Blue Lacuna — 17 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Chapter - God Mode

Understand "god" or "backstage" as god modeing. God modeing is an action out of world.

Carry out god modeing:

if out-of-line keywords < 3:

if topics-window is g-present, shut down the topics-window;

change the current menu to Table of God Options;

carry out the displaying activity;

clear the screen;

if Finishing-The-Prologue is complete, try looking;

if out-of-line keywords < 3 and an other attentive person is enclosed by location:

open up the topics-window;

follow the drawing rule of the topics-window.

Table of God Options

"PREMENU"--"From these menus, you can access information on and sometimes change certain variables that Blue Lacuna uses to help tell the story."
"Progue Options"Table of Progue Options----
"Drama Options"Table of Drama Options----
"Puzzle Cheats"Table of Puzzle Options----

Table of Progue Options

"PREMENU"--"Progue is currently in [location of Progue] and in the [psyche of Progue] psychological state. He is [if Progue is wishing]on his way to [progue-venue] for [end if][animus of Progue]. His activity counter is [activity counter of Progue] (usually he'll pick a new activity at 15)[if an episode is playing]. The current episode is [current episode][end if]." [ Based on his scores, if the endgame began now Progue would fall into the [progue-archetype] archetype.]
"Affinity Score: [affinity of Progue]"Table of Progue Affinity----
"Submission Score: [submission of Progue]"Table of Progue Submission----
"Paternalism Score: [paternalism of Progue]"Table of Progue Paternalism----
"Romance Score: [romance of Progue]"Table of Progue Romance----

Table of Progue Affinity

"PREMENU"--"Current Affinity: [affinity of Progue] (If this number is above 0, Progue likes you; if below, he doesn't.) After meeting Progue it's not possible to be 0. The maximum and minimum are based on Progue's current psychological state."--
"Raise Affinity"----Progue-likes-you rule
"Lower Affinity"----Progue-dislikes-you rule
"POSTMENU"--"Press Q to go back."

This is the Progue-likes-you rule: Progue likes you more, silently. This is the Progue-dislikes-you rule: Progue likes you less, silently.

Table of Progue Submission

"PREMENU"--"Current Submission: [submission of Progue] (If this number is above 0, Progue feels submissive towards you; otherwise, he feels dominant towards you.) After meeting Progue it's not possible to be 0. The maximum and minimum are based on Progue's current psychological state."--
"Raise Submission"----Progue-more-sub rule
"Lower Submission"----Progue-less-sub rule
"POSTMENU"--"Press Q to go back."

This is the Progue-more-sub rule: Progue is more submissive, silently. This is the Progue-less-sub rule: Progue is less submissive, silently.

Table of Progue Paternalism

"PREMENU"--"Current Paternalism: [paternalism of Progue] (The higher above 0 this number is, the more fatherly Progue feels towards you.) It's not possible to be less than 0. The maximum is based on Progue's current psychological state. Raising this lowers the romance attribute."--
"Raise Paternalism"----Progue-more-dad rule
"Lower Paternalism"----Progue-less-dad rule
"POSTMENU"--"Press Q to go back."

This is the Progue-more-dad rule: Progue feels more like a father, silently. This is the Progue-less-dad rule: Progue feels less like a father, silently.

Table of Progue Romance

"PREMENU"--"Current Romance: [romance of Progue] (The higher above 0 this number is, the more romantic Progue feels towards you.) Normally, it's not possible to drop this below 0, unless Progue is spurned in this phase, in which it becomes -1. The maximum is based on Progue's current psychological state. Raising this lowers the paternlaism attribute."--
"Raise Romance"----Progue-more-love rule
"Lower Romance"----Progue-less-love rule
"Break Progue's Heart"----Progue-wayless-love rule
"POSTMENU"--"Press Q to go back."

This is the Progue-more-love rule: Progue is aroused, silently. This is the Progue-less-love rule: Progue is losing interest, silently. This is the Progue-wayless-love rule: Progue is heartbroken.

Table of Progue Reset

"PREMENU"--"This can sometimes fix Progue if he gets stuck[if an episode is playing]. WARNING: Since an episode is playing ([current episode]) resetting Progue right now may break the drama manager and prevent the game's narrative from continuing."
"Reset Progue"----Progue-reset rule.

This is the Progue-reset rule:

if an episode is playing, complete current episode;

pick a new activity for Progue.

Table of Drama Options

"[if an episode is playing]Current Episode: [current episode][else]No Current Episode"Table of Episode Status----
"Boredom Meter: [boredom meter][if time for excitement] (Time for excitement)[end if]"Table of Boredom Status----
"Rume Interest Tracker: [Rume-tracker]"Table of Rume Tracker----
"Injury Status: [if yourself is hale]Uninjured[else]Injured[end if]"Table of Injury Status----
"Genders"Table of Gender Status----
"Time Of Day: [time of day] ([current interval])"Table of Time Status----
"Chose [if we chose art]Art[else]Love"Table of Art Love Status----

Table of Episode Status

"PREMENU"--"Episodes control the narrative progression of the story, particularly as it relates to Progue. Using this tool to end vital story episodes may cause the narrative to derail: use with caution."
"[if an episode is playing]End Current Episode ([current episode])[else]No Episode Is Playing"----end-curr-ep rule

This is the end-curr-ep rule: if an episode is playing, complete current episode.

Table of Boredom Status

"PREMENU"--"Boredom Meter: [boredom meter]. As time goes on without any new or exciting events, the boredom meter continually rises. When it gets above [the excitement level], episodes and hint scenes are more likely to be triggered."
"Set Boredom Meter to 0"----reset-boredom rule
"Set Boredom Meter to [the excitement level]"----upset-boredom rule

This is the reset-boredom rule: now boredom meter is 0. This is the upset-boredom rule: now boredom meter is excitement level.

Table of Rume Tracker

"PREMENU"--"Rume Interest Tracker: [Rume-tracker]. Depending on how much interest you show in Rume, this number rises and falls. If it has reached +10 by the endgame, you'll get the Rume-centric epilogue. (If not, you'll get the Progue-centric epilogue, or, if Progue is dead, the player-centric epilogue.)"
"Miss Rume a Lot"----miss-rume-lots rule
"Miss Rume a Little"----miss-rume rule
"Dis Rume a Little"----dis-rume rule
"Dis Rume a Lot"----dis-rume-lots rule

This is the miss-rume-lots rule: miss Rume a lot. This is the miss-rume rule: miss Rume. This is the dis-rume rule: dis Rume. This is the dis-rume-lots rule: dis Rume a lot.

Table of Injury Status

"PREMENU"--"Injury Status: [if yourself is hale]Uninjured[else]Injured[end if]. It's possible to injury your leg in various ways during the game, which changes Progue's reaction to you and affects the ways you can solve various puzzles."
"Switch to [if yourself is hale]Injured[else]Uninjured[end if]"----injury-toggle rule

This is the injury-toggle rule: if yourself is hale, now yourself is wounded; else now yourself is hale.

Table of Gender Status

"Player: [if yourself is male]Male (Change to Female[else]Female (Change to Male[end if])"----player-gender rule
"Rume: [if Rume is male]Male (Change to Female[else]Female (Change to Male[end if])"----rume-gender rule

This is the player-gender rule: if yourself is male, now yourself is female; else now yourself is male. This is the rume-gender rule: if Rume is male, now Rume is female; else now Rume is male.

Table of Time Status

"PREMENU"--"Time of Day: [time of day] ([current interval])[if raining] and raining[end if]. Tide is [tidestatus]."
"Next Interval"----next-interval rule
"Previous Interval"----prev-interval rule
"Force Low Tide"----force-lowtide rule
"Force High Tide"----force-hightide rule

This is the next-interval rule:

if current interval is night, let tmpint be dawn;

else let tmpint be the interval after current interval;

change the time of day to the time corresponding to tmpint;

update interval.

This is the prev-interval rule:

if current interval is dawn, let tmpint be night;

else let tmpint be the interval before current interval;

change the time of day to the time corresponding to tmpint;

update interval.

This is the force-lowtide rule: now the tide counter is 590. This is the force-hightide rule: now the tide counter is 20.

Table of Art Love Status

"PREMENU"--"Chose [if we chose art]Art[else]Love[end if]. This choice colors certain aspects of gameplay and becomes significant in the endgame."
"Switch to [if we chose art]Love[else]Art[end if]"----art-love-switch rule

This is the art-love-switch rule:

if we chose love:

now pr_love is unspoken;

now pr_art is spoken;


now pr_art is unspoken;

now pr_love is spoken.

Table of Puzzle Options

"PREMENU"--"WARNING: This is not a hint mode, but a tool that lets you bypass certain puzzles. The next screen assumes you have familiarity with all the puzzles in the game and might contain spoilers if you haven't already completed it once.
Furthermore, these options may cause execution problems if selected at certain moments during the game. Please save your game in progress before selecting anything here."
"Proceed"Table of Puzzle2 Options----

Table of Puzzle2 Options

"Open Color Door In Shack"----open-shack-door rule
"Increase Power In Steam System"----increase-steam rule
"Teleport to Egg in Rain Forest"----tp-egg rule
"Lower Secret Island Bridge"----secret-bridge rule
"Open Pyramid"----open-pyramid rule
"Mark All Trees Contacted (inventory shows passwords)"----contact-trees rule
"Mark City as Visited"----city-done rule
"Mark Forest as Visited"----forest-done rule

This is the open-shack-door rule: now lava tunnel door is open; if the psyche of Progue is ignorance, now the psyche of Progue is denial. This is the increase-steam rule: now the system power is 30. This is the tp-egg rule: move player to Egg Room. This is the secret-bridge rule: now secret rope bridge is open. This is the open-pyramid rule: remove the pyramid from play; move the mind chair to Observatory Exterior; move the mind machinery to Observatory Exterior. This is the contact-trees rule: now every windsigh tree is contacted; change the tree-password to "itchy"; change the rebel-password to "scratchy". This is the city-done rule: now cl_story7 is spoken; now the player is yourself; now the psyche of Progue is fugue. This is the forest-done rule: now gp_outtro is spoken; now the player is yourself; now the psyche of Progue is fugue.

Table of Stats Mode Options

"PREMENU"--"Stats mode shows you notifications every time significant variables change, such as other characters['] feelings towards you. Turn it on if you want to expose some of the mechanics behind the story.[paragraph break]Stats mode is currently [if stats mode is true]ON[else]OFF[end if]."
"Toggle Stats Mode"----stats-mode rule

This is the stats-mode rule: if stats mode is true, now stats mode is false; else now stats mode is true.

When play begins: if final release mode is false and milestone mode is false, now stats mode is true.

Stats mode is a truth state that varies.

Table of Tutorial Mode Options

"PREMENU"--"The tutorial shows you messages in the earlier parts of the game that help you learn how to interact with the story in Blue Lacuna, and is recommended for both experienced interactive fiction players and those new to the genre.[paragraph break]Tutorial mode is currently [if tutorial mode is switched on]ON[else]OFF[end if]."
"Toggle Tutorial Mode"----tutorial toggling rule