Blue Lacuna — 24 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Intervals

The interval is a kind of value. The intervals are dawn, sunrise, morning, midmorning, midday, afternoon, evening, sunset, twilight, night, moonrise, high tide, falling uptide, falling downtide, moonset, low tide, rising downtide, and rising uptide. Understand "daybreak" as dawn. Understand "noon" as midday. Understand "dusk" as twilight. Understand "dark" as night.

Current interval is an interval that varies.

First every turn when location is regionally in Lacuna and we are not landmark-going (this is the deciding which interval is current rule):

update interval.

To update interval:

if dawn begin; now current interval is dawn;

otherwise if sunrise; now current interval is sunrise;

otherwise if morning; now current interval is morning;

otherwise if midmorning; now current interval is midmorning;

otherwise if midday; now current interval is midday;

otherwise if afternoon; now current interval is afternoon;

otherwise if evening; now current interval is evening;

otherwise if sunset; now current interval is sunset;

otherwise if twilight; now current interval is twilight;

otherwise; now current interval is night;

end if.