Blue Lacuna — 28 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Elevation

An elevation is a kind of value. -1000 feet specifies an elevation. A room has an elevation.

Definition: a room is low if its elevation is 50 feet or less. Definition: a room is uphigh if its elevation is 75 feet or more.

Check going down when the room down from the location is not a room (this is the using elevation to determine which direction is down rule):

if an adjacent room is lower than the location begin;

head to the lowest adjacent room;

do nothing instead;


say "You can't see any way to go down from here." instead;

end if.

Check going up when the room up from the location is not a room (this is the using elevation to determine which direction is up rule):

if an adjacent room is uphigher than the location begin;

head to the uphighest adjacent room;

do nothing instead;


say "You can't see any way to go up from here." instead;

end if.