of the wine, distorted through the glass...' He sighs in contentment.". small blue mussels references dc_mussels.

Understand "tree/trees/windsigh/vine/holes/leaves" as dc_windsigh. dc_windsigh is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "trees" and reaction "'Hmm,' [the Progue] says absently. 'Yes, I remember them. They gave off such a queer noise. I called them [remember_windsigh_name].' He scratches his chin. 'Now why did I remember that? Windsigh. Curious curious. Haven't seen or been near one for green eons, and there that word pops in.' He frowns. 'That's [dc_creeper] territory over there, if you ring; I stay away and you'd do well to too, too true.'". remember_windsigh_name replaces dc_windsigh. After discussing dc_windsigh: now tree1 is named; continue the action. tree1 references dc_windsigh. Check examining by name some konokuk trees: if dc_windsigh is available, try discussing dc_windsigh instead; if remember_windsigh_name is available, try discussing remember_windsigh_name instead. Check examining by name distant-tree3: if dc_windsigh is available, try discussing dc_windsigh instead; if remember_windsigh_name is available, try discussing remember_windsigh_name instead.

remember_windsigh_name is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "windsigh" and reaction "'The windsigh,' [the Progue] says musingly, [animus-business]. '[one of]All I remember[or]I just remembered. All those little holes in the branches, big and small, even inside their trunk. They're called lacunae[or]Strange little trees[in random order].'". Check examining by name distant-tree3: if remember_windsigh_name is available, try discussing remember_windsigh_name instead. Check examining by name background-scenery: if remember_windsigh_name is available, try discussing remember_windsigh_name instead.

dc_alliremember is a repeatable ephemeral beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and reaction "[one of]'Terrible sorries, can't remember anything else,' [the Progue] says whimsically.[or]'Hmm, can't remember much else about it,' [the Progue] says, scratching his chin.[or]'Surprised I remembered that much,' he mutters.[or]'Sorry, what were we just talking about?' [the Progue] says vaguely.[in random order]". To say all_i_remember: force discuss dc_alliremember.

Understand "heavens/capalla" as learn_capalla_name. learn_capalla_name is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "heavens" and reaction "'Great place for astronomers, astrophiles, astromancers,' [the Progue] says agreeably. 'So many stars, and the great [remember_capalla_name] running through them all. Capalla; that's the galaxy, you know. I named it. I named everything here, every mostly. Why not, really.'". remember_capalla_name replaces learn_capalla_name. After discussing learn_capalla_name: now galaxy is named; continue the action. galaxy references learn_capalla_name.

Understand "capalla" as remember_capalla_name when last beat is in DenialC. remember_capalla_name is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "Capalla" and reaction "'The galaxy's Capalla,' [the Progue] says, 'and to save you some time I won't bore you with my names for all the stars.'".

Understand "food" as dc_food. dc_food is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "food" and reaction "'Plenty to eat,' [the Progue] says. 'There's the [dc_berries], the fish, the [dc_crabs], the [dc_konokuk] fruit[if location is North Beach or location is Rise]...' Progue kicks one of the hairy brown spheres by way of illustration to this last example -- '[otherwise]-- the hairy brown round ones, you know--[end if]even the [learn_rayfish_name] are tender, but damn hard to catch,' he adds with a smile.". After discussing dc_food: now konokuk trees are named; continue the action.

Understand "coconut/konokuk" as dc_konokuk. dc_konokuk is a repeatable beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "konokuk" and reaction "'Just give the konokuk fruits a good solid punch and they'll split right open,' [the Progue] says cheerfully. 'Delicious delicious.'". konokuk trees references dc_konokuk. After discussing dc_konokuk: now konokuk trees are named; continue the action. Check examining by name konokuk trees: if dc_konokuk is available, try discussing dc_konokuk instead. Check examining by name tree-konokuk: if dc_konokuk is available, try discussing dc_konokuk instead. Check examining by name ground-konokuk: if dc_konokuk is available, try discussing dc_konokuk instead. Does the player mean doing anything to dc_konokuk: it is very likely.

dc_fish is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "fish" and reaction "'They're all edible, to varying degrees,' he says [attitude-business]. 'But I've found the more colorful they are, the prettier, but the less tasty. Your experience may differ, being [t]noncorporeal[x].".

Understand "crab/crabs" as dc_crabs. dc_crabs is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "crabs" and reaction "'Sneaky little devils, aren't they?' [the Progue] says with a fond expression. 'Steam up quite nicely. Three or four make for quite some meal.'". crab references dc_crabs.

Understand "berry/berries/bush/bushes/fruit" as dc_berries. dc_berries is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "berries" and reaction "'Mmm,' [the Progue] says, 'I remember the flavor something strongwards. Haven't had any in years and fears; they're in the [dc_creeper] part of the island, if you ring.'". berries references dc_berries.

Progue references dc_name.

Understand "himself/name" as dc_name. dc_name is a beat in DenialC with fuse 9999 and keyword name "[if last beat is dc_name or last beat is dc_name2 or last beat is dc_name3]name[otherwise]himself" and reaction "He bows. 'So pleased to formally make your acquaintance,' he says, straightening with a grandiose flourish. 'I am the hermit without a hermitage, the shipwreck without a ship, the man without a memory. Or a wreck. A shipwreck without a wreck. That's better. Yes. But my personal history, allergic reactions, and [dc_name2], date, place of birth have all become mere hypothetical constructions, lost in unkept corners of the mind. Oh, that's good too. [']Unkept corners.['] I'd write that down if I didn't forget to.'". dc_name2 replaces dc_name.

dc_name2 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "name" and reaction "He looks annoyed. 'I thought I told you,' he begins, 'that I can't remember my---'[paragraph break]He breaks off suddenly, a look of astonishment on his face. 'Oh well and there it is again,' he says faintly. 'How about that. Ten years it's been gone and now there it pops in just again like that. The blessed [dc_name3]. How very very extra-ordinary.'". dc_name3 replaces dc_name2. After discussing dc_name2: continue the action.

dc_name3 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "name" and reaction "'Got it right up here,' he says cheerfully, tapping his head rather forcefully. 'What, you want to know it too? Rather forward of you isn't it? We've only just met!' He pauses, considering. 'Of course, that would provide some insurance against losing it again, I suppose.' He shifts his weight, frowning. 'On the other hand it wouldn't at all, as you're a [dc_real] of my imagination, so if I forget it you're liable to as well. Conundrum.' He taps his foot for a moment, staring off into the horizon, lost in thought.[paragraph break]'On the third hand,' he finally adds, scratching his beard, 'if your figmentation was fermenting in the same slice of mind where my name is, you'd know it already. So mayhaps this could be useful.' He thinks a moment more, then nods and looks you straight in the eye.[paragraph break]'Alright,' he says firmly, '[dc_nameguess2].'". After discussing dc_name3: activate guessing mode; continue the action. dc_nameguess2 replaces dc_name3. dc_postnameguess replaces dc_nameguess2.

dc_postnameguess is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "himself" and reaction "'I'm so happy to have it back!' he says, beaming. 'The name, that is. I'll take better care of it henceforthwithwards, I promise.'". After discussing dc_revealname: deactivate guessing mode; now Progue references nothing; continue the action. dc_png2 replaces dc_postnameguess.

dc_png2 is a repeatable beat in DenialC with keyword name "himself" and reaction "'[one of]Enjoying the [progue-time-of-day][or]Doing fine[or]Fantastic, [animal-nickname], thanks and thanks for asking[or]Quite well, quite well[or]Never better[in random order],' he says, [if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][animus-business][otherwise][attitude-business][end if].".

Understand "guess" as dc_nameguess2. dc_nameguess2 is a beat in DenialC with keyword name "guess" and reaction "'Yes, guess my name,' he says, folding his arms. 'Go on, guess one. Just say it. Blurt one out, do.'". After discussing dc_nameguess2: activate guessing mode; continue the action.

player-name-guess is an indexed text that varies. player-name-guess is "no.guess".

Yourself is either active-guessing or not-guessing. Yourself is not-guessing.

To activate guessing mode:

unless Progue is named begin;

now yourself is active-guessing;

now boredom counter of Progue is 0;

repeat with target running through available beats begin;

unless target is dc_nameguess2, now tempfuse of target is 0;

end repeat;

end unless.

To deactivate guessing mode: now yourself is not-guessing.

[After reading a command when yourself is active-guessing:

if Progue is idle:

deactivate guessing mode; [sanity check.]


let testtext be indexed text;

let testtext be the player's command;

replace the player's command with "guess2 [the player's command]".]

[Guessing is an action applying to one topic. Understand "guess2 [text]" as guessing. Carry out guessing: say "Nothing happens."]

After reading a command when yourself is active-guessing and last beat is in DenialC:

let spoken_word be indexed text;

now spoken_word is the player's command;

if a meta command matches spoken_word begin;

say "[as the parser]Can't use meta commands while guessing. Try again in a moment[as normal].";


end if;

if spoken_word exactly matches the text "no" begin;

force discuss dc_refusetonameguess;

otherwise if spoken_word exactly matches the text "yes";

force discuss dc_nameyes;

otherwise if spoken_word exactly matches the text "guess";

force discuss dc_nameguess2;

otherwise if spoken_word exactly matches the regular expression "\b(listen|nothing|z|wait)\b";

deactivate guessing mode;

force discuss dc_nameyes;

otherwise if the number of characters in spoken_word is less than 3;

let noise be indexed text;

now noise is spoken_word;

if the number of characters in noise is 1, now noise is "[noise][noise][noise][noise][noise]" in sentence case;

otherwise now noise is "[noise][character number 2 in noise][character number 2 in noise][character number 2 in noise][character number 2 in noise]" in sentence case;

say "[one of]'[noise]?' he says skeptically. 'That's a noise, not a name. Come on, now, I thought you were taking this seriously. Try again.'[or][twostrikes][stopping]";

otherwise if the number of words in spoken_word is greater than 2;

say "[one of]'Gesundheit,' he says. 'Sounds like quite a nasty cold you're coming down with there. You might want to try guessing just one name at a time until you're feeling a bit better, so you don't overdo things.'[or][twostrikes][stopping]";

otherwise if the number of characters in spoken_word is greater than 13;

say "[one of]'Same to your mother,' he says, crossing his arms. 'If that's what passes for a name where you come from, I don't believe I care to hear any cursing. Now come on, take this seriously. Guess again.'[or][twostrikes][stopping]";

otherwise if spoken_word exactly matches the text "progue";

deactivate guessing mode;

force discuss dc_guessprogue;

otherwise if spoken_word matches the text "ogue";

force discuss dc_guessnameclose;


if player-name-guess is "no.guess", now player-name-guess is spoken_word in sentence case;

force discuss dc_guessname;

end if;

stop the action.

Instead of getting bored when yourself is active-guessing:

deactivate guessing mode;

force discuss dc_nameyes;

now boredom counter of Progue is 0;

now Progue is attentive.

To say twostrikes: force discuss dc_refusetonameguess. [BUG: This may not work because its coming from a meta action?]

dc_guessname is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "He bursts out laughing. '['][player-name-guess]?[']' he says. 'Is that what you said? No, no. Ah well-oh, let me give you a hint. It rhymes with 'rogue.' You know, like scoundrel, vagabond. Try again?'". dc_guessname2 replaces dc_guessname. After discussing dc_guessname: if dc_rtlhint is unspoken, activate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_guessname2 is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "'Oh, you're so far off,' he says, giggling. 'You were closer with ['][player-name-guess].['] Want another guess?'". dc_guessname3 replaces dc_guessname2. After discussing dc_guessname2: activate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_guessname3 is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "'Ridiculous,' he says. 'Preposterous. I can see you aren't taking this seriously. Very well, I'll just tell you. Here it is.'". dc_guessname3 enqueues dc_revealname. After discussing dc_guessname3: deactivate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_nameyes is a repeatable ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "[one of]'Well, go on,' he says.[or]'Still waiting,' he says.[or][twostrikes][stopping]". After discussing dc_nameyes: activate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_guessnameclose is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "'Close!' he says, jumping up and down on the [surface-material], 'oh ever so ever so close. You've almost got it. Want one last guess?'". After discussing dc_guessnameclose: activate guessing mode; continue the action. dc_guessnameclose2 replaces dc_guessnameclose.

dc_guessnameclose2 is an ephemeral beat in DenialC with reaction "'Ooh, oh! Gushing close, my [animal-nickname]!' he shouts. 'I'm too upended to hold it in much longer; I'll just tell you tell you. Ready? Here it is.'". dc_guessnameclose2 enqueues dc_revealname. After discussing dc_guessnameclose2: deactivate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_refusetonameguess is a beat in DenialC with reaction "'Something Further,' he says, waving a hand dismissively at you, 'there's so little entertainment round here to begin with I would have expected you to be more of a sport. Very well then, I'll tell you. Here it is.'". dc_refusetonameguess enqueues dc_revealname. After discussing dc_refusetonameguess: deactivate guessing mode; continue the action.

dc_revealname is an affinitive beat in DenialC with reaction "Beaming happily at you, he clears his throat dramatically, looks around, then spreads his arms wide and proclaims, 'My name is, my name is, my name is...'[paragraph break]He scratches his head. 'Moisty hells, it's gone again,' he says glumly, then brightens. 'No! Yes! That's it! My name is... Progue!'". dc_revealname enqueues dc_rtlhint. After discussing dc_revealname: deactivate guessing mode; now dc_postnameguess replaces dc_name; continue the action. [[if a random setpiece is enclosed by location]leaps to the top of [a random setpiece enclosed by location][otherwise]spreads his arms wide[end if]]

dc_rtlhint is a beat in DenialC with reaction "He grabs a stick and scratches four quick symbols in the [surface-material], writing right to left. 'Progue,' he says again, nodding and erasing them again, 'an ancient name with a long and noble history and tradition. At least so I like to imagine. Can't remember sausages about my history and traditions unfortunately. Ah well-oh.'". After discussing dc_rtlhint: now dc_postnameguess replaces dc_name3; now Progue is named; now Progue is proper-named; deactivate guessing mode; continue the action. dc_rtlhint cancels dc_nameguess2, dc_nameyes.

dc_guessprogue is an affinitive beat in DenialC with reaction "He laughs triumphantly, flashing a wild grin. 'No, that's not it,' he says. 'Close though. No wait a ment, what did you say? Progue?' He crosses his arms and frowns. 'Actually I suppose that [italic type]is[roman type] the correct name, technically, although your pronunciation was something atrocious. But ah well-oh, never mind never mind.'". dc_guessprogue enqueues dc_rtlhint. After discussing dc_guessprogue: deactivate guessing mode; continue the action.