Blue Lacuna — 257 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Volume - Progue's Behavior (in Lacuna-Progue by Blue Lacuna)

Book - Progue Core

Part - Testing (Not For Release)

Understand "ptrack" as ptracking. Ptracking is an action out of world applying to nothing.

Carry out ptracking:

if progue-window is g-present, shut down progue-window;

otherwise open up progue-window.

The progue-window is a g-window with type g-text-buffer. The main-window spawns the progue-window. The position of the progue-window is g-placeabove. The scale method of progue-window is g-fixed-size. The measurement of the progue-window is 5.

Before reading a command when progue-window is g-present:

move focus to progue-window, clearing the window;

say "PROGUE - [psyche of Progue] - [animus of Progue] (prior: [prior animus of Progue]) [if Progue is wishing]wishing -- progue-venue [progue-venue][else]fulfilling[end if] / [activity counter of Progue] - [if Progue is attentive]attentive[otherwise]idle[end if] - in [location of Progue][line break]";

say "aff: [affinity of Progue] ; pat: [paternalism of Progue] ; sub: [submission of Progue] ; rom: [romance of Progue] / disposition: [disposition of Progue] / archetype: ";

say progue-archetype;

say line break;

say "last beat: [last beat][if last beat is insistent] (insistent)[end if] ; alb: [actual last beat] ; con. fuse: [conversation fuse] ; boredom: [boredom counter of Progue][line break]";

say "curr. ep: [current episode] / curr thread: [current_thread of Progue]";

return to main screen.

To say progue-archetype:

if neurotic dad begin; say "neurotic dad";

else if father knows best; say "father knows best";

else if bitter dad; say "bitter dad";

else if disciplinarian; say "disciplinarian";

else if friend; say "friend";

else if toady; say "toady";

else if lover; say "lover";

else if twitterpated; say "twitterpated";

else if enemy; say "enemy";

else if slave; say "slave";

else if shattered lover; say "shattered lover";

else if bitter lover; say "bitter lover";

else; say "no match";

end if.

Understand "pstatus" as pstatusing. Pstatusing is an action out of world applying to nothing.

Carry out pstatusing:

say "*** [The Progue] status ***[line break]";

say "location: [location of Progue][line break]";

say "1) psyche: [psyche of Progue][line break]";

say "2) affinity: [affinity of Progue][line break]";

say "3) paternalism: [paternalism of Progue][line break]";

say "4) submission: [submission of Progue][line break]";

say "5) romance: [romance of Progue][line break]";

say "disposition: [disposition of Progue][line break]";

say "boredom: [boredom counter of Progue][line break]";

say "animus: 6) [animus of Progue] 7)([if Progue is wishing]wishing[otherwise]fulfilling[end if], activity counter: [activity counter of Progue]; progue-venue: [progue-venue]; prior: [prior animus of Progue])[line break]";

if next animus of Progue is not null-endeavour, say "next animus: [next animus of Progue][line break]";

say "[if Progue is idle]idle[otherwise]attentive[end if][line break]";

say "[if Progue is annoyed]annoyed[otherwise]not annoyed[end if] / [if Progue is friendly]friendly[otherwise]not friendly[end if][line break]";

say "last beat: [last beat] ".

Understand "pgod" as pgodding. pgodding is an action out of world applying to nothing.

Carry out pgodding:

let inp be 1;

while inp is not 0 begin;

clear the screen;

try pstatusing;

now inp is single-character - 48;

say inp;

if inp is 1, now the psyche of Progue is the psychological state after the psyche of Progue;

if inp is 2 begin;

say "Num? ";

now affinity of Progue is ( single-character - 48 ) ;

end if;

if inp is 3 begin;

say "Num? ";

now paternalism of Progue is ( single-character - 48 ) ;

end if;

if inp is 4 begin;

say "Num? ";

now submission of Progue is ( single-character - 48 ) ;

end if;

if inp is 5 begin;

say "Num? ";

now romance of Progue is ( single-character - 48 ) ;

end if;

if inp is 6 begin;

let tempan be the endeavour after the animus of Progue;

Progue starts tempan;

end if;

if inp is 7 begin;

if Progue is wishing, now Progue is fulfilling; otherwise now Progue is wishing;

end if;

end while.

Does the player mean object-debugging Progue: it is very likely.