Blue Lacuna — 277 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - Ambient Messages

[ Each animus has a table of ambient messages associated with it, which add color to the descriptions when the player is near Progue but not speaking to him.]

Every turn when Progue is enclosed by location and Progue is fulfilling and Progue is idle and nothing dramatic is up and we are not going and we are not looking (this is the reporting on Progue rule):

if Progue is being debugged, say "// Progue: reporting on Progue rule (because Progue is enclosed by location ([location of Progue]) and Progue is fulfilling and Progue is idle ([Progue-animus])).";

fire one off by frequency from Progue's animus table.

Table of Progue Default

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
a frequencyan intervalan intervaltexta table-namea thinga number

Table of Progue Ruminating

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]runs his hand through his beard, eyes locked on the horizon[or]emits a satisfied grunt and scratches his knee absently[or]chews his lower lip absently, lost in thought[in random order]."

Table of Progue Scrapbooking

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"Progue [one of]picks up a piece of crystal, rubbing his fingers over and over across its smoothed surface[or]lifts a necklace of shells sadly, letting them twirl in the light[or]rummages through a pile of junk listlessly[in random order]."

Table of Progue Sleeping

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [if the psyche of Progue is emotional][one of]wheezes sickly in his sleep[or]tosses and turns restlessly in his sleep[or]mutters something indeterminable in his sleep[in random order][else][one of]emits a particularly loud snore[or]mutters something indeterminable in his sleep[or]rolls over and scratches himself[in random order][end if]."

Table of Progue Fishing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]walks slowly parallel to shore, flicking his line with one hand and watching the water intently[or]yanks the line suddenly up from the water, but is disappointed to find it empty. With a wry glance in your direction, he returns it to the water[or]flexes his toes happily in the wet sand as he monitors his fishing pole[in random order]."

A fishing-pole is a thing. Understand "fishing pole" or "pole" or "line/bamboo" as fishing-pole. The printed name is "fishing pole". The description is "Simply made out of a length of bamboo, some hairy brown twine, and a carefully sharpened stone hook, the pole looks well-used and often repaired.".

Table of Progue Swimming

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] floats serenely on the surface of the water, eyes closed."
uncommon----"Kicking a little, [the Progue] adjusts his position a bit in some presumably advantageous fashion."
superrare----"[The Progue] suddenly sputters and sinks under water. He surfaces a moment later, treading water and looking down in annoyance.[paragraph break]'Fish up my shorts,' he says shortly, before returning to his floating position again."

Table of Progue Mending

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]finishes mending a patch and studies it critically. With a noncommittal grunt, he turns to another small rip and begins to repair it[or]pricks his finger on the needle and winces[or]sticks his finger through a rip and wiggles it, carefully studying the material from all angles[in random order]."

Table of Progue Hand-Standing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]takes a few steps on his hands, swaying dangerously[or]rebalances his weight to one hand, lifting the other up to scratch his nose[or]kicks his legs back and forth through the air lazily[or]watches a beetle scurry across the ground below his nose with great interest[or]hand-walks in a swaying circle around you[in random order]."

Before discussing when Progue is enclosed by location and Progue is fulfilling and the animus of Progue is hand-standing and is-hand-standing is true: now is-hand-standing is false; say "[one of]With a resigned sigh[or]Shifting position[in random order], [the Progue] [one of]tumbles to the ground[or]lets himself down[or]collapses in a heap[in random order] before leaping spryly to his feet, brushing off his hands.".

Every turn when the animus of Progue is hand-standing and Progue is idle: now is-hand-standing is true. is-hand-standing is a truth state that varies.

Table of Progue Cleaning

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
frequent----"Progue [one of]picks up a broken pot, frowns, and tosses it into a pile of garbage[or]scrubs intently at the dusty surface of the workbench[or]pokes the hardened end of a brush sadly then tosses it into a pile of junk[or]delicately removes a spider's egg sac from the workbench and redeposits it in the windowsill[in random order]."

Noticing-Progue-Cleaning is a scene. Noticing-Progue-Cleaning begins when the animus of Progue is cleaning and ( location is Center Beach or location is Back Room or location is Hut ) and we-are-landmark-going is true. Noticing-Progue-Cleaning ends when Noticing-Progue-Cleaning begins. When Noticing-Progue-Cleaning begins: tidy landmark-go; clean up landmark-go.

cleaning_honeypot is a number that varies. cleaning_honeypot is 1.

Every turn when animus of Progue is cleaning and Progue is fulfilling and a random chance of 1 in cleaning_honeypot succeeds and ( location is Center Beach or location is Back Room or location is Hut ) :

if cleaning_honeypot < 3, increase cleaning_honeypot by 1;

say "[one of]An armful of mouldering paintbrushes[or]A dusty cloud of refuse[or]A broken paint pot[in random order] [one of]flies out[or]sails out[in random order] [if location is Center Beach]of the cabin window, joining a pile of other refuse in the sand[otherwise]the door of the studio, joining a pile of other refuse on the floor[end if].".

Table of Progue Paint-Making

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
frequent----"Progue [one of]sorts through his implements with an annoyed expression, before finally grabbing one and vigorously applying it to the bowl of paint[or]scrapes paint off the sides of a bowl and studies its consistency skeptically[or]adds something that looks like mud from another pot and mixes with vigor[in random order]."

Table of Progue Frog-Catching

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [if caught-frog is true][one of]sings quietly to his frog, stroking it gently[or]strokes his captive frog with one bony finger, smiling peacefully[or]holds the frog up to his eyes and studies it intently[or]whispers quietly to his frog, which seems content in his hands[in random order][otherwise][one of]moves slowly forward on his knees, eyes intent on the marsh vegetation[or]lunges suddenly towards a clump of grass, descending on it with a huge splash, but comes up empty-handed[or]freezes, cocking his head to listen for some noise you can't hear[or]stalks a muddy pool, moving slowly forward with hands outstretched[in random order][end if]."

Caught-frog is a truth state that varies. [ Used when the animus of Progue is frog-catching to determine whether he's caught one.]

Table of Progue Hiding

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
frequent----"[one of]A clatter of rockfall and a whispered curse drift out from[or]The faint rustle of movement comes from[or]A quiet cough and a surussus of falling dirt whisper from[in random order] [if location is Ledge]somewhere in the crack[else]the top of one of the rounded boulders[end if]."

Table of Progue Convalescing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]lets out a whimper of pain[or]rolls his head back and forth, grimacing[in random order]."

Table of Progue Conch-Blowing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
frequent----"[The Progue] turns the conch over in his hands, running fingertips over its pearlescent ridges and bumpy spirals."

Table of Progue Beach-Combing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
frequent----"[The Progue] putters along the beach, gathering everything other than the sand into his hands."
frequent----"[The Progue] darts from here to there, carefully extracting pieces of seaweed and seagull feathers from the wet sand."
common----"[The Progue] takes a few paces into the surf, and flings his handful of debris as far out as it will go. Satisfied, he returns his attention to the beach again."

Table of Progue Hottubbing

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [one of]kicks his legs languidly in the hot water[or]swims to the other side of the pool to a slightly different seat[or]ducks completely under the water for a long moment before returning with a sputter[or]gazes absently at the blue [o]crystals[x] for a long moment[or]leans his head back and looks up at the sky, letting his body float aimlessly in the pool[in random order]."

Table of Progue Resting

freqstart timeend timetexttabletriggerflag
common----"[The Progue] [if psyche of Progue is emotional]sleeps uneasily with labored breathing, his skin looking pale and clammy[otherwise][one of]snores[or]mumbles something in his sleep[or]shifts restlessly in his sleep[in random order][end if]."