Blue Lacuna — 252 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Getting To The Lawn


Getting-To-The-Lawn is a puzzle. Getting-To-The-Lawn requires Finding The Power System, Finding The Ropeway, Manipulating The Power System, Noticing The Pipes, and Testing The Ropeway.

After exiting when location is Lawn: now everything required by Getting-To-The-Lawn is met; continue the action.

After going to Volcano Floor for the first time: solve Finding The Power System; continue the action.

After going to Chairlift Base for the first time: solve Finding The Ropeway; continue the action.

After adjusting the blue wheel for the first time: solve Manipulating The Power System; continue the action.

After examining blue pipe for the first time: solve Noticing The Pipes; continue the action.

After pushing ropeway lever for the first time: solve Testing The Ropeway; continue the action.

Doing something to the ropeway mechanism is PTR-solving. Doing something to the ropeway outlet vent is PTR-solving. Doing something to the ropeway pressure gauge is PTR-solving. Doing something to ropeway lever is PTR-solving. Doing something to bucket is PTR-solving. Doing something to boarded over steam vent is PTR-solving. Doing something to brick boiler is PTR-solving. Doing something to boiler pressure gauge is PTR-solving. Doing something to a pipe is PTR-solving. Doing something to a wheel is PTR-solving. Doing something to boiler outlet is PTR-solving.

After PTR-solving: fiddle with Getting-To-The-Lawn; continue the action.


Getting-To-The-Lawn is a puzzle. It requires Setting-Power-To-Chairlift, Summoning-Chairlift, Riding-Chairlift, Pushing-Boulder.

Setting-Power-To-Chairlift is a reversible task. The venue is Volcano Floor. The command-sequence of Setting-Power-To-Chairlift is { "turn yellow wheel 30 left", "turn red wheel 30 left", "turn blue wheel 30 right" }. Definition: Setting-Power-To-Chairlift is complete: if the mountain-spring is diverted, yes; if chairlift has power, yes; otherwise no.

Summoning-Chairlift is a reversible task. The venue is Chairlift Base. Requirements for Summoning-Chairlift: do the action of pulling ropeway lever. Definition: Summoning-Chairlift is complete: if mountain-spring is diverted, yes; if player is in bucket and bucket is not in Chairlift Base, yes; if location is regionally in High Altitude, yes; if bucket is in Chairlift Base, yes; otherwise no.

Riding-Chairlift is a reversible task. The venue is Chairlift Base. Requirements for Riding-Chairlift: do the action of entering bucket; do the action of pushing ropeway lever. A red flag rule for Riding-Chairlift: if bucket is not in Chairlift Base, rule fails. Definition: Riding-Chairlift is complete: if player is in Lawn, yes; if player is enclosed by bucket and bucket is in Lawn, yes; if mountain-spring is diverted, yes; no.

Pushing-Boulder is a task. The venue is Lawn. Requirements for Pushing-Boulder: do the action of pushing overly energetic boulder. Definition: Pushing-Boulder is complete: if location is not Lawn or location is not Observatory Exterior, yes; if mountain-spring is diverted, yes. A red flag rule for Pushing-Boulder: if location is not Lawn, rule fails.

A fast-forward rule for Getting-To-The-Lawn:

move bucket to Lawn;

now the pressure of blue pipe is 7;

now the pressure of yellow pipe is 10;

now the pressure of red pipe is 1;

move the player to Lawn.